Lockdown Lewd UP! Walkthrough (All 6 Episodes)

Here is a walkthrough for the first six episodes. The following walkthrough is from the developer’s Patreon page.


Episode 1

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
In front of the computer is the first clue on a piece of paper.
The clue says: The third digit is a zero.

Step 3:
Go to the oven and take out the piece of paper there.
Look at the piece of paper on the oven.
The clue says: The first digit is two.

Step 4:
Take your cabinet key out of the bowl in the hallway and open your cabinet with it.
Look at the piece of paper in the cabinet.
The clue says: The second digit is bigger than the first digit.

Step 5:
Take the piece of paper out of your tissue box.
It has a 1 printed on it.

Step 6:
Take the piece of paper out of the toilet.
It has a 2 printed on it.

Step 7:
The first digit is two.
The second digit is greater than the first digit, so it has to be eight (since the only available digits are 1,2,8,0).
The third digit is zero.
The two pieces of paper look like they belong together. Paper 2 seems to be the end of a paper strip with numbers on it.
So, the fourth and fifth digits are one and two.

The code is 2-8-0-1-2

Episode 2

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
In front of the computer is the first clue on a piece of paper.
The clue says: The third digit has something to do with chillies.

Step 3:
Go to the Empty Pizza Box in the kitchen.
The invoice reveals:
– The date: 11 April 2020
– There are several things on the pizza – chillies, mushrooms, onion rings and peppers.

Step 4:
Go to the Empty Sushi Box in the kitchen.
The invoice reveals:
– The date: 09 April 2020
– The order was eight Hoso-Maki

Step 5:
Go to the Empty Sushi Box at the computer table.
The invoice reveals:
– The order was two Hoso-Maki rolls
– This was the second order in a row. So the date has to be: 10 April 2020

Step 6:
Go to the Chair in the kitchen.
The clue says: One of the digits has something to do with mushrooms.

Step 7:
Look in the Key Tray.
You forgot to give a tip today (Boo!).

Step 8:
Go to the Empty Pizza Box on the bed.
The invoice is on the right side.
The invoice reveals:
– No tip was given (Boo!).
– There are several things on the pizza – chillies, mushrooms, onion rings and peppers.

Step 9:
Go to the Empty Burger Box near the bed.
The invoice reveals:
– The order was one burger

Step 10:
Let’s sort out the dates first, as they’ll give us a clue on the order of the different numbers:

We know that the eight Hoso-Maki were ordered on the 9th.
The two rolls were ordered one day later, on the 10th.
Then, one pizza (let’s call it Pizza 01) was ordered on the 11th.
We know that the second pizza (Pizza 02) was delivered without a tip. The dollars in the key tray tell us that this happened today.
So, after Pizza 01, the burger was ordered on the 12th, and Pizza 02 was ordered on the 13th (today).

The third digit has something to do with chillies, so we count the chillies on Pizza 01 – there are two.
Another digit has something to do with mushrooms – there’s only the fifth digit left, so we count the mushrooms on Pizza 02 – there are eight.

The first digit is eight (the Hoso-Maki).
The second digit is two (the Hoso-Maki rolls).
The third digit is two (the chillies on Pizza 01).
The fourth digit is one (the burger).
The fifth digit is eight (the mushrooms on Pizza 02).

The code is 8-2-2-1-8

Episode 3

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
In front of the computer is the first clue on a piece of paper.
The clue says: MATES

Step 3:
Go to the Magical Gathering Card on the bed.
It tells you to keep an eye out for important little details.

Step 4:
Go to the Adventure Babes Miniatures on the kitchen table.
There are three miniatures missing.
One is in the sink.
Another one is on your coat hanger.
The last one is next to your computer mouse.

Step 5:
Read the hint on the fridge.
It tells us to add Hearts to Skulls and multiply that with Flames.

Step 6:
Go to the old computer next to the bed and read the Text Adventure.
We seem to have to find out the Horror Level

Step 7:
Go to the Electric Friendship Suit on your bed.
Apparently, it’s not that great for friendships 😉

Step 8:
Go to the Key Tray.
Inside, you’ll find an invoice for the Electric Friendship Suit.
Only half a star is painted in.

Step 9:
Go to the Gumdan on your cabinet.
The clue below it says ‘Stars times two’

Step 10:
Look at the Super Chess board on your cabinet.

Step 11:
The first hint (MATES) gives us the order of the code.
M = Magical Gathering Card
A = Adventure Babes Miniatures
T = Text Adventure Multiplayer
E = Electric Friendship Suit
S = Super Chess

The little detail in the Magical Gathering Card is that its power and toughness are displayed as 8 divided by 4, meaning the first digit is 2.

Then, count the symbols on the nipple covers on the Adventure Babes miniatures.
There’s one heart, three skulls and two flames – (1 plus 3) times 2.
The second digit is 8.

For the Text Adventure, we just have to determine the Horror Level.
We start out with Horror Level 15 due to the spider. Then, four garden gnomes subtract 2 per gnome from the Horror Level -we’re at 7. The shovel adds 1 – we’re at 8. But the gnomes’ buttcheeks subtract 8 again.
The third digit is 0.

The Electric Friendship suit is rated with half a star. Two times that means one star.
The fourth digit is 1.

