t’s highly unorganised but it was highly requested, sorry for disorganisation! Use ctrl+F and you can immediately use ctrl c and ctrl v.if you want to receive more items, write e.g. / give 79/3 then you will get 3 the same items
58999 Debugging Item
59000 Metal Fragments
59001 Glass Fragments
59002 Cloth Fragments
59003 Blowtorch
59004 Hammer
59005 Pocketknife
59006 Saw
59007 Copper Wire
59008 Copper Coil
59009 Metal Bar
59010 Metal Parts
59011 Metal Sheet
59012 Mug
59013 Plate
59014 Antiseptic
59015 Camera
59016 Electronics
59017 Lens
59018 Lighter
59019 Radio Receiver
59020 Radio Transmitter
59021 Radio
59023 RC Controller
59024 Saltpeter
59025 Sugar
59026 TV Remote
59027 Walkie-Talkie
59028 Plastic Fragments
59029 Baking Pan
59030 Empty Jar
59031 Fork
59032 Butter Knife
59033 Spork
59034 Coffee Pot
59035 Cooking Pot
59036 blasting cap
59037 Computer Mouse
59038 Computer Keyboard
59039 Cable
59040 Dumbbell
59041 USB Stick
59042 Hard Drive
59043 Paper Towel
59044 Key
59045 Candy
59046 Canned Beans
59047 Canned Chicken
59048 Canned Dog Food
59049 Canned Fish
59050 Canned Fish 1
59051 Canned Fruit
59053 Crackers
59054 Canteen
59055 Violetray Berry
59056 Bottled Water
59057 Violetray Jam
59058 Fish Crackers
59059 Military Ration
59060 Military Ration
59061 Military Ration
59062 Meat Raw
59063 Meat Cooked
59064 Jeans 1
59065 Jeans 2
59066 Jeans 3
59067 Pants 1
59068 Pants 2
59069 Pants 3
59070 Tracksuit Bottoms 1
59071 Tracksuit Bottoms 2
59072 Tracksuit Bottoms 3
59073 Baseball Jacket 1
59074 Baseball Jacket 2
59088 Baseball Jacket 3
59076 Hoodie 1
59077 Hoodie 2
59078 Hoodie 3
59079 Hoodie 4
59080 Hoodie 5
59081 Jacket 1
59082 Jacket 2
59083 Jacket 3
59084 Jacket 4
59085 Jacket 5
59086 Jacket 6
59087 Tracksuit Top 1
59088 Tracksuit Top 2
59089 Tracksuit Top 3
59090 Military Bottoms
59091 Military Top 1
59092 Military Top 2
59093 Military Top 3
59094 Camping Pack
59095 Compact Backpack
59096 Coyote Pack Gray
59097 Coyote Pack Green
59098 Coyote Pack Tan
59099 Knapsack Blue
59100 Knapsack Green
59101 Knapsack Pink
59102 Knapsack Red
59103 Knapsack Yellow
59104 Rucksack
59106 Beanie 1
59107 Beanie 2
59108 Beanie 3
59109 Beanie 4
59110 Beanie 5
59111 Beanie 6
59112 Fishing Hat 1
59113 Fishing Hat 2
59114 Fishing Hat 3
59115 Fishing Hat 4
59116 Beret
59117 Military Cap
59118 Ski Mask 1
59119 Ski Mask 2
59120 Ski Mask 3
59121 Ski Mask 4
59122 Ski Mask 5
59123 Fishing Vest 1
59124 Fishing Vest 2
59125 Fishing Vest 3
59126 Fishing Vest 4
59127 Military Vest 1
59128 Military Vest 2
59129 Gas Canister
59130 Oil
59131 Kerosene
59132 Trumpet
59133 AN Fertiliser
59135 Crab 0
59136 Crab 1
59137 Fishy
59138 Big Fishy
59139 Green Fish
59140 Yellofish
59141 Lobster
59142 Catfish
59146 Handcuffs
59147 Handcuffs Key
59148 Police Bottoms
59149 Police Shirt 1
59150 Police Shirt 2
59151 Balaclava
