This guide explains how to get all the achievements, collectibles and provides puzzle solutions in case you are stuck. If you don’t want to replay chapters, you’ll need to do a speedrun and deathless runs of each chapter on the easy difficulty and a speedrun and deathless run on any chapter (I recommend the first one) on the hard difficulty. If you are hunting missed perk points or fragments, you should know that they are only saved on campfires or when completing a chapter.

Soon after you’ll get

Bridge – Chapter 1
-2 Rune puzzle solution: Turn the left rune 2 times and the right rune 3 times.

-Perk point: Before doing the 4 trains puzzle, turn right to get the perk point and

-4 train puzzle solution: Walk over the buttons in order of bottom right, top left, bottom left, top right and dash across.
-Fragment #2: After the 4 train puzzle, turn left to get the fragment.
-Fragment #3: At the 3 fireball turrets, when the road splits, turn left and disable the gas from the back by turning the valve to get the fragment.
-4 Rune puzzle solution: Turn the leftmost rune 1 time, the second 3 times, the third 3 times and the fourth 1 time.
After talking to David and the main objective changes to obtaining a train ticket, you’ll need to light four torches in a single life to get the chapter specific achievement and a fragment. If you die, you’ll have to light any previously lit up torches again.
-The first is on the wall to the left with the 2 green orb shooters.
-The second is on the wall to the right after dashing over the lava trap.
-The third is when taking the right path on the wall to the left.
-The fourth is straight ahead inside the square maze.
With all 4 torches lit up, the caged door, where the book is, will be opened where you’ll get Fragment #4 and

After finishing the chapter you’ll get

Sprinter and Untouchable (single chapter)

Marsh – Chapter 2
After talking to David and the main objective changes to retrieving both potions, to get the chapter specific achievement, you’ll need to take the right path first.
-Fragment #2: When taking the right path for the red potion, after the spinning flames, dash left across the floating bridge to get the fragment.
-Cooking puzzle solution: Activate 3648 (numbers refer to number placement on a keyboard numpad)

-Fragment #3: When taking the left path for the blue potion, behind the puzzle you can find the fragment.
-Priority puzzle solution: Food, Shelter, Love, Wealth
-Perk point: After using the portal, take the left path to get the perk point.
-Lion statute puzzle: All statues need to face the middle. Change bottom right 3 times, top right 1 time and top left 2 times.
-Fragment #4: When the path splits with green gas on the right, use Ethereal to go through the green gas and get the fragment.

When doing a speedrun or deathless run on this chapter, you may want to take the left path with the blue potion first to get the Ethereal ability earlier.
Forest – Chapter 3
-Fragment #1: At the first patrolling wolf, take a right to get the fragment.
-Plant puzzle solution: Activate 81935 (numbers refer to number placement on a keyboard numpad)
In the boss fight ahead you must defeat him without using any skills by using the boss’s attacks to knock down the totems to get

-Fragment #2: After the boss fight, to the left of the book, use Mindblast to break the vase and get the fragment.
-Perk point: When the path splits, take the smaller path left to get the perk point.
-Fragment #3: After 2 red enemies, a wolf and a gate, there is a small path to the right where you can use Mindblast to break the vase and get the fragment.
-Steps puzzle solution: Activate the stone, then follow the steps.
-Fragment #4 At the second spikes, use Mindblast to break the wall to the right and get the fragment.
In the second boss fight, you can use Mindblast to knock down the totems and to damage the boss.

Farm – Chapter 4
After you find the key to open the door to the farm, you’ll need to find 3 pieces of food. Complete the 3 paths without taking the food, only opening the way forward with the lever. Once they are all open, collect the 3 pieces of food in less than a minute to get

-Fragment #1: At the maze with fireball shooting turrets, find a hidden path to the left behind a turret to get the fragment
-Burning haystack puzzle solution: 213467 (numbers refer to number placement on a keyboard numpad)
-Fragment #2: Before the vegetable puzzle, use Mindblast to break the shelf in the middle with yellow particles to get the fragment.
-Vegetable puzzle solution: carrots cucumber onions eggplant
-Fragment #3: After the spinning walls of spikes, take the left path to get the fragment.
-Fragment #4: After leaving the farm, before the book, take the left path to get the fragment.
In the boss fight ahead, let the boss hit you while you are using Ethereal to damage him and use Mindblast on the green goblins to stop them from healing the boss.

City – Chapter 5
-Fragment #2: At the first generator that’s on the left, go right instead and break the trash can with Mindblast to get the fragment.
For this chapter’s specific achievement, don’t turn off the second generator and cross the obstacles to get

-Perk point: After passing the obstacles from the second generator, take the left path to get the perk point.
-Fragment #3: After passing the second lightning projectile shooters, find the trash can on the left and break it with Mindblast to get the fragment.
-Fragment #4: Past the donut sign, at the first firetruck, take a left to get the fragment.
-Train puzzle solution: Counting from left to right, pull levers 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Cellars – Chapter 6
-Perk point: At the green orb with 3 buttons puzzle, on the left wall, find and push a brick to reveal a hidden path to the left down the hallway where you can get the perk point.
-4 rune puzzle solution: Starting with the leftmost rune use it 1 time, second rune 3 times, third rune 2 times, fourth rune 2 times.

