Achievement guide for Rune Factory 3.
The guide is a work in progress. It will be updated as I progress the game and learn more. Please feel free to give feedback.
This guide is meant to be a help for you to achieve 100% STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS for a juicy 100%. This will be a work in progress and it will be updated as I go through the game.
At first, the info will be a little scarce. I need time to properly divide the achievements into categories, and to write info about them.
Platinum Achievement
Hero of Sharance
- Proof that you’ve obtained every achievement!
“First” Achievements
First Shipment
- Your shipments will spread smiles wherever they go. Don’t forget that!
The Shipment box is found down in your farming area. Pick up and hold the item to insert it into the shipping bin. AFAIK, you cannot retrieve an item you have shipped, so be careful.
First Date
- You do remember your first date, right?
You can start dating once you have 7 friendship hearts. You can click “Tab” or whichever button it promps on the chat to ask them to come along with you. As long as you’re on 7 hearts, bringing them to the Icy Rosebush counts as a date. It’s found on the right side in the icey area.
First Catch
- There’s nothing like that feeling of landing your first fish!
The first quest from Carmen awards you a fishing rod.
You can either craft a fishing rod in the forge, or you can buy a fishing rod from Gaius for 1800G. Go to any water you see fish in, and you’ll land this achievement.
First Monster Friend
- Sometimes you don’t need words to connect with someone—especially if that someone is a monster.
You can tame any monster by giving them food you have cooked. There will come a heart, and either it will grow large (which means you have tamed it) or you will have a skull which shows you didn’t tame it. Continue until the monster is tamed.
First Cold Caught
- Everyone catches a cold sometimes, right? Remember to give your body plenty of rest.
This one is earned by staying up too long. Around ~6AM you will catch a cold if you haven’t gone to bed yet.
From a comment made by FallenAmberCloud, they said that you are not guaranteed a cold. I personally got it first try, but it would be a good tip to save just before and keep retrying (or try different nights).
- It feels wonderful to help others. Another day, another person out there who could use your help!
Shara will have a request for you pretty early. You’ll be asked to greet everyone, and eventually it progresses and she wants you to ship an item. Report back to her each time, and you’ll get your reward & achievement.
First Bath Taken
- There’s nothing more relaxing than an evening dip by the light of the moon. She has risen. Do you feel her pull?
Go to the bath house in the building that Sakuya and Pia works. Go talk to Pia about taking a bath. It costs ~500G to take a bath.
Festival Achievements

These achievements are allegedly earned by getting 1st place in each event.
A video for each event will be added when I get to all the events.

- Proof of your victory in the Bean Toss Contest. What’s with all the flying flops anyway?
The first Event you will face in the game. I recommend saving your game on the day if you would like to try more times. Getting hit just once by the Failed Dish will reset your multiplier to 0.
The brown beans award more points than the green ones, however it is more important to pick up something than nothing. You have some room to miss, but not too much.
Video of my 1st place.
Spring 15th
Fishing Frenzy Contest Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Fishing Frenzy Contest. You fished like there was no tomorrow.
Spring 19th
De-Fluffing Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the De-Fluffing Festival. Don’t you just want to bury yourself in that giant wooly’s fluff?
The De-Fluff festival is about “shearing” as much wool as possible off of the big wooly. Amount of points varie from weapon to weapon. The big ones give around 110 per hit, and the smaller 60/55/22.
My strategy for winning this festival is to use something fast & light. I personally used Acutorimass (Dual Blades) but the Spoon (Short Sword) is also good. The best strategy is to try to lock the big wooly in a corner or a side, so you can keep hitting it. You can keep stunlocking it over and over. I found the point tally you need to beat is around ~6000-6500.
Video of my 1st place.
Spring 28th
Spring Harvest Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Spring Harvest Festival. Your entry shone above the rest.
The Spring Harvest Festival isn’t too hard to win in your first year. Most crops at a high level should be fine. Pink Turnips are a fairly easy crop to do, as they only take 3 days per harvest, however the crops that take a longer time score higher points.
To get your crops in a higher level, you want to harvest them with your sickle (you won’t get the crop, but you get a seed for the next level). I recommend having a seperate patch to either focus on leveling all or just one crop outside of your money making just to be ready. I also recommend shipping at least 1 of your highest level of that crop before 5PM on the 27th. Good luck!
Summer 15th
Big Catch Contest Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Big Catch Contest. You really know how to reel in the big ones!
This contest was fairly easy. The 2nd place had 52 cm, so it wasn’t anything too crazy to beat. I went into Oddward: Cavern Pond. Found several above 100 cm, and my highest catch was 150 cm.