59152 Police Cap
59153 Police Helmet
59154 Police Vest
59155 Military Helmet
59156 Cloth Vest
59157 Cloth Vest
59158 Cloth Vest
59159 Shorts
59160 Shorts
59161 Military Cap 1
59162 Lubricant Oil
59163 Firefighter Vintage Helmet
59164 Firefighter Helmet
59165 Firefighter Top
59166 Firefighter Bottoms
59167 Axe
59168 Axe
59169 Sledge
59170 Bandage
59171 Sterile Bandage
59172 Dressing
59173 Rag
59174 Iodine
59175 Splint
59176 Cotton Balls
59177 Tweezers
59178 Spoon
59179 Toaster
59180 Golden Spoon
59181 Rolling Pin
59182 Crayons
59183 Pants 4
59184 Jacket 7
59185 Hoodie 6
59186 Hoodie 7
59187 Shirt 1
59188 Shirt 2
59189 Shirt 3
59190 Shirt 4
59191 Shirt 5
59192 Raspberry
59193 Blueberry
59194 Raspberry Jam
59195 Blueberry Jam
59196 Detonator
59197 Natural Fertilizer
59198 Homemade Explosives
59199 Homemade Charge
59200 Suitcase
59201 Log
59202 Plank
59203 Wooden Doorway
59204 Wooden Floor
59205 Triangular Wooden Floor
59206 Wooden Ramp
59207 Wooden Wall
59208 Wooden Post
59209 Wooden Pillar
59210 Wooden Hole
59211 Wooden Garage
59212 Wooden Rampart
59213 Wooden Roof
59214 Triangular Wooden Roof
59215 Wooden Stairs
59216 Wooden Triangular Hole
59217 Wooden Window
59218 Bedroll
59219 Wooden Spikes
59220 Wooden Crate
59221 Hardened Glass
59222 Wooden Door
59223 Metal Door
59224 Wooden Gate
59225 Metal Gate
59226 Wooden Hatch
59227 Wooden Ladder
59228 Metal Ladder
59229 Potato
59230 Potato Seed
59231 Campfire
59233 Metal Hatch
59234 Tomato
59235 Tomato Seed
59236 Propane Tank
59237 Watering Can

59238 Vinegar
59239 Phone
59240 Clock
59241 Nails
59242 Tomato Jar
59243 Asparagus
59244 Asparagus Jar
59245 PGR7 Magazine
59246 Target Ammo Box
59247 PGR7
59248 Low Tier Gun Parts
59249 T22
59250 Target Magazine
59251 Target Box
59252 Target Drum
59253 Landmine
59254 Razor Wire
59255 Razor Wire Long
59256 Doorway
59257 PGR7S Silencer
59258 PGR7-S
59259 AR20
59260 AR20 Mag
59261 AR20 Sights
59262 High Tier Gun Parts
59263 Intermediate Ammo Box
59264 Rescue Saw
59265 Bronze Coin
59266 Bronze Ingot
59267 Bronze Pigeon
59268 Silver Coin
59269 Silver Ingot
59270 Silver Falcon
59271 Gold Coin
59272 Gold Ingot
59273 Gold Quail
59274 Diamond
59275 Broken Saw
59276 Saw Blade
59277 Motor Oil
59278 Engine Chain
59279 White Fuse
59280 Turbocharger
59281 Air Filter Cover
59282 Head Gasket
59283 Suspension Spring
59284 Engine Piston
59285 Car Engine
59286 Car Battery
59287 Shovel
59288 Magnum Ammo Box
59289 Magnum Magazine
59290 COS1919
59291 Subsonic Ammo Box
59292 Honey B mag
59293 Honey B Sights
59294 Honey Bee
59295 Target Pointer
59296 BP22
59297 Pistol Holo Sight
59298 Pistol Comp
59300 Hunting Scope
59301 Pistol Comp
59302 Pakol
59303 Pakol
59304 Pakol
59305 Pakol
59306 Pakol
59307 Pakol
59308 Turban
59309 Drakonov
59310 Kobra Sight
59311 Rifle Ammo Box
59312 Drakonov Mag
59313 OSP Scope
59314 Zolash
