Want to get those cool toys the other Mul-T players are messing with, but don’t know how? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here I’ll tell you how to get the achievements for the Scrap Launcher, Power Saw, and Power Mode achievements, along with stuff relating to those achievements and a couple tips on how to use them!
Preparation work

- This should be quite simple if you play the game for over 1 hour. Just start a run, finish the first teleporter, repeat 4 more times, and boom! You have Mul-T, the main character of this guide!
- This is required for ALL of these achievements, so make sure you have him!
- This is a significant difficulty increase from the previous one, but this should be simple if you have a good sense of speed. Something to note is that the game counts the IN-GAME timer, so you can pause the game or go to the Bazaar and take an hour and still get it as long as you get to the chest by the time the timer hits 10.
- First, you’ll want to choose a character with more mobility options, such as Loader or Huntress, but you can do this with slower characters like our star Mul-T, Rex, or even Captain.
- Secondly, you’ll want to spend very small amounts of time per stage to get to the chest in time, about 4 or 3 minutes a stage. This is to assure you have time to look for the chest and still be able to open it.
- If you can find the newt altar on stage 2, you can try to activate it, but unless you know you have enough time to spare, do NOT dedicate a search for it. You’ll be wasting time that way, which we DON’T want to do.
- Finally, once you’ve reached Rallypoint Delta, you should be able to find the Timed Security Chest easily due to the two or three flashing light poles next to it. Once you locate it, open it and claim your prize!
- This is required for one of the three achievement in this guide, so not having this unlocked will cause you to be unable to get that achievement.
While not required for any of the achievements, the following item is quite helpful with one of them, so I would recommend you to unlock it, but it’s fine if you don’t.
- This is quite simple, as all you need to do is obtain 5 different orange-tier items. You’ll unlock this naturally, like our protagonist Mul-T. This shouldn’t discredit it’s use, however, as even outside of this guide fuel cells are very handy.
Getting the Scrap Launcher

- Beetle Queens spawn as bosses exclusively on the maps Titanic Plains, Distant Roost, Wetland Aspect, and Abandoned Aqueduct, and rarely during a family event on Sky Meadow.
- If you go for this, you should NOT pick up focused convergence, as it will not help you defeat the beetles, but rather increase the chance of you leaving the zone on accident. Instead, go for damage increasing items, like the crit glasses or the armor piercing rounds. If you really want a lunar, pick up shaped glass.
- To help you get two queens, you can pop a mountain shrine to increase the challenge of the event, usually by adding another boss, which will help us here.
- Of particular note is the pesky Beetle guards, who will deal a sizeable amount of knockback. Either take them out from a distance or avoid them, eliminating or minimizing this issue.
- When taking out the queens, it is recommended to be close to them. There’s only one issue: queens spit out high-damage acid if you get too close. Putting a bit of distance between you and your target using the nailgun or the rebar puncher can help quite a bit getting this.
Once you’ve gotten this, what should you do with it?
- Personally, I combine it with the nailgun to have the nailgun be a reliable source of dps and the scrap launcher be a source of burst damage, similar to a special that mul-t doesn’t have by default.
- The launcher reloads even when it isn’t active, allowing you to use your other weapon while your scrap is down.
- Crunching some numbers, the reload is 2.5 seconds long. With a single Purity, you can bring this down to 0.5 seconds and make it significantly faster to pump out consistent DPS, at the cost of a lower chance for procs. With the Alien Head red, you can take 3 of those to bring it down to 1 second. Despite the lower reduction rate of the Alien Head, and need for stacking for it to be a noticeable reduction, if you haven’t unlocked the Purity (that being beating the game on monsoon difficulty), or want to use a proc-heavy build, you can still use the Alien Head if you want a faster reload. Just note that it’ll be a bit more more difficult to pull off.
Getting the Power-Saw

- As shown earlier in the preparation section, the Preon Accumulator is an unlocked item. You’ll need to get that before attempting this achievement.
- Imp Overlords only appear as bosses on Abyssal Depths, Scorched Acres, and Rallypoint Delta. The imp family event also allows them to spawn on Abandoned Aqueduct and Sundered Grove, but this is rare AND only happens after 4 stages have been cleared, so it isn’t worth it to count on it to happen.
- Imp Overlords are slippery little gremlins, which is why this achievement is so hard in the first place. I highly recommend you stack the Fuel Cells mentioned earlier in this guide, as they not only reduce equipment cooldown (the Preon Accumulator has a looong one, making whiffs that much more punishing), but also provide an extra use of the equipment, allowing you to follow up with another shot if you miss.
- If you don’t get a Preon Accumulator before taking on the Imp Overlord, don’t worry! Go to Sky Meadow and find the teleporter, as usual, but instead of activating it as normal, go to the sides of it. There, you’ll find the option to align it to either the moon (Commencement) or the planet (Titanic Plains or Siren’s Call). Align it to the planet and start looping! You’ll reconvene with that overlord, hopefully with the right gun this time.
After getting that lord of the red plane, you might wonder, “what can I do with this sawblade?”
To be frank, on it’s own the sawblade is… bad. Real bad. It’s a melee option on a survivor not really built for melee combat. However, with the next achievement, things get funky!
Getting Power Mode

- Getting this one is rather simple, really. Just wait until you see the little stage counter in the top reach 7, then go find a newt altar and go to the Null Portal to reach Void Fields.
- The trickiest part of this achievement is just finishing Void Fields. Make sure you’re well prepared for anything that comes your way. And I mean anything. Void Fields does NOT mess around when it gets good RNG.
- If you get monsters with either elemental bands (Runald’s and Kjaro’s), Unstable Tesla Coil, or Medkit with N’kuhana’s Opinion, get the ♥♥♥♥ out of there. It is possible to beat these superpowered foes, but unless you have a really damn good run, you’ll be lucky to see another second in those fields. Ways to get out of Void Fields include dying, and, more optimally, taking the open Null Portal.
Now, you might be wondering, “what do I do with this special once I get it?” Me too! I haven’t messed around with it much myself, but here’s some good ideas:
- According to the wiki, Power Mode takes the spread of your primary weapon. The sawblade has no spread. Ya see where I’m going with this?
- Scrap Launcher still reloads during this time, albeit much faster. Keep that in mind when using this special.
- You’ll be locked out of your second weapon until Power Mode comes on. Keep that in mind when using the aforementioned sawblade strategy, as for most of the time outside of Power Mode, dopamine will be rather limited.
Parting Words
Whether you’re a hardened monsooner looking to start your Mul-T missions, or a fresh drizzler who got the game when it was on sale last week (inaccurate), I hope this guide helped you out a bit. Be sure to tell me anything I missed or yell at me for not knowing the intricacies of the Power-saw and, I don’t know, Ben’s Raincoat or something. See you out there on Petrichor V!
And another Mul-T, for good measure. Simply can’t get enough of this robot.
Thanks to Gsn1vy for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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