This guide should help you get all 7 endings of Deep Sea Valentine, which also make up most of the achievements.

Deep Sea Valentine is a little different from other dating sims, because the route isn’t determined by “affection points” or a similar stat mechanic. You’re free to say whatever you want to the other characters, and it won’t affect your chances of going on a date with them. This means it can be difficult to figure out what does affect the ending, though. That’s what this guide is for!I recommend you only read this guide after you already tried a few things yourself. It contains a few spoilers and is meant as a last resort to prevent you from growing frustrated with the game.
There are exactly three points in the game where your choice will affect the route you get:
- return the sawfish to Moka / forget to do so
(this decision is finalized when you visit Tae’s house in the purple forest) - use chocolate on crab / keep it
- exit the cave right away / turn back
(only relevant if sawfish wasn’t returned on time)
This should already give you everything you need to get all the endings on your own. For the fastest 100% run, just save the game right after freeing Tae, before making your choice for the crab, and when you’re given the opportunity to turn back in the cave.

- return the sawfish to Moka
- use chocolate on the crab
- don’t return the sawfish
- keep the chocolate
- turn back in the cave
- return the sawfish to Moka
- keep the chocolate
- don’t return the sawfish
- use chocolate on the crab
- exit the cave right away
- don’t return the sawfish
- keep the chocolate
- exit the cave right away
Triche is both the hardest and easiest to romance. Aside from the “bad” ending, you could technically always end up dating her. Details in the next section.
Below are all the correct answers that will allow you to go on a date with your girl of choice:

You can also get a “bad” ending where you can’t romance anyone (including Triche) by doing the following:
- don’t return the sawfish
- use chocolate on the crab
- turn back in the cave
By KigyoDev