The Sims 2 Legacy Collection: How to Create Custom Town Maps

Instructions to make your own custom maps for the sims 2 using sim city 4.



Note : SimCity 4 is REQUIRED for making custom maps
This is a guide mainly for windows but I am sure it can be done in proton as well it will just be far more difficult to access the files needed. It emulates a windows pc so many of the files will be in the same place but in the emulated C Drive.

Create Your Map In Sim City 4

Boot up Sim City 4 and either create a new region or use an existing one. Click to open a SMALL
city map (Sims 2 cannot use one of the larger ones). Use the tools given to terra form the map to what you desire, note the Sims 2 will crop this already small map even further to the center so keep this in mind when designing your map. After you formed it to your liking start the city but build only roads and bridges, the roads must all be straight. Any diagonal roads will not show up in the Sims 2 they will just be missing. In the test map shown there are diagonals but this is because I forgot about this.

Transfer The Files The Sims 2

Navigate to the Documents folder in windows explorer locate the SimCity4 folder. This is the root directory where the Sim City 4 files are stored, from this navigate to SimCity4/Regions/”name of your region”/. You should see the .sc4 file for your city in this file like shown. Copy this file.
.After this navigate to EA Games/Sims 2 Legacy/SC4 Terrains/. You will see a series of default terrains and example images. For this test I did not use an example image but as long as its a .png and the correct syntax it will work. For example “name of city”.png will get you the default thumbnail and “name of city”_lush.png will get you a default thumbnail for a lush version of this terrain. Paste your .sc4 file in this folder with the optional thumbnail if you choose to make one.

Create New Town Using The Custom Terrain in Sims 2

Open the sims 2 and select create new town at the end of the list of towns.
Then scroll through the pop up menu listing the terrain options and find the one named after the city in sim city 4.
Name the town then wait for it to build the new city and add all the DLC and your done!

Extra – Adding a Custom Thumbnail to The New Town

To add a new custom thumbnail to the town, navigate to EA Games\The Sims 2 Legacy\Neighborhoods. Then from there located the newest created town, it should have a folder name of N then the town number for example mine is N004. Open this folder. and find the file with the name N(Town number)_Neighborhood.png
Replace this .png with whatever you desire, if you want a good zoomed out screenshot of the map I recommend doing it in SC4 because the sims 2 does not let you zoom out much. when your done it should show up with your custom thumbnail in the neighborhood menu like this.
and.. your done! enjoy your complexly custom made map for your neighborhoods, they can also be used to create new sub destinations as well, Have Fun!

Thanks to naomiobscura for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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