This is a list of tips and tricks for those struggling with building in Valheim.
You just need to know what the system is telling you.

Use short poles to get your building grounded. The yellow box surrounding your cursor will give you a guide on where the piece snaps. In this case, it is snapping to the side of the pole.
The ground poles are more tricky. They will snap above and below. Watch your yellow box to get to the spot on the ground to get it to snap to the pole above it.
With a foundation in place, it is much easier to place the floor down.
Floors can be tricky once you are away from the foundation. Try to place a line of floor going out so you have an easier time snapping the floors to the little planks underneath.
This floor piece is orange. It is unsupported, floating.
Put a pole underneath and the supports turn green.

Walls generally do a good job snapping on top of one another if you can pixel your way to the very top of the bottom wall. Once one is up, use that one wall and snap to the side of that wall for a much easier time placing.
This one isn’t snapping. 3 walls is too high for you to snap to the top of the piece.
The solution is to just use ladders. You get all the materials back for everything placed, so scaffold all you want!

Just like with floors, there is a little plank on the roofs that makes chaining them much easier.
This roof is getting close to being unsupported. Let’s use supports.
Before placing
You can get a really high roof by being mindful of supports and your well-lit snap points.
I hope this helps someone understand the build system in Valheim.
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