a list of prices of objects as they sell at the Stall
ordered along the price
so far the stars indicate the difficulty level &/or rareness to obtain items or resources
that assessment may change with the game development progress
* * * – easy to obtain, abundant
* * — average difficulty to obtain, some grinding
* —– hard to obtain, rare, very season dependend
? —– undecided yet
+ —– requires
an additional tool, like a bug net
or a buildable object along an obtained/bought blueprint, like a bee hive
this Guide is Work In Progress
most lucrative in First Year
Garlic – good
Onion – good
Plant Revival Potion
just make sure you have enough Morels. if you find Morels growing, collect as many as you can.
Morels are the bottle neck of this source of income. therefore don’t use Morels for anything else if you can replace them with other things, like other Mushrooms for cooking or other sources for an essence. & don’t sell Morels directly at the Stall.
the other two needed ingredients are
- Clay, which is one of the most abundantly present resources &
- Honey, which is cheap to have once you’ve built your Bee Hives.
but even if you outright buy Honey at the Gneral Store in town, it’s worth it.
you can also obtain Honey from wild bees. io to do that you need a Net, which can be bought at the Fishing Shop.
Shell Necklace
consists of 3 sorts of shells, all can be very easily found on the two-three strips of beach. in fact they are as abundant as you’ll run out of the needed Fiber Weed earlier than you run out of the Shells, because you can’t plant Fiber Weed atm. Fiber Weed is one of the 3 weeds on the farm.
Garlic & Onion
grow in all but Frost seasons, which makes them easy to tend plant
& if their essence is extracted & added to the growing plant, the price goes up even higher.
if i get the magical versions of those two i’ll post their prices as well here.
Mixed Wild Herbs
is only partially good to sell, cause it needs Nettle, which is not that abundant to be found & doesn’t grow in game all year long, so Nettle is the bottleneck of this recipe. but all of the other three herbs are available also only after some scavenging & not all year long. so, given the rather average price reward sell with caution.
Crab & Fur (caught Bunny)
once you’ve got your Net (bought from the Fishing Shop), then you can hunt some of the crawling creatures. Crabs are fairly easy to catch, Bunnies, which give Fur are a bit more tricky. since both are abundantly present & replenish constantly, Crabs on the main beach & Bunnies everywhere on land, so both are an easy source of income, even if the selling price is quite low.
Snail, Clay, Stone & Honey
Snails are often found on farm & are one of the pests endangering your plants. you can easily collect them without any additional tool.
you get Clay from digging up Hedgemole hills & while digging at the bumps in the landscape for some other treasures. you can convert Clay into Classic Fertilizer, which halves the selling price, so Clay is still better to sell if you have space at the Stall & nothing better to sell.
Stone is atm of not much use but you get quite a lot of it by removing boulders from the farm & every time you mine for something else, like Copper or Crystals.
Honey has 3 sources.
you can buy it at the Gardeners Shop (Cassandra).
you can collect it in the wild from the Bees you caught with the Net (bought at Fishing Shop/Ahnah & Yutu) & from the wild Bee Hive.
eventually the cheapest & easiest way to collect tons of Honey is to buy a Beehive Blueprint (Carpenter Shop/Rogost) & build some on your farm, where you can just easily collect Honey daily.
most lucrative starting with Second Year – MAGICAL CROPS – * +
- at the very least now is time to rebuild the Well on the farm, ask Rogost
- invest in a blueprint of an Essence Extractor
- invest in a blueprint of a Composter, also buy the Classic Fertilizer recipe from Gardener Cassandra
- invest in a blueprint of a fence
- & btw you can still sell what you were selling in the first year
L I F E essence
good —— 180
excellent – ???

+ V O L C A N O
good —— 150
excellent – 200

S T O R M essence
good —— 105
excellent – ???

M E T A L essence
good —— ???
excellent – ???

M O O N essence
good —— 135
excellent – ???

F O R E S T essence
good —— 135
excellent – ???

D U S T essence
good —— 120
excellent – ???

B L O O D essence
good —— ???
excellent – 160

D E S E R T essence
good —— ???
excellent – ???

A I R essence
good —— ???
excellent – ???

sell at your own discretion, some things might be rarer than you think
advisable is probably to keep a small amount of every resource in storage
& sell only the excess
it adds
one space to the inventory
when used
you might be needing it
is used to build big chests
essences are not sellable
CROPS – * * +
Pumpkin – good —————- 114
Pumpkin – excellent
Tomato – normal —————- 26
Tomato – good
Tomato – excellent
Potato – normal —————– 26
Potato – good ——————- 39
Potato – excellent
Redbeet – normal ————— 20
Redbeet – good —————– 30
Redbeet – excellent ————- 40
Garlic – normal —————— 14
Garlic – good ——————– 21
Garlic – excellent
Onion – normal —————— 10
Onion – good ——————– 15
Onion – excellent —————- 20
Cucumber – normal ————– 10
Cucumber – good
Cucumber – excellent
Cabbage – normal ————–
Cabbage – good —————– 60
Cabbage – excellent
Carrots – normal —————- ?
Carrots – good ——————- 18
Carrots – excellent
Raddish – normal ————–
Raddish – good ——————- 6
Raddish – excellent
? ——- Wolf Perch ————- 32
? ——- Pike ——————– 27
* * * — Bass ——————– 20
? ——- Sky Mackerel ———– 17
? ——- Herring —————– 16
? ——- Roach —————— 14
Thanks to spielerinchen for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.