I will look at jazzing up this guide with images down the line, but I thought I might type this out and make a first run of it for the benefit of all of you in survival mode.
So, you want that coveted Popcorn Pete plush? Do you want to fill your room with them, or maybe just pawn it for $150 ($300 if it’s in demand)? Most of you out there who have been playing for a while have probably already figured out the timing of this, but this may benefit those of you who are wondering how to approach this game, since it can take a while to get the full set of cards if you are unlucky or just don’t know what you’re doing.
So, you want that coveted Popcorn Pete plush? Do you want to fill your room with them, or maybe just pawn it for $150 ($300 if it’s in demand)? Most of you out there who have been playing for a while have probably already figured out the timing of this, but this may benefit those of you who are wondering how to approach this game, since it can take a while to get the full set of cards if you are unlucky or just don’t know what you’re doing.
Step 1: Understand the game
Step 2: Pick your machine
Step 3: Learn to time the rings
Step 4: Learn to time the lights
-Did you get your card drop? Pass the next coin through the FOURTH ring. When you succeed in getting a coin through, it takes exactly 4 rings to make it all the way back around to the same spot.
-Did you miss getting the coin through the ring? Try putting the coin through either the third, SEVENTH, or eighth ring that passes by. This takes some experience to know which way to go with this, but know that the above rule doesn’t apply if you didn’t get the coin through. Succeeding pauses the light just long enough for the fourth ring to work, but missing it means that it will go a little farther than you intended, and the fourth one will be late. The seventh is a good one to try, since it takes that little bit of extra momentum from two passes, then subtracts the movement from one ring.
-Did the light land to the left of the card drop? Keep doing the fourth ring for a couple more cycles. Depending on when you hit it, the light may land in exactly the same spot, or the timing will sometimes move it a little to the right. It’s rare (for me at least) to time it so that the light actually moves left.
-Did the light land to the right of the card drop? This is the one that causes problems. You probably aren’t going to hit it by going for the fourth ring anymore. One thing you can try is getting it through the eighth ring, if it is more than one or two to the right. However, there is a better solution. If the light lands within a couple to the right of the card drop, pass one coin through the SECOND ring that comes by, then pass another coin through the FIFTH ring (i.e. the third ring after your first coin). The reason why this is better is because the timing will frequently let you hit the light at 10:00 with the first coin that will give you 3 bonus plays, prolonging your game. The second coin should then land the light right at the card drop or (usually) slightly to the left of it. You can then revert to hitting the fourth ring.
With that, a player will see something like this:
Card drop. Aim for the 4th.
Card drop. Aim for the 4th.
1 light to the right. Aim for the 2nd.
3x bonus plays. Aim for the 3rd.
2 lights to the left. Aim for the 4th.
Card drop. Aim for the 4th.
…And repeat, reacting as needed to your previous result.