Darkest Dungeon II: All Team Composition Names

All possible names to come up with various team compositions.



Scraped from the files and formatted by hand, so pardon any mistakes I may have made. (and let me know so I can fix them.)

PD/GR/HWM/MAA = The Unusual Suspects
GR/PD/HWM/MAA = Standard Flip
PD/HWM/GR/MAA = The Shuffle
HWM/PD/GR/MAA = Backstabbers
GR/HWM/PD/MAA = Special Treatment
HWM/GR/PD/MAA = Bedside Manner
PD/GR/MAA/HWM = Knowledge Highway
GR/PD/MAA/HWM = Point Blank Inspection
PD/MAA/GR/HWM = Highway Robbery
MAA/PD/GR/HWM = The Stick Up
MAA/GR/PD/HWM = The Rear Guard
GR/MAA/PD/HWM = The Entrance
PD/HWM/MAA/GR = Fall From Grace
HWM/PD/MAA/GR = Dignitary’s Escort
PD/MAA/HWM/GR = Robbed Blind
MAA/PD/HWM/GR = The Chain of Command
HWM/MAA/PD/GR = Night Cap
MAA/HWM/PD/GR = The Magpies
GR/HWM/MAA/PD = Crimson Cross
HWM/GR/MAA/PD = The Expedition
GR/MAA/HWM/PD = The Archeologists
MAA/GR/HWM/PD = Tomb Raiders
HWM/MAA/GR/PD = The Morgue
MAA/HWM/GR/PD = A Grave Prognosis
OCC/RUN/JES/HEL = Twist and Bleed
RUN/OCC/MAA/HEL = The Reverse Sear
PD/GR/RUN/HEL = Sisters of Battle
HEL/PD/MAA/HWM = Highway to Hell
GR/HWM/MAA/JES = Insane Crown Posse
RUN/PD/OCC/JES = A Fool’s Mistake
JES/HWM/HEL/LEP = Brute Squad
OCC/PD/HEL/LEP = Blood Train
OCC/JES/HWM/LEP = The Meat Grinder
HWM/GR/MAA/LEP = A Bold Move
GR/HWM/MAA/LEP = The Iron Crown
OCC/HWM/MAA/LEP = The Carpenters
OCC/JES/RUN/LEP = The Butcher’s Circus
OCC/PD/RUN/LEP = Wyrd Science
PD/RUN/HWM/MAA = Travelers by Gaslight
GR/HWM/JES/MAA = The Crimson Dance
OCC/PD/HEL/RUN = Death by Inches
OCC/GR/HWM/RUN = Fear the Reaper
PD/OCC/HWM/RUN = The Laboratory
PD/GR/HEL/RUN = Running with the Devil
OCC/PD/HWM/HEL = If It Bleeds, It Leads
PD/RUN/HEL/GR = Finishing School
PD/HWM/RUN/HEL = Cut and Run
OCC/JES/LEP/GR = Grave Dancers
PD/HWM/HEL/LEP = Meat Cute
PD/OCC/GR/HWM = The Dismal Science
PD/JES/HWM/LEP = The Best Medicine
OCC/RUN/HWM/MAA = Arms to Farewell
OCC/JES/HWM/RUN = Riding Shotgun
OCC/GR/HEL/RUN = Eye of the Beholder
OCC/RUN/JES/LEP = The New Blood
PD/GR/HWM/RUN = Wall of Fire
PD/JES/HEL/RUN = Hot Blooded
PD/GR/RUN/HWM = Thieves Guild
PD/HWM/HEL/RUN = The Defiant
OCC/GR/MAA/HWM = Honor Among Thieves
OCC/GR/RUN/PD = Project Runaway
OCC/JES/LEP/HEL = Devil’s Advocate
OCC/GR/RUN/HWM = By Hook or by Crook
OCC/JES/HEL/RUN = Powder Keg
OCC/HWM/GR/RUN = Whisper in a Whirlwind
PD/HWM/RUN/GR = Short Arms, Deep Pockets
PD/GR/HWM/LEP = Pat Hand
OCC/LEP/MAA/PD = Delenda Est
PD/RUN/HWM/JES = The Lottery
PD/JES/MAA/RUN = False Shine
OCC/HEL/PD/RUN = Red Azimuth
OCC/HWM/HEL/RUN = Blood Zenith
JES/GR/HWM/LEP = Caveat Emptor
