This is a complete achievement guide for Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story!
I will be separating this guide into 3 sections:
- Story Achievements – These are unmissable achievements you’ll get by completing the game.
- Collectable Achievements – These are achievements you’ll get for finding each collectable.
- Miscellaneous Achievements – These are the achievements that don’t fit in the other two categories.
Story Achievements
Better On Ice
Freeze a waterfall – Once you unlock the ability to throw an empowered snowball, simply throw it at a waterfall to freeze it, enabling you to climb up it.
Blue Dreams
Dream for the first time – You will unlock this after the first cutscene where Nunu is talking to his mother in his dream.
He’s Famous!
Meet Braum, the Heart of Freljord – You will unlock this once you meet Braum. Simple!
Enchant a krug – When you fall into the pit with the krug, simply walk up to it, play the song displayed above it and this achievement will unlock. Now you can guide the krug as long as you’re playing the song.
The Fire Below the Mountain
Meet Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain – Just like the Braum achievement, you will unlock this when you meet Ornn.
Forge something with magic ice – You’ll reach a point in the story where you need to manipulate true ice. Simply play the song notes above the ice to allow Willump to grab the ice, then head over to the designated area and play the song again to forge something!
No Bites
Find the Jurlberry fruit – Ornn will task you with finding the Jurlberry fruit and a gift from the Kellurel. For this achievement, go to the broken fortress and do the puzzles until you find the berry!
Awaken the Kellurel – Just like the previous achievement, you’ll be tasked with finding the Jurlberry fruit and a gift from the Kellurel. For this achievement, head to the snowy area and do the puzzles to unlock this achievement!
My Darkest Day
Dream for the second time – You will unlock this after the second cutscene where Nunu is talking to his mother in his dream.
The Relentless Storm
Meet Volibear, the Relentless Storm – Just like the Braum and Ornn achievements, you will unlock this when you meet Volibear.
A Tragic Reminder
Find the frozen wild yetis – You will get this achievement when you walk into the room with a lot of frozen yetis.
3000 Year Blackout
Activate Ramshara, the forgotten city – You will unlock this once you enter Ramshara and do the sound puzzle at the Anivia statue.
So Close
Dream for the third time – You will unlock this after the third cutscene where Nunu is talking to his mother in his dream.
You Get Used To It
Survive the avalanche with Braum – You will unlock this after you do the sledding sequence with Braum.
Free Willump – You will unlock this after you have snuck into Frostguard Citadel and rescued Willump.
Biggest Snowball Ever
Complete the Biggest Snowball Ever sequence – You will unlock this after you escape from Frostguard Citadel.
Freeze The Ice Witch
Defeat Lissandra – You will unlock this achievement after the final boss fight against Lissandra.
It Is Not Over
Complete the Epilogue – You will unlock this achievement once the final cutscene starts playing after the final boss fight.
Feels Familiar
Find one mural – Murals are hidden all over the game. They are slates with drawings on them and covered with vines. Once you find one, Nunu will ask Willump to put him down if you are currently riding him. Walk up to the mural and press the interact button. You will then unlock a small snippet of lore based on the mural.
It Was Him
Find all the yeti murals – This will unlock once you have found all murals. If you have done it in order, you’ll find out who painted them!!!
Cutie Poro
Help one sad Poro – Much like murals, poros are hidden all over the game. When you are close to one, you’ll find a few poros outside of the room where the sad poro is. This should help you find them easier. Just like the murals, simply walk up to the sad poro, press the interact button and you will feed the poro a total biscuit of rejuvenation!
Braum’s Poro Ranch
Help all the sad poros – This will unlock once you have found all of the sad poros.
Notai Notes
Find one stanza of the Notai Song – Just like the other two collectable types, there are stanzas hidden around the game. When you are close to a stanza, they will make a loud chime noise to help notify you that you are near one. Once you find it, walk up to it and play the correct notes as they appear. If done correctly, you’ll unlock the stanza and you can read it in the glossary! Nunu will talk about the lyrics of each stanza as you find them.
One From The Heart
Complete the Notai Song – This will unlock once you have found all of the stanzas. You’ll also find out who wrote the song!
I Broke It

Break a snow figure made by Willump – Every now and then, Willump will randomly make a snowman. All you have to do is walk into it and it’ll break. Throwing a snowball at it might also work!

