Easiest way to unlock the 4 new achievements in Placid Plastic Duck Simulator
Set Up
Step 1:
Start by loading up a fresh game with only the “So Many Ducks” DLC enabled. The map does not matter for the 4 new DLC Achievements.
Start by loading up a fresh game with only the “So Many Ducks” DLC enabled. The map does not matter for the 4 new DLC Achievements.
Step 2:
Wait until the required ducks are unlocked.
You will need these 6
“Project BFD”

If you have idled long enough you will have likely obtained “Project BFD” as it only requires the 3 ducks to be dropped. Once the ducks have summoned the big jelly the achievement will unlock.
Big jelly for reference:
“Play the game”

To obtain the “Play the game” achievement you must interact with the arcade machine duck, you will prompted to play the game and the achievement will unlock.
Arcade duck for reference:

“It’s mining crypto!”

To obtain the “It’s mining crypto!” achievement you must interact with the golden crypto duck. Once you do so the duck will begin mining, as indicated by the “Mining Cryptocurrency” bar in the bottom left. Once this reaches 100% the achievement will unlock.
Crypto duck for reference:
“Annoying parrot”

To obtain the “Annoying parrot” achievement you must interact with the parrot duck until you have heard all of the phrases. The fastest way to do this is to shuffle through all the other duck quacks (Tab + Left Click) and then click on the parrot duck to play out the phrases – patience is key!
Parrot duck for reference:
Thanks to CylindricalMeat for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.
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