OCC/RUN/LEP/JES = Dulce est Desipere
OCC/HWM/JES/RUN = Favor the Bold
HWM/GR/RUN/PD = Manu Propria
OCC/MAA/GR/RUN = The Defectors
OCC/HWM/GR/HEL = Devil’s Due
PD/OCC/HELL/LEP = Night Terrors
RUN/JES/OCC/PD = Cause and Effect
OCC/PD/RUN/HEL = Forces of Nature
OCC/MAA/PD/JES = The Mind’s Eye
OCC/HWM/PD/HEL = In the Red
PD/JES/HEL/LEP = A Cut Above
OCC/RUN/PD/JES = Bittersweet Symphony
OCC/GR/PD/RUN = Smoke and Mirrors
PD/HWM/JES/OCC = The Prestige
OCC/HWM/LEP/JES = Live on Tour
PD/JES/GR/OCC = Occlusion Culling
PD/HWM/JES/GR = Masquerade Ball
OCC/LEP.GR.JES = Death’s Waltz
OCC/PD/JES/RUN = Blaze Black
OCC//HWM/RUN/HELL = Burning Rage
PD/GR/LEP/MAA = The Diplomats
PD/JES/HWM/RUN = Wolf on the Fold
OCC/JES/LEP/MAA = Blunt Force
JES/VES/PD/LEP/ The Motley
OCC/GR/HEL/LEP = Outcasts
OCC/VES/HWM/LEP = Unlikely Tetret
HWM/VES/GR/HEL = Guns ‘n Roses
VES/PD/RUN/HEL = Sisters of Mercy
PD/OCC/VES/MAA = Hook, Serve, Delicious
VES/JES/HEL/LEP = Ghost Busters
PD/OCC/VES/LEP = Doctor / Patient
PD/GR/VES/HEL = Valkyries
GR/VES/HWM/MAA = The Collection
PD/VES/RUN/OCC = Safe than Sorry
JES/OCC/VES/LEP = Light and Darkness
GR/PD/JES/HWM = Knives
VES/RUN/GR/HEL = Night Out
LEP/HEL/VES/OCC = Folie Ă  Quatre
OCC/VES/MAA/HEL = Shouting Match
VES/JES/MAA/LEP = Old King’s Court
OCC/VES/HWM/HEL = Divine Intervention
GR/PD/HEL/MAA = Yellow Brick Road
PD/VES/OCC/HEL = Cultural Exchange
VES/PD/HWM/MAA = The Uneasy Suspects
VES/PD/OCC/MAA = Third Opinion
OCC/VES/RUN/LEP = Stars Above
PD/OCC/VES/RUN = Conflagration
OCC/JES/FLA/LEP = Crimson Court
VES/OCC/FLA/HEL = Grave Discomfort
PD/VES/FLA/LEP = Rue Morgue
VES/PD/FLA/LEP = The Malady Militia
PD/OCC/HEL/FLA = Near Death
VES/RUN/FLA/MAA = Rain of Sorrows
GR/JES/FLA/LEP = No Regrets
PD/OCC/FLA/LEP = Biology Assignment
GR/PD/HWM/FLA = Graveyard Shift
OCC/GR/FLA/LEP = La Danse Macabre
GR/PD/RUN/FLA = Toxin Trickery
OCC/MAA/FLA/HEL = Army of Fools
HWM/PD/HEL/FLA = The Harbingers
RUN/MAA/FLA/LEP = Ruthless Orchestra
JES/MAA/FLA/GR = The Stumbling Corpse
GR/OCC/PD/FLA = Grave Prognosis
VES/JES/FLA/LEP = Bitter Memories
OCC/FLA/HEL/LEP = Pain and Power
OCC/FLA/HWM/LEP = Borrowed Time
PD/RUN/LEP/FLA = Doctor’s Orders
GR/PD/FLA/LEP = Blight Town
PD/GR/FLA/HEL = Cadaver Caravan
PD/GR/FLA/LEP = Rot Squad
RUN/OCC/LEP/FLA = Fever Dream
PD/GR/OCC/FLA = Rain of Blight
PD/HEL/VES/FLA = Medical Breakthrough
GR/PD/FLA/RUN = Dying Blight
VES/RUN/FLA/LEP = Last Light
GR/FLA/HEL/LEP = The Bell Tolls
GR/HWM/MAA/FLA = The Iron Fortress

Thanks to Cybernide for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

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