59315 zolash mag
59316 VAN98 Clip
59317 VAN98
59318 Bluesteel Scope
59319 WKM12.7 Mag
59320 WKM12.7
59321 Assault Scope
59322 Zolash
59323 Zolash
59324 Zolash suppressor
59325 Pistol Ammo Box
59326 Swift Magazine
59327 Burette
59328 Pistol Suppressor
59329 Kasov
59330 Uzy
59331 Uzy Mag
59332 AR-16
59333 AR-16 Sights
59334 Pants
59335 Pants
59336 Pants
59337 Shirt
59338 Shirt
59339 Shirt
59340 Military Vest
59341 Military Cap
59342 Illegal Gun Parts
59343 T22-A
59344 Military Helmet
59345 Nightvision Goggles
59346 Bandana
59347 GP Suppressor
59348 GP460
59349 Holoscope
59350 Broken NVGS
59351 Photocathodes
59352 Photomultiplier Tubes
59353 Diving Mask
59354 Diving Tank
59355 Hyper Adrenaline
59356 regen stim
59357 RPG Warhead
59358 RPG
59359 RPG Scope
59360 Box Planter
59361 RC Car Red
59362 RC Car Blue
59363 RC Car Yellow
59364 RC Car Green
59365 RC Car Orange
59366 RC Car Purple
59367 Tikhiy Supressor
59368 Tikhiy
59369 Alum Leaves
59370 Clove Leaves
59371 TKB400
59372 Scissors
59373 Balisong
59374 Reloading Tools
59375 Rewire Kit
59376 Toolbox
59377 Gunpowder
59378 Explosive Compound
59379 Tank Shell
59380 Tank Projectile
59381 Tank Cartridge Case
59382 Kalakov
59383 Holotech Sight
59384 Holotech Sight
59385 RPG Breech
59386 RPG Barrel
59387 RPG Trigger Assembly
59388 MGL Rubber Nades
59389 MGL
59390 MGL HE Nades
59391 Nemesis Magazine
59392 Nemesis
59393 8x Scope
59394 Canned Soda
59395 Fanny Pack
59396 Fanny Pack
59397 Fanny Pack
59398 Stack Of Money
59399 Rhodium Coin
59400 Physical Dogecoin
59401 Secured Folder
59402 Blue Floppy Disk
59403 Red Floppy Disk
59404 Green Floppy Disk
59405 Black Floppy Disk
59406 Golden COS1919
59407 C99 Clip
59408 C99
59409 DF-357
59410 Pistol Holo Sight
59411 Heavy Military Helmet
59413 Nemesis Prototype
59414 Field Knife
59415 Field Knife
59416 Heavy Military Helmet
59417 Armor Plating
59418 Frag Grenade
59419 Stick Grenade
59420 Stick Grenade Bomb
59421 Golden Zolash
59422 Deagle Gold
59423 MKP
59424 MKP Box
59425 Heavy Military Helmet
59426 Heavy Military Helmet
59427 Military Helmet
59428 Military Helmet
59429 Military Helmet
59430 Military Vest
59431 Military Vest
59432 Military Vest
59433 Military Pants
59434 Military Shirt
59435 Ghost Sight
59436 LSR556
59437 Pistol Holo Sight
59438 Armored Metal Door
59439 Clay
59440 bricks
59441 brick doorway
59442 brick doorway
59443 brick Floor
59444 triangular brick floor
59445 brick garage
59446 triangular brick hole
59447 brick hole
59448 brick pillar
59449 brick post
![.png] .png]](https://www.gamepretty.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/unnamed-file-721.png)
9449 brick post
59450 brick ramp
59451 brick rampart
59452 brick roof
59453 triangular brick roof
59454 brick stairs
59455 brick wall
59456 brick windows
59457 Metal Doorway
59458 Metal Doorway
59459 metal floor
