Here is a guide on how to get all 46 achievements in Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars. this guide is based on version 0.1.

Kumotsu Shrine.

Ask Us For Anything!
Reached 50% completion of all requests.
Some Request are obtained from NinChat ( ! ). Others will appear while you playing Story Mode.
Ninja Duties Complete.
Completed all requests from the Kumotsu Shrine.
Some Request are obtained from NinChat ( ! ). Others will appear while you playing Story Mode.
Unhiding Spy
Gathered information for the first time in NinChat.
Use the NinChat to get Requests or Free items from Characters ( ! ). The others Characters ( … ) will chat with you or will start an event.
Peaches & Cream Meditation

Swaying on Top of a Peach
Struggled with Peaches & Cream Meditation with everyone.
You will get this achievement after watching the Special Event for this Mini Game (training).
First Meditation!
Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with any character.
Clear the Mini Game with any character in any difficulty.
It’s All Peaches & Cream!
Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with all characters.
Clear the Mini Game with all characters in any difficulty.
The Swaying’s Destination
Cleared “Hard” difficulty of Peaches & Cream Meditation.
Clear the Mini Game with any character in hard difficulty. Hard mode unlocks in the Chapter 7.

Defeated 100 enemies.
The Right to Strike and Leave!
Defeated 500 enemies.
Be Punished! In the Name of Shinobi!
Defeated 1,000 enemies.
Chaining Ninja Arts
Connected Ninja Art Trigger to the end with any character.
You need to chain a Skill (can be the same skill), as long you use a skill while the “Active” bar is active, it counts.
Beyond Styles
Connected Ninja Art Trigger to the end with all characters.
You need to chain a Skill with every character (can be the same skill), as long you use a skill while the “Active” bar is active, it counts.
Chuunin Level
Used skills 100 times.
Jounin Level
Used skills 500 times.
The True Charm of Ninja Weapons
Gave an enemy a status effect with a Ninja Weapon 10 times.
Some Skills have “activation effect”. For example, if the skill has “activation effect 2”, it means that if the skill is the number 2 in the skill chain (you did a skill before), it will trigger the “activation effect”. It can be the same skill.
Final Secret Art! Shinobi Extreme!
Use Shinobi Extreme Skill (Y + B) with all characters. You fill up Shinobi Extreme Skill by attacking enemies or receiving damage.
This is Fuurinkazan Drive!
Used all 4 types of the Fuurinkazan Drive.
Ultimate Ninja
Reached level 50 with any character.
Sneaking Around Everywhere
Traveled 10,000m.
You will get this achievement while playing story mode. Around episode 4.
My Income Isn’t Stealthy!
Acquired 1,000,000 total Nin.
Treasure of the Ninja!
Opened all the treasure boxes.
Miscellaneous (cont.)

Synergies of Mysterious Spirit Gems
Activated a Spirit Gem bonus for the first time.
True Worth of Mysterious Spirit Gems
Activated the Spirit Gem bonus to its maximum.
Mysterious Spirit Gems
Synthesized a Spirit Gem for the first time.
Mysterious Spirit Gems Went All Out!
Maxed the level of a Spirit Gem.
Survival from the Yomi.
Completed all of Yomi Training.
No Ninja Duties For Me!
Entered free dungeon mode 10 times.
Nep Nep! Ultimate Ninja Master!