Here is a simple guide on how to find all chests to obtain Follow Your Nose achievement in Greddy Goblin game. there are totally 11 chests in the game, let’s check out them.
Chests 1 – 4
The first 4 chests can be found in the labyrinth, more precisely on its four sides.

Chest 5
You can take the fifth chest only after you get the Slime Boots right here in the maze. Having received them, we go to the very middle of the maze, press the button 2 and jump over the wall to the chest.

Chest 6
You will find the sixth chest right in front of the entrance to the castle itself. On the left there will be a mound of stones with a small inconspicuous entrance for the goblins. Go into it and take the chest.

Chest 7
You can get the seventh chest in the location with the Portal Stone. Having taken the stone, there is only one way out – through the platforms with spikes to the very top, but do not rush to go higher to the guard. There will be an opening in the floor on the left, jump into it and the chest will be there.

Chest 8
The eighth chest is in the prison cell, the one that is closed. You can get into it through the open door of the right prison cell and a small opening for goblins in the wall.

Chest 9
The ninth chest is located above the prison cell. You need to get behind the castle wall and find a broken staircase like in the screenshot. To the left of it there will be an opening for a goblin with a chest.

Chest 10
The tenth chest is on the highest tower in the castle. With the help of the Slime Boots, you can get it.

Chest 11
The eleventh chest will be in the place with the only one archer in the entire castle. Before the archer there will be a bottomless abyss, a chest in it. Do not forget to include the Portal Stone at the top. Otherwise, you will jump into the abyss and spend coins, since you will not be able to get out of the abyss back.