59460 triangualr metal floor
59461 metal garage
59462 metal hole
59463 metal triangular hole
59464 metal pillar
59465 metal post
59466 metal ramp
59467 metal ramprt
59468 metal roof
59469 triangular metal roof
59470 metal stairs
59471 metal wall
59472 metal window
59473 adamtine doorway
59474 adamtine doorway
59475 adamtine floor
59476 adamtaine triangular floor
59477 adamtine garage
59478 adamantine hole
59479 adamantine triangular hole
59480 adamantine pillar
59481 adamantine post
59482 adamantine ramp
59483 adamantine rampart
59484 adamantine roof
59485 adamantine triangular roof
59486 adamantine stairs
59487 adamantine wall
59488 adamantine window
59489 adamantine armored door
59490 map
59491 generator
59492 Railgun Box
59493 Railgun
59494 razved
59495 tac pointer
59496 tac pointer
59497 tac pointer
59498 zolash mod 0
59499 ashk1 sight
59500 Wooden Planter Floor
59501 wooden planter roof
59502 claim generator
59503 pickaxe
59504 raw adamantine
59505 adamantine ingot
59506 adamantine hatch
59507 BREN Autocannon
59508 Sentry Mag
59509 BREN Autocannon Barrel
59510 BREN Autocannon Loading Assembly
59511 Bren Receiver
59512 Military Computer
59513 Turret
59514 Red Circuit Board
59515 Marking Flare
59516 gasmask
59517 plastic canteen
59518 plastic crate
59519 Plastic gas can
59520 compact generator
59521 pumpjack
59522 industrial generator
59523 Red’s Military Shirt
59524 Round Glasses
59525 Architect’s Baseball Jacket
59526 Baseball Cap
59527 Gasmask Filter
59528 Metal Ore
59529 Charcoal
59530 Steel Mesh
59531 Hatchet
59532 Icon Blueprint
59533 Icon Currency
59534 Icon Barter
59535 Icon Shopping
59536 Rue’s Shorts
59537 Rue’s Jacket
59538 Vehicle Alternator
59539 Spark Plug
59540 Binoculars
59541 AP Shell
59542 Ammo Belt
59543 Training Ammo Belt
59544 Mine Shell
59545 Machete
59546 Yellow Construction Helmet
59547 White Construction Helmet
59548 Carjack
59549 Stealy
59550 SSD
59551 Life Preserver
59552 Bowling Ball
59553 Empty Can
59554 Clothing Iron
59555 Technical Manual
59556 Weapons Manual
59557 Old Newspaper
59558 Paintbrush
59559 Blue Pen
59560 Empty Ammo Pouch
59561 Empty Glass Bottle
59562 Metal Bucket
59563 Metal Sheet stack
59564 Roll Of Cloth
59565 Glass Pane
59566 Glass Cube
59567 Metal Pipe
59568 Staple Gun
59569 Screw Nuts
59570 Screws
59571 Bolts
59572 Screwdriver
59573 Fishing Line
59574 Rope
59575 Wrench
59576 Pipe Wrench
59577 Traffic Cone
59578 Jug
59579 Rubber Ducky
59580 Scrubbing Brush
59581 Matchbox
59582 Scrapped Wires
59583 GPU
59584 Broken Lightbulb
59585 Lightbulb
59586 Electric Drill
59587 Fishing Net
59588 Measuring Tape
59589 Valve
59590 Hair Dryer
59591 Cheese Grater
59592 Vent Filter
59593 Hose
59594 Metal Spring
59595 Towel
59596 Trowel
59597 Roller Brush
59598 Tackle Box
59599 Notepad
59600 Anvil
59601 Puzzle Trophy
59602 Vase
59603 Pillow
59604 Magnifying Glass
