Gameplay tips to achieve every Gallery scene. Includes a 100% map.
Paradisiacal calendar year 146.
The time when Paradiso,
the human world,
and Inferno maintain an intricate balance.I am Lenga Valentine,
a battle angel unit of the Paradiso Guardian.♡ Kept you waiting? ♡
This guide contains some spoilers.
You should probably be 18 to continue reading this.
Steam Community Content for Paradiso Guardian by default 18+ so I assume I’m speaking to the adults in the room.
Paradiso Guardian’s gallery currently contains 15 fully voice acted scenes, with an additional 4 guest character illustrations, all of which can be unlocked for casual viewing by playing through the game.
Pros: This is an incredible Metroidvania. There’s writing a love letter to Symphony of the Night, and then there’s flat-out sucking SotN’s d♡♡k. Fortunately, I enjoy both of these things :3
Cons: If you were expecting a game you could play with one hand, this ain’t it. Unlocking the lewd scenes can be difficult if you’re not used to this genre, but they are as impressive as the game itself. That’s where this guide comes in. I hope my efforts here help you through your own playthrough!
– – – Full Map – – –
– – – Bond Companions – – –
Raising Affection
I recommend Strawberry. It drops from Book of Abyss.
Eat one, then you can buy them in the Warehouse (or, like me, you’ll have lots of these from being a little lost in the Library ♡)
Loves this: “It’s great!”
Likes this: “Thanks.”
Hates this: “This is kind of…”
I recommend Delicious Meat. It drops from Minotaur Knight.
Loves this: “Wow! I love this!”
Likes this: “Thank you wifey!”
Hates this: “Euh, didn’t know you are into that…”
I recommend Black Tea. It drops from Erupter.
Loves this: “What a great gift.”
Likes this: “I’ll accept that”
Hates this: “……”
I recommend Potage. It drops from Rock Knight.
Alternatively, Beef Wellington, a rare drop from Minotaur Knight, if you get lucky grinding for Shutendouji’s gifts.
Loves this: “You do know I like this.”
Likes this: “Not bad.”
Hates this: “Seriously…?”
All Food Items Table
Challenging the Bond Companions
∙ Defeating them in the overworld, afterwards they move into the central fountain area
∙ 30% Affection, Challenge at Standard difficulty
∙ 60% Affection, Challenge at Expert difficultyDefeating the Affection Challenge fights “hit-less” (taking 0 damage) rewards unique items, one for both Standard and Expert. None of the hit-less rewards are required for scenes in the Gallery or the Special Ending, but I’m including the reward info here for those up to the challenge!
Overworld: Rolling Axe
Standard: Splash Cannon
Standard Hit-less: Tears of the Leviathans a Lck accessory
Expert: Tsunami
Expert Hit-less: Surge Axe weaponShutendouji
Overworld: Oni Flame
Standard: Burning Pillar
Standard Hit-less: Wing Gourd an Atk accessory
Expert: Passionate Fire
Expert Hit-less: Fierce Club weapon
Overworld: Shadow Blade
Standard: Void Slash
Standard Hit-less: Shadow Jacket armor
Expert: Unsheathe
Expert Hit-less: Shadow Blade weapon
Overworld: Glare
Standard: Guradian Combat Art (spelling it here as it appears in game)
Standard Hit-less: Archangel Punch skill
Expert: Neo Holy Cannon
Expert Hit-less: Archangel Heel skill
All-Purpose Face Tanking Build
For people that just want the win. Works against all 4 fighters.
∙ Souls Knuckle (shop)
∙ any fast Skill to push between your 1-2-3 regular attacks, Spirit Shoot works just fine
∙ highest Def armor option you have
∙ three highest Def accessory options you have
With a high enough defense and the Souls Knuckles, you’re pretty invulnerable. Especially if you pull off a Holy Flare dodge and get in a bunch of punches. Each hit with the Souls Knuckles activates an Essence Seize effect, healing you for 10HP. Remember you can also pause and use Potions too.
Hit-Less Build: Floody, Shutendouji, Vitos, and Standard Radian
What I used to achieve pretty easy hit-less victories
∙ Shining Knuckle
∙ Light Burst & Wing Strike
∙ Physis’ Cloak
∙ Bracer of Zerel
∙ Black Belt or Millionaire Bracer
∙ Black Belt or Millionaire Bracer
Completely opposite of the Face Tank build I suggested first, Def is pointless to us since we’re aiming not to be hit in the first place. We’re going all in on Atk and aiming to beat these guys before they even have a chance to hit us! Black Belt is my first recommendation, but with enough GP Millionaire Bracer may provide more Atk.
Bracer of Zerel replaces your Holy Flare dodge with a block that has just a little tighter timing. However, getting it just right gives you 2x the Holy Flare duration. Basically bait their first attack, block, if you get hit you can die and try again. If you pull it off, GO HAM. You’re aiming to defeat em FAST.