Video of my 1st place:
Summer 28th
Summer Harvest Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Summer Harvest Festival. Your entry was practically glowing.
Same as Spring Harvest, pick a crop of your choosing and level it as much as you can before the harvest festival, and it should be an easy win.
Autumn 5th
Eating Contest Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Eating Contest. Just make sure you don’t forget to chew.
This one can be a little bit tricky actually, however I recommend just focusing on getting the big dishes. I noticed Sherman got a lot less points (because I stole the food he gained points from) when I did that. I ended up winning with over 2000 points (I had 6500, and 2nd place had 4400).
Video of my 1st place:
Autumn 15th
Squid Catch Contest Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Squid Catch Contest. Your skills are truly ink-redible.
This one seemed very luck based. Feel free to leave any tips in the comments.
Personally what I did was head to the “Rainbow Falls” all the way to the east. I found 6 squids, and I won as the 2nd place got 3. Other times I lost with 4-5.
Autumn 19th
Turnip Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Turnip Festival. You really know how to turn up the heat!
The trick to this one is to get good combos. If you hit more turnips with the same bullet, it doubles its value. If you manage two hit 1-3 turnips before hitting a golden one, the value will increase exponentially. Just hitting a single regular turnip before a gold doubles it from 300 to 600 points. Try to always go for combos, and try to make sure you get all golden turnips.
Video of my 1st place:
Autumn 28th
Autumn Harvest Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Autumn Harvest Festival. Your entry had that extra sparkle.
Same as Spring Harvest, pick a crop of your choosing and level it as much as you can before the harvest festival, and it should be an easy win.
Winter 1st
Turnip Flurry Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Turnip Flurry. Apparently they throw snow instead of turnips in some places.
The trick here is to focus only on the golden turnips. If there aren’t any, feel free to just use any turnip, however always focusing on picking up the golden turnip makes others unable to score 500, & you score the same amount as ~6 regular throws. At the end there will be a big drop, spam the golden ones as much as possible.
Video of my 1st place:
Winter 15th
Fish Variety Contest Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Fish Variety Contest. No fish is safe from your hook.
Visit various locations. Privera Forest, Sol Terrano, Oddward Valley etc to fish.
Winter 28th
Winter Harvest Festival Trophy
- Proof of your victory in the Winter Harvest Festival. Your entry left everyone starstruck.
Same as Spring Harvest, pick a crop of your choosing and level it as much as you can before the harvest festival, and it should be an easy win.
Relationship Achievements
Met Everyone
- An achievement to commemorate all the connections you’ve made on your journey.
This achievement unlocks after you have talked to everyone, which does not include just everyone in town, but there are three Univir in the Univir Settlement to talk to as well. That place is located further into the Desert. Do note, the enemies are a bit stronger here than the forest, so be careful if you’re still early in the game.
Friends with Everyone
- Proof of your enduring friendships. May you always bask in the warmth of these connections.
In this game, friendship does not decay. You will gain friendship points by talking & gifting. This will also allow you to date once you reach a high enough relationship with the bachelor(ette).
You will be able to date your significant other once you hit 7 hearts of friendship.
The requirements for marriage are:
- 10 hearts with your date.
- Double bed
- All relationship building events have been seen/completed
- Solved the Sharance/Univir villagers conflict.
- An engagement ring [recipe received after the conflict, in the Unity Festival]
Now you can propose to your significant other. You will have to invite them to a date by the Icy Rosebushes, and if she is ready to marry you, then you are able to bring out the ring at the end of the date to propose.
Here’s a guide for gifts on Steamcommunity.
Wedding Anniversary
- Proof that you’re married. May you both live happily ever after!
Just before you’re about to get married, your spouse will be disappear. You have to ask around the whole town for help. Specifically it was Carlos and Carmen who gave me the crucial information. After a while you will have to ask Marjorie, then Ondorus for help. Once he’s said he will help, you can meet him at the beach. There he and Marjorie will open the Dragons Cave for you.
There are some things to note, as in this dungeon there are some things you will need to proceed.
I’m going to assume the requests are the same for everyone, though I cannot confirm.
Every time the statue asked for something, I got asked for crops. These specific crops in order:
x4 Pink Turnips for the first one
x4 Cucumbers for the second one
x6 Spinach for the third one
x4 Turnips for the last one.
If you have shipped all crops by now, this shouldn’t be an issue, as they should at some day be available in the shop if you didn’t stock up. At the end of the dungeon is a boss fight, and once you made it through, you will finally be able to save your spouse and marry. This will pop alongside “Completed the game”.
Birth of a Child
- Will they grow up happy and healthy? All you can do is love and support them.
