Guide to getting the Achievement: FOUND ALL BLOOD FRAGMENTS!
Welcome to this Guide, here I will show you all the locations for the Blood Fragments in the game.
SPOILER WARNING: If you just started out your first playthrough maybe you should read this after you have finished the game once. There are 22 Blood Fragments scattered around the world of Bloodlust.
Skills you need to have to be able to find all the Blood Fragments:
Vampire Gaze level 2 (7 for Liqour Store maze)
Secret Sight 1 (very useful to find hidden levers)
Warp Level 1 (easier with Level 2 or 3 but not needed)
You also need a few lockpicks
All the hidden locations

Tattoo shop, vampire gaze open hidden wall – 1 Blood Fragment
Poker house, jump to open hidden wall + jump up in vents – 2 Blood Fragments
Tip: Jump on top of the boxes and then jump up on the vent
Snake sewer after Chinatown, behind breakable wall – 1 Blood Fragment
Mansion in snake sewer, vampire gaze hidden room + behind clock – 2 Blood Fragments

Zenchi restricted area, behind hidden wall – 1 Blood Fragment
(Downtown Hotel is Zenchi Hideout, enter restricted area in hotel)
Downtown, (need Warp level 1), 3 corners of the map over buildings – 3 Blood Fragments
Downtown, office, (vampire gaze level 2) – 1 Blood Fragment
Destroy the wooden planks in the hidden room and jump down
Liquore store, vampire gaze labyrinth – 1 Blood Fragment
Very long, you need level 7 of Vampire gaze.
Correct path, far right, far right, left.
Nightclub, right before Club Owner boss – 1 Blood Fragment
Vi Tao Sewers, vampire gaze – 1 Blood Fragments
Wesp Hideout, behind locked prison cell, corner of floor, behind locked door – 3 Blood Fragments
Wesp secret speedrun level – 1 Blood Fragment
Before final boss, stand on platform to open hidden wall – 1 Blood Fragment
Final boss area, vampire gaze or warp up to balcony to open secret door – 1 Blood Fragment
Secret Door behind Sage is open now.
Every Blood Fragment gives a small bonus when drinking elixirs.
After finding them all you will instantly gain 25 attribute points (same as 5 level ups).
You also unlock the hardest achievement in the game!
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