Throw a snowball into Willump’s open mouth! – Willump will occasionally open his mouth. Throw a snowball into it and this achievement will unlock. Throwing snowballs at Willump will also cause him to open his mouth so you can keep throwing them at him and get this achievement quickly!
Boom Things

Three booms in a short time are better than one – This achievement is quite simple. During the story, you’ll have to throw snowballs at plants to activate them. You’ll encounter multiple scenarios in which there are multiple plants close to each other. All you have to do is throw three quick snowballs at three different plants and this achievement is yours.
True Legends

Win a fight against multiple enemies without ever being hit – This achievement is easier than it sounds. The second opportunity you have to encounter enemies is at the start of the game. You’ll see three ice wolves guarding an area with a hidden mural. Simply fight these wolves without being hit to unlock the achievement. The combo I’d recommend is Light Attack – Light Attack – Heavy Attack (Knock Up) – Light Attack – Light Attack. This should kill a wolf from max health. The wolf will then drop to the ground and allow you to execute a finishing move on it. I’d highly recommend using a finishing move as it dodges other enemies attacks and I believe it also resets their aggro timer on you.
Rhythm of Willump

Make Willump Dance – This achievement is very simple. All you have to do is play your instrument next to Willump and he’ll start dancing!
Snowy Poro

Hit a poro with a snowball – Another easy achievement, simply throw a snowball at a poro when you find one. Poros are also nearby Sad Poros so you should be near a collectable!
Never Gets Old

Hug Willump – My personal favourite achievement. All you have to do is walk up to Willump when you aren’t riding him and hold the interact button. How cute!
The Finisher

Defeat 25 enemies with a finisher – A self explanatory achievement. While in combat, once you deplete an enemies health, you’ll have a button appear above their heads. Hold down the button to perform a finisher. You’ll regain health and get a cool cinematic. Do this 25 times and the achievement is yours.
On The Rocks

Freeze an ice wolf – Once you unlock the ability to throw an empowered snowball, get into combat with an ice wolf and throw an empowered snowball at it.

Win all the snowball fights against Willump – Throughout the game, you’ll encounter areas where Nunu and Willump have snowball fights. Win all three to unlock this achievement. They get progressively harder but they aren’t much of a challenge. Spam the snowball button as much as possible and you should win easily. In the later fights, make sure to dodge Willump attacks with the dodge button (O on a Playstation controller and B on an Xbox controller).
Vertical Power

Activate 5 consecutive climb boosts – To activate a climb boost, you have to press the jump button as you land on a climbable surface. In the later parts of the game, you’ll have multiple opportunities to get this achievement. Simply climb on the surface and time your button presses wisely. The boost timing is quite generous so it shouldn’t be too hard to obtain.

Activate 20 boosts while sledding – While in the multiple sledding sequences, you’ll see shiny boost surfaces on the track. Slide over them to activate a small speed boost. Do this 20 times throughout the game to unlock this achievement.
Deadliest and Biggest Snowball Ever!

Defeat 50 Frostguard soldiers using the biggest snowball ever – During the sequence at the end of the game in which you escape from Frostguard Citadel, you’ll be rolling up The Biggest Snowball Ever! Roll over 50 of the guards to unlock this achievement. There are quite a lot of guards so this achievement should be very easy to obtain.

Eat a bunch of berries offered by Willump – Sadly I don’t know how to get this achievement yet. My guess is to stand near some berries and wait for Willump to walk over to you. This is currently a WIP and I’ll update this section once I figure it out.
Snowball Fightn’t

Hit Ornn with a snowball – This achievement is pretty easy to get but commonly missed (Only 7.2% of players have it as I’m writing this!). Once you meet Ornn, you’ll be tasked with making a cauldron. Once this is done, he’ll ask you to gather two items for him. You’ll be in the room with him at this point. All you have to do is look at him and throw a snowball. Easy!
The Pied Piper Of Freljord

Enchant an Elnük with the Flute – All you have to do for this achievement is find an Elnük (The llama, yak, deer looking thing) and play your flute. You don’t have to play a specific song, simply spam the flute buttons nearby to an Elnük and this achievement should unlock.
Handy Yeti

Defeat 6 enemies using the environment – I’m not too sure how to unlock this achievement. Judging by the picture, you have to use the blast cones (The orange/red plant) while in combat to defeat 6 enemies. I’ll update this section as I find out more information. This section is currently a WIP.
Rock Star

Complete the Ramshara drums sequence without failing – I believe this achievement is self explanatory, however, I believe I did this and didn’t unlock this achievement. Either it is bugged or I don’t fully understand it. I will update this section once I find out new information. This section is a WIP.
We Are Speed

Complete all sledding sequences without taking any damage – This achievement is very self explanatory. Simply play through the game and you’ll come across sledding sequences. Make sure to jump over the spiky vines and try not to hit anything else on the way down. This may take a few attempts but there is a chapter select once you complete the game so you an always go back and retry if you need to. I would also recommend, once you get hit, you can also pause the game and restart from the last checkpoint. This should allow you to retry the sequence. However, make sure to restart before you finish the sledding sequence as there is usually a checkpoint once you pass the finish line.
Sneaky Notai

Sneak into the Frostguard Citadel without being detected – For this achievement, you’ll have to reach the end of the game where you’re sneaking into Frostguard Citadel to rescue Willump. Complete this section without getting spotted and the achievement is yours. If you fail, you can always retry the mission from the chapter select once you have completed the game.
(Side Note: All of the Riot Forge games are phenomenal and they are well worth your time. Please give them all a try if you ever have the time!)
Thanks to 쌔우 for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.