Keep chatting with your spouse every day, and eventually they will ask you about a kid. After a while your kid will be born. I believe you need to talk to your spouse to make the scene happen. Each kid born skips a full ingame year.
5th Year Anniversary
- Think back on all that has happened… May you cherish each and every memory.
This should come fairly naturally, but if anything you can just go to sleep over and over. I had three years skipped just from getting three kids.
Completion Achievements
Completed the Game
- Congratulations! This humble achievement serves as proof of your accomplishments.
Just before you’re about to get married, your spouse will be disappear. You have to ask around the whole town for help. Specifically it was Carlos and Carmen who gave me the crucial information. After a while you will have to ask Marjorie, then Ondorus for help. Once he’s said he will help, you can meet him at the beach. There he and Marjorie will open the Dragons Cave for you.
There are some things to note, as in this dungeon there are some things you will need to proceed.
I’m going to assume the requests are the same for everyone, though I cannot confirm.
Every time the statue asked for something, I got asked for crops. These specific crops in order:
x4 Pink Turnips for the first one
x4 Cucumbers for the second one
x6 Spinach for the third one
x4 Turnips for the last one.
If you have shipped all crops by now, this shouldn’t be an issue, as they should at some day be available in the shop if you didn’t stock up. At the end of the dungeon is a boss fight, and once you made it through, you will finally be able to save your spouse and marry. This will pop alongside “Completed the game”.
10,000,000 Gold Saved
- Are you a skillful saver or just a ruthless businessman? Either way, this achievement commemorates your massive fortune.
This will be updated with more expensive stuff after a while, as I’ve first focused on the first year:
During Spring, I planted Moondrop seeds bought at “Fantastic Flowers”. I only kept these at level 1.They cost 70 gold, and sold for around 600.
During Summer, I planted Fireflowers bought at “Fantastic Flowers”. The buy price is 260 gold, and you can sell them for 1200 at the lowest level.
During Autumn I planted carrots from the “Diamond General Store”. They are bought for 100 gold, and sold for around 590 gold. Again, at level 1 only.
During Winter, I planted Leek. These cost 120 gold, however instead of selling them, I leveled my forging up to 30, which is the lowest level you can be to craft Twin Leeks (with 10% chance). I then crafted ALL my Leek into Twin Leeks, which sold for 3939 per piece instead of around ~1k for 2 Leek. I made around 950k that winter, and got over 20 levels in forging. It is great value, not only for money, but you can get your Forage up a sizeable amount.
For year 2 I recommend just going with whatever you feel most comfortable with as by that time your tools should be fairly upgraded, so anything is fast. You could focus on planting the same things and level them up.
During Autumn of year 2 I did some of the same strategy as my first winter, and I crafted 1 carrot into a Veggieblade. You need a minimum level of 49 in forging to do this, and it’s your route up to level 71 to get the last set of max tools. The Veggieblades also sell for 2260, and only require a single carrot as said.
There are many endgame products and seeds I haven’t gotten to yet which are probably more efficient, but as of now I have 1.5 million and I am very comfortable economically until I can the big seeds which sells for a lot more.
Endgame grind:
The easiest and best option I found during my playthrough was to make Invinciroids:
Using “Autumn grass”, with at least level 73 Pharmacy, you can make Invinciroids. They require Formuade [x1 Autumn Grass @ Level 57 Pharmacy] & Invinciroud [x1 Formuade, x1 Autumn Grass @ Level 73 Pharmacy]. They sell for 45620G at level 1, so only 220 of these are required to get 10 million. One full harvest with all full seeds during autumn will give you x324 Autumn grass, which converts into 162 Invincirouds == 7 390 440 net per harvest. You should be able to make two of these harvests in a single Autumn, especially if you apply Formula A, B or C.
All Items Shipped
- You’ve mastered Rune Factory 3 Special. This achievement commemorates your efforts.
A full list of items will come, though I will provide some quick tips:
Use the Sharance Mazes to gather items. The chests drop a lot of various cooked items, materials & weapons/accessories etc, which saves you not only a lot of time, but a lot of materials as well. I recommend leveling up Pharmacy/Forging/Crafting to around level 90 either either way so you are able to make anything you’d need.
You can get recipes for all the various items you can craft/cook/forge by purchasing Recipe Bread from Blaise. He will sell a varied amount every single day, and he’s available from around 6:30 to talk to & purchase from. He’s located right next to the Inn.
Reached Level 100
- You’ve finally made it all the way to level 100, but your journey doesn’t end here. How far will you go?
