Official Guide from the developer of Trade Post Forest
I will begin filling this guide with information on the game throughout development so come back later for more information.

The Deep Forest
If you stray too far from the trade post you may find yourself in the deep forest. This area is an endless maze of trees, among other things.

Cards can be found hidden around the world.
NOTE: More will be added in the future so you can complete the full deck.
Billiard Balls
If you run into any billiard balls while you explore make sure to grab them. There might be a place where you can use them.
NOTE: More will be added in the future so you can complete the full set.
Statue Parts
Statue Parts can be found laying around near the trade post. Return them to the pedestal to put them back together.
Thanks to Sam for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.