Here is a definitive guide on how to unlock all 25 achievements in Unpacking.
Unpacking is a zen puzzle game about the familiar experience of pulling possessions out of boxes and fitting them into a new home.
All achievements in this guide are arranged in chronological order. Achievements in Unpacking are very simple and can be obtained in a single playthrough (you can reload any chapter).
Use Ctr+F for quick search. Enjoy the game!
Gotta flush ’em all Flush every toilet in the game. The achievement will pop out after clicking the last flush at the end of the game.
Make some memories Find the camera. Story achievement.
Solve a puzzle Solve the Rubik’s Cube. Interact with it using RMB (or B on gamepad).
Blast some tunes Click the music player buttons. Interact with it using RMB (or B on gamepad).
Beginning Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Strike a pose Make the mannequin dab. Interact with it using RMB (or B on gamepad).
Electrical Hazard Put a toster in the tub.
A sometimes food Place the cookie jar on the highest shelf.
Get smart Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Game on Place the blue console (GameCube-like) on the left or right side of the TV cabinet. Interact with it using RMB (or B on gamepad).
Hat on head Put the head cap on the mannequin (top shelf in the kitchen).
Fellowship Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Tidy whities Collect all of his underwear in the drawer.

Brew some coffee Put all the coffee-related stuff on the table. Not sure which items counts, I got the achievement after putting the mug.

Too cool Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Rediscover childhood Hang the unicorn poster on the wall. You can find it in the drawer under the window.
Home cooking Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
12:00 Change the time on the microwave. Interact with it using RMB (or B on gamepad).
Brilliantly solved Put the magnets on the fridge to make an “1+2=3” equation.
Independence Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Fuzzy friends Put the tiger and the pig next to each other.
Green thumb Find some place for every plant.
Love Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Baby builder Build a tower out of toy cubes.
No place like home Finish the chapter. Story achievement.
Thanks to Ira Roka for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.