A small guide to a small game. How to get achievements, as well as some details that are not immediately clear.
Plot achievements
Good start
All you need is to brew or cook something at 100% of quality. Most likely this is your first achievement
Maybe next time…
Essentially the same as the previous achievement, but this time you need to finish brewing by 60% or less, i.e. 3 stars or less.
New life, new menu
All you need is to finish the first day.
Truth hurts
Continuation of the previous one. Just finish the second day – achievement is yours.
Say hello to my little friend
The achievement itself is obtained on the third day, no actions need to be done.
Betrayal and love
Finish the last, third day, and you have this achievement.
Achievements for the end of the game
A good ending, you will get it when choosing a right option “Eh… Nothing, really. Thanks for being so quick” during the third day.
Nobody is a winner
The second, respectively, is a bad ending. You will receive it when choosing “The monkey’s hanchman is hiding in my kitchen. You can catch two bastards at ones.” during the last, third day.
Cumulative and collective achievements

You need to examine every single character in the game. There only 5 of them: Frank (Beetle), Mick (Monkey), Sandor (Bull), Melinda (Moth) and Moses (Fox). To explore, click on the magnifying glass when selecting an action.
Librarian racoon
To collect this achievement, you will need to complete the game, as it seemed to me, twice. You need to find all the information from the magazine, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. This is done through communication with the characters and reading the newspaper that appears at the beginning of each day on the left.
High-speed gourmet
The achievement is not as difficult as it may seem. All you need is to cook something in 30 seconds or less. My personal advice is that the easiest way to get this achievement is when making tea. It’s easy enough to memorize the necessary components, a little practice – and the achievement is yours.
Clawville Doesn’t Sleep
In total, you need to make 50 coffees.
Tea Time Every Time
Similar to the previous one. It is necessary to prepare and serve 20 teas. There is a problem with the achievement at the moment.
Something to Bite
The last cumulative achievement. It is necessary to serve 30 foods, however, as in the case of the previous ones, there is a problem with obtaining this achievement.
To be honest, this is an extremely incomprehensible achievement for me. The formulation is most likely incorrect, since achievements, as well as percentages, are disabled in “story mode”. In the normal mode, I tried to get this achievement for 6 attempts, but I did not understand exactly how to get it. As soon as I find out, I will add information about it.
You can change after all…
It’s pretty clear what needs to be done. You need to get all the achievements. However, for the above reasons, it is now quite difficult (if possible at all) to get this achievement. There are two options: either I am great in being a high-rank noob, and I cannot get these achievements (as well as explain to my reader HOW to get them), or we need to wait devs to fix it.
A small afterword

Thanks to Hedera for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.