59605 Encrypted CD
59606 Fire Extinguisher
59607 Mini Fridge
59608 Multi-Splint 5
59609 Multi-Splint 4
59610 Multi-Splint 3
59611 Multi-Splint 2
59612 Multi-Splint 1
59613 IR Spotlight
59614 Dogtag
59615 Bundle of Dogtags
59616 Pile Of Dogtags
59617 Entrenching Tool
59618 Encrypted Transmitter
59619 Radio Handset
59620 Field Telephone
59621 Video Receiver
59622 CW Keyer
59623 Compass
59624 Battery Acid
59625 Gummed Tape
59626 Empty Spray Can
59627 Iridium Traces
59628 Iridium Bar
59629 Construction Shirt
59630 Chocolate
59631 bottled water 4/5
59632 bottled water 3/5
59633 bottled water 2/5
59634 bottled water 1/5
59635 empty plastic bottle
59636 Medkit 3/3
59637 Medkit 2/3
59638 Medkit 1/3
59639 Painkillers 10/10
59640 Painkillers 9/10
59641 Painkillers 8/10
59642 Painkillers 7/10
59643 Painkillers 6/10
59644 Painkillers 5/10
59645 Painkillers 4/10
59646 Painkillers 3/10
59647 Painkillers 2/10
59648 Painkillers 1/10

59649 White Smoke
59650 Purple Smoke
59651 Flashbang
59652 Minefield Landmine
59653 Magnifier
59654 Holotech Scope tan
59655 AR Mag Tracer
59656 Zolash Mag Tracer
59657 Zolash Mag BOom
59658 HQ Fabric
59659 Weapon Repair Kit
59660 Tracer Ammunition Box
59661 Zolash Muzzle
59662 US Ration
59663 Burger
59664 Al-Musaytir
59665 BRUT-12
59666 Demolition Charge
59667 Breaching Charge
59668 Demolition Charge XL
59669 rucksack xl
59670 Empty Syringe
59671 Alicepack
59672 Rucksack
59673 Heavy Military Vest
59674 Heavy Military Helmet
59675 Heavy Military Helmet
59676 Heavy Military Helmet
59677 Heavy Military Helmet
59678 Rangefinder
59679 HE Ammo Belt
59680 Stack Of Gunpowder
59681 Ammo Crate
59682 Ammo Crate Intermediate
59683 Ammo Crate Subsonic
59684 Magbox Honey B
59685 Magbox AR
59686 Firewater
59687 HE Mortar
59688 Incendiary Mortar
59689 Ammo Crate Hypervelocity
59690 Thermobaric Grenade
59691 Decoction
59692 Tea Package
59693 Tomato Plant
59694 Potato Plant
59695 Tea Plant Seed
59696 Tea Plant
59697 Tea Leaves
59698 Mug Of Tea
59699 Golden Zolash Muzzle Brake
59700 Ammo Crate Magnum
59701 Magbox Magnum
59702 Police Helmet
59703 Tree Trunk
59705 Military Helmet
59706 Herbal Syrup
59707 PKO Sight
59708 Airdrop Crate
59709 Sulfur
59710 Sulfur Crystal
59711 Ruined Pickaxe
59712 Upgraded Pickaxe
59713 Stack of Metal Ore
59714 Roll of plastic
59715 Stack of Logs
59716 Iodine 4/5
59717 Iodine 3/5
59718 Iodine 2/5
59719 Iodine 1/5
59720 Patrol Cap
59721 Documents Bag
59722 Suit Top
59723 Suit Bottoms
59724 Documents Bag
59725 Armory Keycard
59726 Horde Beacon
59727 Fishing Rod Tier 1
59728 Fishing Rod Tier 2
59729 Fishing Rod Tier 3
59730 Fishing Rod Tier 4
59731 Fishing Rod Tier 5
59732 Fishing Rod Tier 6
59733 Rusty Zolash
59734 Rusty VAN93
59735 STG
59736 STG-M
59737 Rusty STG
59738 Oneway Glass
59739 Metal Window Bars
59740 Ammo Crate Pistol
59741 Package of Beans
