Safes can be found either within mission locations or during random events that can occur when traveling. Random encounters can only have 1 chance of a safe, while mission locations usually have the chance 1 or 2 safes to loot.
Safes in missions have a random chance to spawn, meaning you can sometimes find no safes at all. If you have the gas to spare you can always check the possible safe locations within that area and, if you don’t find any, you can abandon the quest and then enter the area again to see if a safe spawns.
During the time I have played I have not seen a safe spawn during missions given by the zombie hunter Ace, who appears in every city offering 2 or 3 repeatable missions. This is probably done to stop loot farming, but if someone has found a safe in one of those missions let me know so I can update this guide.
There are not many safes in this part of the map. There is 1 guaranteed during the story mission, in the Old House, along with some in the science base (Bio Center).
Safes are more numerous here than in the Woodlands.

This location contains about the same amount of safes compared to Springfield.