This is how to get all 4 new achievements for the Hippospace Download DLC
Press ‘E’ until you enter a room with a duck and a big red button inside and click the big red button

0 gravity
Wait for one of the stone ducks to spawn and it will enter the red teleporter underwater, getting transported to the glass zero gravity sphere and granting the achievement
Willy in Orbit
When a duck follows the full light tunnel path into the dome, there is a teleporter the duck will need to enter. This will send the duck into a shuttle orbiting the hippo space station and grant you the achievement

Milk Away
This achievement is granted when the UFO duck (acquired by hitting the ‘X’ after launching ducks from the room mentioned in the Pchooooooo! achievement) picks up cow ducks and drops them into the cow funnel 5 times
Thanks to Arieusu for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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