A Guide on how to achieve different outcomes in Army Reform Commission.

1. Most important variation is whether in previous game you participated in the Secret Mission (SM) or Second Battle of Kharangia (2K). These two will greatly impact what is achievable in the commission. The commission consists of 3 factions (schools), Cavalry led by Palliser, Infantry led by Hawthrowe, and Wreck led by Castermaine, each with their own priorities.
2. Then thing to note is that there are 4 Votes for the commission which will determine its outcome.
- First Vote is in Chapter 4A. In this vote if you are on SM path, Castermaine’s faction (Wreck) will always win.
- Second Vote is in Chapter 5A. This vote is important as it will determine the training recommendation which is stored separately than the final report of the Commission. In this either Palliser’s faction will win, which will add the recommendation of Junior Officers receiving training before they get their commission Or Hawthrowe’s faction will win, which will add recommendation of training Regimental Colonel’s and their staff Or Castermaine can win which will result in neither recommendation.
- Third Vote is in Chapter 7. This vote will determine the scope of the report. This can have 3 outcomes.
- Commission carries on without any interference.
- Commission curtails its purview and will make limited recommendations.
- Commission is suspended.
- Fourth Vote is in Chapter 8. This vote will determine whether commission will make a recommendation on Garing’s new gun. This has 5 outcomes.
- Commission recommends full and immediate adoption.
- Commission recommends limited adoption for testing purpose.
- Commission recommends trial of guns to be held for evaluation.
- Commission recommends possibility of future trials.
- Commission recommends that no new weapons be adopted.
3. Final report will have 6 major variations which will affect the overall recommendations, now these variations can be divided into 2 categories based on Vote 3 outcome.
- Curtailed Commission
- Cavalry School: This will recommend
- Permanent Skirmishers Unit.
- Revised Manual of Arms.
- Increased Houseguard Inspections.
- Infantry School: This will recommend
- Professional Logistics Corp.
- Engineers receive a pay raise.
- Ordinance Board is reorganized.
- Cavalry School: This will recommend
- Uncurtailed Commission
- Cavalry School Dominant: This will recommend
- Permanent Skirmishers Unit.
- Complete Rewrite of Manual of Arms.
- Complete Reform of Houseguards.
- Regular Training for Junior Officers.
- Annual Field Exercises.
- Increased Ammo for practice.
- New Uniforms.
- Infantry School Dominant: This will recommend
- Professional Logistics Corp.
- Complete Reorganisation of Engineers.
- Reorganisation of Ordinance Board.
- Centralised recruitment.
- Permanent Brigades and Divisions.
- Full time General Staff.
- Cavalry School Leaning: This will recommend
- Permanent Skirmishers Unit.
- Complete Rewrite of Manual of Arms.
- Complete Reform of Houseguards.
- Regular Training for Junior Officers.
- Professional Logistics Corp.
- Engineers receive a pay raise.
- Reorganisation of Ordinance Board.
- Infantry School Leaning: This will recommend
- Professional Logistics Corp.
- Complete Reorganisation of Engineers.
- Permanent Brigades and Divisions.
- Permanent Skirmishers Unit.
- Revision of Manual of Arms.
- Cavalry School Dominant: This will recommend
Now that Introduction is over, I will tell you how to actually achieve targets in the next section.
- You need Charisma+Reputation>=100, for the second vote, relatively easy.
- You need Charisma+Intellect >= 100, for fourth vote if you have to argue either way.
Different Outcomes and How to achieve them.
Format for naming titles below is: [Outcome of Vote 2], [Outcome of Vote 4], [Overall outcome of the report]
1. Junior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: Vote No compromise.
- Fourth Vote:Stay out of Gun debate, Vote for Full or Limited adoption as per your preference.
2. Junior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Infantry Leaning Compromise
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: Vote No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue Against Guns, Vote for Full or Limited adoption as per your preference.
3)Senior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Infantry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Hawthrowe.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: Vote No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue for Guns, Vote for Full or Limited Adoption as per your preference.
4)Senior Officer Training, Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against PALLISER.
- Third Vote: Vote No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue for Guns, Vote for Limited Adoption.
5)Junior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Dominant
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue for Guns, Vote for Full or Limited Adoption as per your preference.
6)Senior Officer Training, Trial of Guns, Infantry Dominant
- First Vote: Support Hawthrowe.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue against Guns, Vote for Trials.
Format for naming titles below is: [Outcome of Vote 2], [Outcome of Vote 4], [Overall outcome of the report]
7)Junior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Stay out of Guns Debate, Vote for Full or Limited Adoption as per your preference.
8)Junior Officer Training, Partial Adoption of Guns, Infantry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue against Guns, Vote for Partial Adoption.
9)Senior Officer Training, Partial Adoption of Guns, Infantry Leaning Compromise
- Support Hawthrowe.
- Argue against Castermaine.
- No Compromise.
- Stay out of Guns Debate, Vote for Limited Adoption
10)Senior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Leaning Compromise
- First Vote: Support Hawthrowe.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Argue for Guns, Vote for Full or Limited Adoption, as per your preference.
11)Junior Officer Training, Full/Partial Adoption of Guns, Cavalry Dominant
- First Vote: Support Palliser.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue for Guns, Vote for Full or Limited Adoption, as per your preference.
12)Senior Officer Training, Trials of Guns, Infantry Dominant
- First Vote: Support Hawthrowe.
- Second Vote: Argue against Castermaine.
- Third Vote: No Compromise.
- Fourth Vote: Argue Against Guns, Vote for Trials.
Thanks to Hwk1204 for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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