Cyberpunk 2077: How to Change Keymapping with Tools

A little tool to edit the keymapping for Cyberpunk 2077 to change the normal movement keys.



I wanted to change the standard movement keys (wasd) to the arrow keys. Unfortunately some keys are just hardcoded and you have no possibility to change those via the ingame menu of Cyberpunk. If you still want to change these keys you have to edit to config-files. Therefore i build a little tool to edit the necessary files.


Close Cyberpunk before editing the config-files.

Make backupfiles

Before you change anything save your current config-files. Click on Edit->Backup current config-files it will create a Backup folder next to the tool and copy the current config-files into it (inputUserMappings.xmlinputContexts.xml and UserSettings.json).

Edit normal key mappings

The tool will load inputUserMappings.xmlinputContexts.xml and UserSettings.json. The first five tabs show the settings inside the UserSettings.json, those are the same setting you’ll see inside the ingame menu Key Bindings.

More key mappings

The last tab shows a lot more tabs. Those settings are from the inputUserMappings.xml. You will find here are all locked key mappings.

Change mapping

After you click on the E-Button next to a setting you want to change you push the new key which you want to assign. If the key won’t be recognized you can edit the key manually.

Save new settings

To save your changes click on Edit->Save settings and the settings will be written into inputUserMappings.xml and UserSettings.json.

Known issues

  • The tool refreshes slowly, so moving the window takes time.
  • Not all Mousebuttons will be recognized automatically
  • Mousebuttons has to edit manually e.g. IK_Mouse4, IK_Mouse5
  • Alot of settings to edit with no explanation

The tool checks for double assigned key mappings to a certain extend. But it can’t check for issues resulting in wrongly assigned keys. So before you edit anything make a backup!

Even though it’s a quick and dirty solution it helped me to change my movement keys to the arrow keys and get rid of the dodging. Maybe it will help someone of you too.


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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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