59742 Package Of Water
59743 Police Vest Mk. II
59744 Bus Drivers Jacket
59745 Baseball cap
59746 Armored Vest Mk. II
59747 Heavy Military Helmet
59748 Heavy Military Helmet
59749 Recon Vest Mk. II
59750 Swayer-50™
59751 Swayer-80™
59752 Swayer-90™
59753 Military Helmet
59754 GP460
59755 Nightvision
59756 Miltary Pants
59757 Military Top
59758 Rucksack
59759 Bandana
59760 Bandana
59761 Bandana
59762 Black Spray Can
59763 Rucksack
59764 Recon Vest Mk. II
59765 Recon Vest Mk. II
59766 Police Vest Mk. II
59767 Heavy Military Helmet
59768 Heavy Military Helmet
59769 Drakonov-M
59770 OSP-M Scope
59771 Panoramic Sight
59772 Chevron Scope
59773 Rope Ladder
59774 Roll Of Lead
59775 Biohazard Bottom
59776 Biohazard Top
59777 Magbox
59778 Magbox
59779 Zolash Mod 1
59780 Nemesis Scope
59781 Turban
59782 Cloth Vest
59783 Eirik’s Shirt
59784 Secure Box
59785 Cloth Mannequin
59786 Phantom Scope
59787 Nemesis
59788 Placard
59789 Wall Rack
59790 Metal Crate
59791 Golden Round Glasses
59792 Diving Pack
59793 Traffic Cone Cap
59794 Car Cassette Player
59795 Lump Of Charcoal
59796 Stack of Armor Plating
59797 Stack of HQ Fabric
59798 Swift Box
59799 SPS17
59800 SV68 Mag
59801 SV68
59802 Tac Razved
59803 Zolash Mod. 0 [R]
59804 Redline Scope
59805 Stack of Bricks
59806 Pile Of Electronics
59807 Industrial Plastic Box
59808 Metal Safe
59809 Adamantine Safe
59810 Morphine
59811 Industrial Woden Box
59812 Heavy military Helmet
59813 Heavy military Helmet
59814 t22 test
59815 Pile Of Metal Parts
59816 Armor Repair Kit
59817 Brazier
59818 Bundle Of Kerosene
59819 Copper Coils
59820 Wooden Wall Rack
59821 Dino Statue
59822 Massive Dino Statue
59823 Glass Wall
59824 Glass Roof
59825 Cot
59826 Makeshift Sentry
59827 Ski Mask
59828 Radio
59829 Kalakov
59830 Industrial Metal Box
59831 T22 Autocannon
59832 AMR
59833 DMR280
59834 AMR Mag
59835 Anti-Materiel Box
59836 DMR Mag
59837 OK-0 Sight
59838 Triangular Glass Roof
59839 GP460S
59840 GP460K
59841 TKB400
59842 Honey Bee S
59843 Honey B Supressor
59844 Honey Bee PROTO
59845 Weapon Mod Kit
59846 Moyai Statue
59847 M22
59848 M22-A
59849 SV68-R

59850 M98
59851 M98R
59852 Upgraded Axe
59853 AR762
59854 Upgraded Sledge
59855 Battleaxe
59856 Oxygenator
59857 EBR280
59858 Zolash Drum
59859 Zolash Extendo Mag
59860 AR Casket Magazine
59861 Iridium Spade
59862 Throwable Brick
59863 Syringe Of Battery Acid
59864 Bed
59865 Wooden Shelf
59866 Trapped Wooden Crate
59867 Proximity Trapped Wooden Crate
59868 Trapped Plastic Crate
59869 Proximity Trapped Plastic Crate
59870 Metal Shelf
59871 Rangefinder Held
59872 Military Bottoms
59873 Military Shirt
59874 Military Bottoms
59875 Military Shirt
59876 Military Cap
59877 Cinematic Goggles 0.8
59878 Cinematic Goggles 0.7
59879 Cinematic Goggles 0.6
59880 Cinematic Goggles 0.5
59881 Swayer-100
59882 Rangefinder Scope
59883 Wooden Fence
