Undertale: How to Beat the mighty Froggit

The Froggit is the first and biggest boss in all of the Underground. To get past him, you’re gonna need a lot more luck and determination that you probably got. I do not guarantee results in this guide, just prolonged survival.


Tips to Survive the Froggit a Little Longer

  • Use the dummy fight beforehand to train. This is your time to prepare for your fight. Practice dodging the dummy’s menacing glare and hitting it with lots of force. The dummy is no froggit, but it’s your best chance.
  • Turn on Megalovania in the background. This is known to feed into the Froggit’s massive ego, which may slow down its attack patterns.
  • Try dodging the bullets. I know this is really out of the box and kind of tricky. But you can do this by moving out of the way when the bullets come in your direction. It may take a few tries, and I’m still polishing this method myself, but let me know if this works for you.
  • Run like a coward. If dodging the bullets proves too difficult, I have found that running very quickly by selecting the “Run” button is very effective. Frisk isn’t very fast, but the Froggit is so strong and intimidating, so it shouldn’t bother you if you try to look small and move away quickly. The goal is not to look like a threat. I’d recommend some training to attempt this remover: five sprints a day for two weeks and some jumping jacks should do the trick.
  • Positive self talk: remember that this is only a Froggit. He is scary and he will kill you, but he exists only Underground. All you have to do is make sure Frisk never breaks the barrier and the Froggit will never come find you outside of the Underground.
  • Do not insult the Froggit. He is going to kill you anyway. If you insult him this will result in every Froggit teaming up to take over the Human world and the Underground. This thing is lethal. Don’t be the human to set it over the edge.
  • Try complimenting the Froggit. He will still probably kill you, but at least you will die a good person and maybe the Froggit will remember how nice you were before it killed you, and then will throw away his previous plans of world domination.
  • Know that Toby Fox is afraid of the Froggit too. He didn’t know what he had created until it was too late.

I apologize I couldn’t provide a step-by-step tutorial. The Froggit is a great and fierce enemy, and its capabilities extend far beyond the scope of a Walkthrough. All I wish to do is delay your inevitable death a little longer.

Knowledge of the Froggit is everexpanding. If you are aware of any tips that I have not listed here, please share your entail with your fellow soldiers.

Thanks to Writeful Gaming for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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