The Super Chess board is the easiest (but maybe the sneakiest) – the pieces on it display a big two.
So, the fifth digit is 2

The code is 2-8-0-1-2

Episode 4

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
In front of the computer is the first hint on a piece of paper.
The hint says: SQUARE – ? – SQUARE

Step 3:
Go to the Old Computer near your bed. There’s a hint on it.

Step 4:
Go to the Sink in the kitchen.
The hint in it says: TRIANGLE – ? – HIGH RECTANGLE

Step 5:
Pick up the Apple that’s on the pillow next to your bed.
Go to the Bowl in the kitchen and put the apple in.
The text on the fruits reads: DARKEST COUNTS

Step 6:
Look at the long rectangle stamp at the Cactus Skull.
Look at the high rectangle stamp in the Key Tray.
Look at the square stamp on your Computer Desk (near your mouse).

Step 7:

Look at the triangle shaped stamp at the Kitchen Table.
The picture on it is too small to be seen with your naked eye.

Step 8:
Go to your Kitchen Chair and pick up your Cabinet Key.
Use it to open your Cabinet.

Step 9:
Pick up the Magnifier inside the cabinet.
Use it to look at the triangle shaped stamp again.

Step 10:
The three hints give us the order of the stamps.

Now look at the various pictures on the stamps themselves.
The base picture is the same, but the accessories vary.
The ‘DARKEST COUNTS’ hint is about the number of accesories.

The code is 1-0-2-0-8

Episode 5

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
On your Computer Seat is the first hint on a piece of paper.
The hint says:
The first row of five digits
PLUS the second row of five digits
MINUS the third row of five digits
PLUS the fourth row of five digits
EQUALS the code

Step 3:
Take the Scalpel from your Computer Table and cut open the duct tape on your Cabinet.
You can now look inside.
The hint inside the cabinet says:
The first digit of the first row is three
The middle digits of the next three rows are important, but we don’t know them yet

Step 4:
Look at the Old Computer next to your bed.
The hint says:
It’s all about the numbers that AREN’T 1,2,8,0.

Now, we have all necessary information to solve the puzzle.

Step 5:
Look at all packages with a row of three stamps on them.
We learn that the top stamp has the value 5, the middle stamp has the value 4 and the bottom stamp has the value 6.

Step 6:
Look at all packages with a postal code paper on them and write them down (sorry!).
Sort them in the following order:
The one that starts with 3 goes at the top.
The one that has a 5 in the middle goes second.
The one that has a 4 in the middle goes next.
The one that has a 6 in the middle goes last.

Now we follow the first hint – it’s easier if you do it row by row.

The code is 1-0-8-2-0.

Episode 6

Step 1:
Access the computer on the right side of the room.
You’ll be prompted to input a five-digit code. We don’t know it yet, so input anything and go back to the room.

Step 2:
The first hint is, as always, on your Computer Seat.
The hint says: The first two digits of the code have something to do with 2 fields inside a grid.

Step 3:
There’s a hole in your Cabinet. You can look through, but you don’t see anything.
Pick up the Fleshlight that’s lying on your Bed on use it to look inside your Cabinet.
The hint inside says: The last two digits have something to do with a penis-shaped object.

Step 4:
Your Work Laptop is off and needs a cable.
Pick up the Cable from your Pillow next to your Bed.
Put the Cable inside your Work Laptop.

Step 5:
Your Work Laptop needs a password.
Check out your Computer Table (where your mouse is) to retrieve a Password Note.
Go back to your Work Laptop (the password is put in automatically).

Step 6:
Solve the Sexy Sudoku puzzle on your Work Laptop.
(Every row has to have the numbers 1,2,8 and 0 in it once).
We now know that the first two digits of our code are 8-1.

Step 7:
Solve the Dildo Puzzle on your bed.
“Move” the rightmost dildo to the bottom of the first dildo sign.
We now know that the last two digits of our code are 2-1.

Step 8:
The middle digit of our code is missing.
Check the Key Tray – there’s a puzzle inside.
Solve the puzzle to get the last digit’s value: 0.

The code is 8-1-0-2-1

Extra Credits Bonus Episode
Step 1:
Check out the tea making machine on the cabinet.
You’ll need to find a tea mug, the right tea mix and the right temperature.

Step 2:
Let’s get the mug first.
Go to the pile of clothing in the corner and get the Key.
Use the key on the cabinet and get the Tea Mug.

Step 3:
Now, the temperature.
Check out the story about the tea monks.
The oldest monk is four times as old as the youngest.
The middle monk is 100 years old.
The youngest monk is half as old as the middle monk, plus 2 years.

Step 4:
Enter the right temperature (208 degrees) into the machine.

Step 5:
Now, let’s get the tea leaves from the table beside the bed.
There are four different kinds of leaves.

Step 6:
Read the ‘poem’ about the mountains, the valley and the caves.
Now, compare the wind noises to the shapes of the tea leaves.
Each ‘swoosh’ is a curved line, each ‘swish’ is a straight line.
The mountains are on the top, the valley is in the middle, the caves are on the bottom.

Step 7:
Put the corresponding tea leaves into the the tea column.

Step 8:
The last step! Put the tea mug on the coaster on the cabinet, let it get filled with delicious tea and bring the full mug to Bunnyhop.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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