59884 9V Battery
59885 Lamp
59886 Cagelight
59887 Air Filter Mine
59888 Distress Beacon
59889 Grenade Box
59890 CARG15
59891 MS57 Mag
59892 MS57 (Tan)
59893 Weapon Case
59894 MS57 (Black
59895 MS57 (Green)
59896 CARG15 Case
59897 MS57 Case
59898 MS57 Case
59899 MS57 Case
59900 Plot
59901 Cloth Seed
59902 Cloth Plant
59903 Clove Seed
59904 Alum Seed
59904 Alum Seed
59905 Clove Plant
59906 Alum Plant
59907 Bundle Of Lubricant
59908 Sandbags
59909 Fire barrel OP
59910 Wooden Table
59911 Long Wooden Table
59912 Wooden Chair

Zolash (Full Stock) – 59314
Zolash (Folding Stock) – 59322
Zolash (Foregrip) – 59323
Golden Zolash – 59421
Zolash Mod.1 – 59498
Zolash Mod.0 – 59779
Zolash Mod.0 [R] – 59803
AR-16 – 59332
AR20 – 59259
AR762 – 59853
STG – 59735
STG-M – 59736
Kalakov – 59382
Kalakov-M – 59829
LSR556 – 59436
GP460S (FDE/BLACK) – 59348
GP460S (Black) – 59754
GP460S (FDE) – 59839
GP460K – 59840
Al-Musaytir – 59664
PGR7 – 59247
PGR7-S – 59258
COS1919 – 59290
Golden COS1919 – 59406
DF-357 – 59409
Golden DF-357 – 59422
Kasov – 59329
Burette – 59327
C99 – 59408
Nemesis – 59392
Nemesis Prototype – 59413
Nemesis (Black) – 59787
AMR – 59832
VAN98 – 59317
M98 – 59850
M98R – 59851
SV68 – 59801
SV68 – 59849
Drakonov – 59309
Drakonov-M – 59769
DMR280 – 59833
EBR280 – 59857
Razved – 59494
Tac Razved – 59802
CARG15 – 59890
TKB400 – 59371
TKB400 (Folded) – 59841
Uzy – 59330
MS57 (Tan) – 59892
MS57 (Black) – 59894
MS57 (Green) – 59895
T22 – 59249
T22-A – 59343
M22 – 59848
M22-A – 59847
RPG – 59358
WKM 12.7 – 59320
Honey Bee – 59294
Honey Bee S – 59842
Honey Bee PROTO – 59844
Tikhiy – 59368
Railgun – 59493
MGL – 59389
MKP – 59423
BP22 – 59296
BRUT-12 – 59665

/Vehicle 59000 VB80 Red
/Vehicle 59001 VB80 Green
/Vehicle 59002 VB80 Beige
/Vehicle 59003 VB80 Bluish
/Vehicle 59004 BRDM-2 Military Green
/Vehicle 59006 ZAV-500 Yellow
/Vehicle 59007 ZAV-500 Dark Green
/Vehicle 59008 ZAV-500 White
/Vehicle 59009 ZAV-500 Red
/Vehicle 59010 ZAV-500 Purple
/Vehicle 59011 ZAV-500 Black
/Vehicle 59012 ZAV-500 Blue
/Vehicle 59013 VB80 White
/Vehicle 59014 VB80 Gray
/Vehicle 59015 VB80 Pink
/Vehicle 59016 URAL
/Vehicle 59017 ZUK-13 Yellow
/Vehicle 59018 ZUK-13 Green
/Vehicle 59019 ZUK-13 White
/Vehicle 59020 ZUK-13 Reddish
/Vehicle 59021 ZUK-13 Gray
/Vehicle 59022 MYZ-83 Red
/Vehicle 59023 TK-66
/Vehicle 59024 BREM-1
/Vehicle 59025 M80 Jeep
/Vehicle 59026 Heli
/Vehicle 59027 HAYLEX-85 Red
/Vehicle 59028 HAYLEX-85 White
/Vehicle 59029 HAYLEX-85 Grey
/Vehicle 59030 HAYLEX-85 creamy
Thanks to 老板 for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
Related Posts:
- Unturned: Arid Crafting Guide
- Unturned: All Arid Barters List
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como usa os comandos para pegar intems nesse jogo
AA12 : 59930
TX45 : 59927
High Gun Parts Stack : 59964
Low Gun Parts Stack : 59963