Hit-Less Build: Expert Radian
Unfortunately, Bracer of Zerel doesn’t work as well against a fellow angel…
∙ Sword of Light or Shining Blade
∙ Angel Punch (until you have Archangel Punch)
∙ Physis’ Cloak
∙ Black Belt or Millionaire Bracer
∙ Black Belt or Millionaire Bracer
∙ Black Belt or Millionaire Bracer
Additionally! We’re gonna use Vitos’ Bond Skill Shadow Blade
Radian, specifically Expert Challenge Radian, is why we can’t have nice things and just use Bracer of Zerel against everyone. If Radian performs a Holy Flare counter (he’s an angel too, remember?) it deactivates the remainder of your Holy Flare. So making our dodge/block window more difficult, only to NOT get the full benefit of that extra Holy Flare duration, is not the smart move here. (Standard difficulty Radian does the same thing, but his health pool is small enough that spamming attacks after your first Holy Flare still mostly works.)
Instead, unfortunately, the advice is a little bit of “git good.” You need to take the fight slower than the other seven challenges, learn his attacks, and don’t go haywire on your button mashing. Do no more than one or two rolling standard attacks into Skill cancels. It’s generally safe to end a combo with Vitos’ Bond Skill. Although Radian can Holy Flare in the middle of that as well, Vitos will still be pausing the fight, so you’ll see the counter happen and have time to mentally prepare…
– – – Paradiso Warehouse VIP – – –
GP Grinding
Spend a lifetime total of 100,000GP at the Paradiso Warehouse to obtain the Discount Card and a scene.
Early Game
Before having to fighting even a single boss, you can farm some fairly quick GP.
Run between this Granite Knight and a candle on the hill to the left which contains a guaranteed 100GP drop each time.
The Knight is also great for leveling and can drop a Granite Claymore (an excellent weapon, I’d keep one to use) and Granite Plate, so use this as an opportunity to level up and sell any surplus drops.
Once you have 5500GP, run back to the Paradiso Warehouse and walk in and out until Bosschan or Brontide is manning the shop. I’d recommend your first purchase be the P. Tech Tights. They’re unique to the store, increase your movement speed a little, and give you a +8 Atk, +3 Def, and +5 Lck; a stat spread that’s competitive even into the late game.
Late/Post Game, No Combat
Here’s a better spot for candlestick money, but it’s somewhat late game.
Still, this is good to know about if you can’t or don’t want to fight things yet. Drop down and jump back up to reset them. 150GP every few seconds just by running into the candlesticks, especially quick and easy with Angel Walk active.
Late/Post Game, or “How I came to afford The Black Card”
If you have the damage and the Luck stat, this is the way…
Coach’s Advice (for exp) or Shining Knuckle (+5 more Lck)
Angel Walk & Archangel Punch
Ancient Battle Suit (+6 Lck)
Tears of the Leviathans (+18 Lck) or Lucky Star (+15 Lck)
Lucky Star (+15 Lck)
Lucky Star (+15 Lck)
The goal is to Angel Walk from the save point toward the right almost without stopping, using Archangel Punch to kill the Lightning Shadow for a potential Thunder Sword (2250GP) and the Centaurus for a chance to double-drop Lucky Star (3000GP) and Platinum Plate (4500GP).
This is really only worth doing if you can push you Lck stat above 100 and you’re killing Lightning Shadow in a single Archangel Punch, Centaurus in 2-3 Archangel Punches, AND you have enough MP to kill them once going right, and once again going back, before touching the save to refresh your MP. Rinse and repeat.
If none of the above is working for you, @woohoo found a spot to quickly reset a stack of Erupters. Farm them with HW Guardian equipped for lucky chances at up to 2200GP, check out their guide.
– – – Secret Bosses – – –
Where The Thunder Strikes
Special Ending
Getting the “True” ending of the game unlocks one more scene that involves nearly the whole cast at once…
Raise your affections, get your primary companion Bond Skills, and defeat the opponent waiting for you Where The Thunder Strikes, then defeat the final boss at the top of the world again. This time, be ready for a Phase 2!
– – – Guest Appearances – – –
When you see “Might be able to use this somewhere” in an item’s description, that item can be used from the `Use Item` menu while standing inside Yokkun’s Paradiso Warehouse to fight a guest character.
NOTE: While not the most difficult fights in the game, a death here will send you back to the main menu. Save nearby to avoid losing progress ♡ An update changed this to not be a Game Over :3 thanks Team Lv.266
Victory rewards a Bond Skill and most unlock a single illustration in the Gallery:
– Trick Dice (no scene)
– Clogs
– Emerald Cape
– Metal Tentacle
– Rune Fang
Emerald Cape
Metal Tentacle

A little bit out of reach. You can get this ‘early’ with Shifter Type Wing (Double Jump) by kick-jumping off of the Sniper, or return with Photon Launcher (Moon Jump).
Rune Fang
Thanks to Yerasho for his excellent guide; all credits belong to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.
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