A detailed guide for how to set custom music in Metal: Hellsinger.
Necessary programs
So we need:
1. Copy of the game in Steam or XBOX GAME PASS.
2. FMOD Program
3. Pile for modding
4. The track we want to add to the game.
5. Basic modding video from the game’s creators, if you still need it.
1. Copy of the game in Steam or XBOX GAME PASS
2. FMOD Program
To download FMOD, you must go to their official website.
Next, you need to register on the site. Everything is in the classics here – name, mail, password. We follow the link that comes to the mail, log in on the site.
As soon as we enter the site, go to the Download tab in the upper right corner.
Select FMOD Studio – Older and select version 2.00.08. We click on the Download button near the OS we need and install the program. I think there should be no problems.
3. Pile for modding
Now you need to download a special package. It can be found on the official website of the game.
On the site we will scroll down until we reach the page with the huge inscription MODDING.
Click on the “Modding package” button to download the ( archive weight 400mb ).We unpack the downloaded archive into any convenient folder ( the weight of the unpacked archive 1 gigabyte )
Editing a track in FMOD Studio
We start FMOD Studio and open Project button open the file from the archive we unpacked earlier.Next, select NoTiersExampleSongBank ( yes, the guide is shown on the example of NoTearsExample, I know, but it will be easier for us here )We remove the upper blue track, put in its place a brand new track under which we want to cut demons.Now we need to find out BPM of our song. We go to Google, write in the search “recognize bpm in the song” and go to the first site. Turn on the song, press the spacebar in the rhythm until the number stops changing. In my song, the BPM value is 130, you may have another.
Delete the music on the top
Drag your file from file explorer to FMOD
We return to our FMOD, remove the lower yellow track, on the left we open the BeatTrack daddy and throw the BPM we need instead of the distant yellow one. Stretch so that the yellow and blue track are of the same length. If there is no bit of a track with the desired bpm, just skip this step, leave the track blank, you will only have a blue track with music, that’s okay. The game supports any bpm, not just those on the list. Next – customize the upper thin blue and green stripes under the length of our track. Above them will be a small strip with a note, instead of 130 there you need to write the BPM we require, in my case 130. On this, editing our track is complete, it’s time to add it to the game.

4. Add track to game
We go to the folder on the path Steam\steamapps\common\Metal Hellsinger\Metal_Data\ StreamingAssets
Copy to it only the customsongs.json file from the ( archive we downloaded is located in the ExportedBanks ) folderWe return to FMOD, on the left we go to the Banks tab, right-click on NoTiersExampleSongBank and click on the Build button. After the program finishes breaking our file, press NoTiersExampleSongBank with the left button and select the first item – Open in Explorer. Daddy will open with the file we need. Copy our file to the same daddy where the customsongs file was copied. I recommend renaming the file, for example, as the name of the song, so as not to get confused. We do not use gaps.Next
Move both archives customsongs.json and NoTiersExampleSongBank like in a image below.
a very important step, otherwise the game will fly out, return to FMOD, to the Events tab and right-click on NoTiersExampleSongBank and select Copy GUID. We open our customsongs.json in the folder with the game with any text editor, I use Visual Studio Code but you can open this file with notepad, or word. Name is the name of the location in which we want to hear our track. Do not forget about quotation marks! All names
Voke, Stygia, Incaustis, Yhelm, Gehenna, Nihil, Acheron, Sheol
Bank – here we enter what our file was renamed. Kavychki.Event – here we insert what we previously copied from FMOD Studio. Kavychki.Low Health Beat Event – Insert the same thing. Kavychki.
BeatInputOffset is your main headache. If you start the track and do not stably hit the rhythm, but are sure that BPM is the right one – select the dial here. Experiment until you find the perfect offset.
BPM – write BPM here.
Below, where BossMusic is doing the same thing to Be very attentive when editing a file, any error leads to the departure or play of a standard track for location. Please check it ten times before writing a comment that the game is flying out. Thank you. Done! We save the file, start the game, select the desired level and enjoy!
Note – if the track wheezes in the game, make the music quieter in the game settings, put, for example, 60%, and return the desired volume level through the mixer in Windows.
5. Metal: Hellsinger – Music Modding Tutorial
Thanks to StaTraK for his excellent guide, all credit to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.