These are bindings I used for Storm 4 slightly adjusted for Connections. The guide I posted for Storm 4 got decent attention, so I’m re-posting in case you’re one of the people who used it. The best controls are the ones you’re used to.
Default Keybinds

My Keybinds

(Move Forward) I
(Move Left) J
(Move Back)K
(Move Right)L
(Melee) F
(Jump) D
(Chakra) E
(Shuriken) S
(Support 1) Q
(Support 2) T
(Substitution) W
(Block) R
(Left Leader Change) O
(Right Leader Change) P
(Up Item/guard break) N
(Left Item) H
(Down Item) M
(Right Item) ;
Start: Esc
Basically This:
Thanks to Roche for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.