All data pads & Xenotech location.
1. Dead Hills
2 Xenotech

2. Berkley’s Docks
1 Xenotech

Berkley’s Docks – 2nd Floor = 3 datapads

3. Refinery
12 Datapads
The elevator to the basement in Refinery level can’t be recalled to the starting floor after your rescue by the drop ship so if you miss any data pads on that level you can’t go back.
Refinery – 1st Floor = 6 datapads
Refinery – Basement = 6 datapads
4. Lethe’s Wastelands
Warning! I don’t think so u can replay this mission so highly recommended to not forget to pick it up! Especially if u want to collect all data pads in one playthrough

5. Pioneer Station
1 Xenotech

Pioneer Station – Headquarters = 6 datapads

Pioneer Station – Command Level = 4 datapads

One Xenotech obtained by looting the Xenomorph Queen.
6. Atmoshperic Nightmare
2 Xenotech

Basement = 5 datapads

Second Xenotech obtained by looting the Xenomorph Queen.
7. The Montero
1 XenotechThe Montero – Deck B

8. Tantalus Research Station
2 Xenotech

Tantalus Research Station – Basement -1 = 4 datapads, 2 Xenotech

Small spoiler ahead about collecting datapad 4 and 5
To collect datapads 4 and 5 u have to proceed with main quest to the moment when base is set to selfdestruct.
9. Pharos Spire
1 XenotechPharos Spire – 1st Floor = 7 datapads, 1 Xenotech

Pharos Spire – Office = 2 datapads
In this are of the mission there’s side quest that ask you to look for 3 terminals, those terminals are pointed on the map as part of the quest and counted as datapads.

Pharos Spire – Security = 2 datapads
10. Olduvai Dig Site
8 Datapads
Olduvai Dig Site – Basement 1 = 4 datapads
Olduvai Dig Site – Basement 2 = 2 datapads
Olduvai Dig Site – Main mine = 2 datapads
11. Xeno City
Xeno City – 4 datapads
Thanks to ScoRrpioOo for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.