This should come fairly naturally by completing the other achievements, however you might find yourself leveling up to do all the mazes. The absolute easiest way to level up is to reach Pharmacy level 89 & create “Levelizer” using a single 4 Leaf Clover. I believe the 4 Leaf Clovers will unlock in the shop in the endgame, probably after you beat the main story.
Met Everyone
- An achievement to commemorate all the connections you’ve made on your journey.
This achievement unlocks after you have talked to everyone, which does not include just everyone in town, but there are three Univir in the Univir Settlement to talk to as well. That place is located further into the Desert. Do note, the enemies are a bit stronger here than the forest, so be careful if you’re still early in the game.
Monster Barns Maxed Out
- You’ve made homes for monsters you haven’t even met yet. Thank goodness Daria didn’t build these.
After you have beat the Tanuking in Privera forest, you will be allowed to build a barn.
You can purchase the Barn essentially for free, as Gaius/Raven only requires you to have the wood for it. It costs 40 wood to purchase it, and IIRC it’s 1 room you get. You can upgrade it four times, which costs a decent amount of wood. Please give me a tip in the comments if you remember the exact costs per level. I think it starts out around ~60-80, and there’s ~4 upgrades, and the last one costs around ~160 wood. You can estimate around 400+ wood to max the barn completely.
Sharance Maze Achievements
The Sharance Maze can be accessed in the bottom floor of the Sharance Tree, on the left side.
The Dungeons serve as a sort of “mystery dungeon” where you go from room to room to fight monsters, and/or a boss to end the level. The first levels are fairly easy, however as you go further along you might notice they actually get somewhat challenging.
What I can recommend is that if you’re struggling with these mazes, just save them for last. You’re likely going to have to go through a fairly big process of leveling up your forging, crafting and pharmacy either way, which in turn means you will have better gear available.
Farming will help raise your skills a lot too. When you’re farming, and it is time for harvesting, often there are drops. These drops will either level up a random skill or boost your Strength (your base attack power), your Vitality & Intelligence (not sure what exactly these boost, but likely it’s a defense related stat).
Tips for preparation of the hardest mazes:
- Good gear and a good weapon. Personally I used dual blades (the Dragon Claws) and I applied Legendary Scales which gives you regen per hit. You could buff your items a lot more than I did. I also recommend getting Fairy Boots and an accessory of your choice. Personally I used “Champion Belt” as it gave me a lot more health.
- Level up your gear. It can go as high as level 10, so anything helps.
- Bring a companion & level them up. If you do this from the start & give them a good weapon/accessory they will be useful. AFAIK you can ask anyone. I brought my wife Sakuya.
- Bring Invinciroud, it does not only heal you, but gives you extra HP (until your hp wears down). Useful for boss fights. The easiest formula for it is at level minimum level of 73, where it is only formuade & autumn grass. Formuade can be made with only autumn grass at 66. If you can’t make invincirouds, generally any food item you can make that restores a lot of HP is recommended.
- Levelizer & Heart drink. The levelizer levels you up which boosts your hp and your stats, and can be made by only using a single 4 leaf Clover, however it requires level 89 pharmacy. I recommend making 200-500 of these to make the mazes easier. The easy recipe of heart drink can be made at minimum level of 46. It only requires a green crystal to make.
- Unless you got resistance for it, bringing para-gone and antidote potions can be useful as you will get paralyzed/poisoned a decent amount of times.
Forest Hunt
- Proof that you’ve cleared the Forest Hunt in Sharance Maze.
For this achievement, you will need to complete the Forest Quest (Rec. Level: 15), Mystery Tree (Rec. Level: 30) and the Forest Hunt (Rec. Level: 45).
Desert Summer
- Proof that you’ve cleared the Desert Summer in Sharance Maze.
For this achievement, you will need to complete the Desert Summer (Rec. Level: 60) maze.
- Proof that you’ve cleared the Volcano in Sharance Maze.
The Ice Fang
- Proof that you’ve cleared The Ice Fang in Sharance Maze.
The Grimoire
- Proof that you’ve cleared The Grimoire in Sharance Maze.
Dragon Ruins
- Proof that you’ve cleared the Dragon Ruins in Sharance Maze.
The Dragon Maze is the 2nd last maze, and it is 12 floors. It’s somewhat trivial compared to the mystery maze, but be fully prepared as the bosses can still do good chunks of damage.
Mystery Maze
- Proof that you’ve cleared the Mystery Maze in Sharance Maze.
The last maze in the game, and it is 20 floors. I recommend being fully prepared, with a lot of HP, good gear & good stats. Bring lots of Invinciroids/any food with good healing & the best possible weapon you can forge if you want to make it as trivial as possible.
Thanks to lePzycho and alphabetsoup for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.