-Fragment #2: You’ll need to light 3 torches in a single life to open the gate that’s to the right of the spinning flame room where you find the last torch and get the fragment. If you die, you’ll need to light any previously lit up torches again.
- First torch is on the left wall at the spinning flames.
- Second torch is on the left wall in the middle part of the green orb shooters.
- Third torch is on the inside wall in the room with the spinning flame.
-Fragment #3: At the room maze puzzle use 21469 to open the room to get the fragment, if you want to solve the maze from this state, use 73.
-Room maze puzzle solution: (without getting to the fragment) 21467 (numbers refer to number placement on a keyboard numpad)
To get the chapter specific achievement, go to room 9 and push the brick on the right wall to open a hidden room in room 6 to get

-Fragment #4: After meeting the Jailer, use Truesight on the wall with glowing particles to reveal a hidden path and use Mindblast to break the vase and get the fragment.
-For the green orb shooters ahead, you’ll need to activate the brick in the middle part, where the 2 goblins are, to unlock a room that helps you pass the traps.
-Enemy fight: You can either lure the enemies into the spikes or rays of light or use the 33% chance to kill them with Mindblast if you have the Dark thoughts perk upgrade.

Fortress – Chapter 7
-First 4 colored orb puzzle solution: Push the orbs to their goal in order: yellow, blue, green, red.
-Fragment #2: After the ninja with 2 buttons, use Truesight on the building on the left to get the fragment.
-Perk point: After the 2 ninjas and 2 spike traps, behind the house, use Truesight to reveal a path to get the perk point.
-Fragment #3: When you are going for the cannonball, before the red lion you can dash over to a path on the left to get the fragment.
-Second 4 colored orb puzzle solution: Push the orbs to their goal in order: yellow, blue, green, red.
In the boss fight ahead only pick up the cannonball on the left that allows you to use the right cannon to defeat the boss and get

-Fragment #4: After the boss fight, between the alternating spike traps, use Truesight to reveal a path on the right to get the fragment.

Graveyard – Chapter 8
-First 2 Orb puzzle solution: Push the blue: down right down left up ; green: left down left up ; blue: right up right down left up left down.
In the boss fight ahead you can use Mindblast to knock down the totems and Mindblast to damage the boss. You’ll need to not use Truesight to get the chapter specific achievement. To deal with the ghosts instead, use Ethereal to have them explode upon touching you to get

-Fragment #2: At the button that activates the gate on a timer, take the small left path to get the fragment.
-Perk point: In the death maze, at the end, take the right path and Mindblast the cracked wall to get the perk point.
-Dice puzzle solution: “The wings of a bat…”: 2 ; “…the legs of a moth…”: 6 ; “…the spikes of a star…”: 5 ; “…and the eye of the king of the blind”: 1.
-Fragment #3: After the spiked gates on a timer, use Truesight on the big rock to the right to get the fragment.
-Second 2 Orb puzzle solution: Push the blue: down left ; green: left down left up right ; blue: down right up
In the boss fight ahead use Mindblast on the totems to be able to damage the boss with Mindblast and when the boss HP turns blue, use Truesight on her.
-Fragment #4: After the boss fight take the right path to get the fragment.

Mirror – Chapter 9
-First light reflection puzzle solution:

- After the white orb shooters and talking to Jane, on your left you’ll see an upgrade that gives Truesight +50% range.
If you’ve been collecting all the fragments in the previous chapters, a bridge will appear for easy access, if not, you’ll have to go around to pick it up. Collect all 4 of these upgrades to get the chapter specific achievement
-Fragment #1: After the area with the Truesight upgrade, immediately to the left behind the rock you’ll find the fragment.
-Flute puzzle solution: Counting from left to right, activate 3131422.
- After talking to Jane, to your right you can find the upgrade for 30% faster recharge on Dash (related to the Empowered achievement)
-Fragment #2: In the area with the Dash upgrade, use Truesight on the big rock with glowing particles to get the fragment.
-Blue crystal puzzle solution: Counting from left to right, activate 2,3 and 5.
- After talking to Jane, to the left you can find the upgrade for 50% larger range on Mindblast (related to the Empowered achievement)
-Fragment #3: In the same area as the Mindblast upgrade, near the end, before the gate, use Truesight to see the bridge where you can get the fragment.
-Second light reflection puzzle solution:
- After talking to Jane, to the right you can find the upgrade for 50% longer duration on Ethereal. (related to the Empowered achievement)

In the boss fight ahead you can only damage the boss by using Mindblast on the purple spawning buildings.
-Fragment #4: After fighting the boss, on the left you can see the last fragment, it’s hard to miss.

Immortal and Lightspeed (all chapters)


Go downstairs and in the open door to get

Thanks to FrozenShiver for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide fromĀ Steam Community. enjoy the game.