The Roottrees are Dead: Some Hints for Achievements

Hello, fellow gamers! If you’re looking to conquer all the achievements in “The Roottrees Are Dead,” you’ve come to the right place. This guide aims to provide you with helpful hints and tips to progress through the game without giving away too many spoilers.


In keeping with the theme of the game, I will be trying to keep these as non-spoilery as possible! Part of the fun is working it out for yourself.

In general, the best way to progress is to keep looking. If you get stuck, you can ask the rubber duck. Don’t worry, there’s no “hintless” achievement; any help you ask for is strictly between you and the duck.

EDIT: Thanks to Ticcory for help with the Search Failure achievement!

Main Game

Story Achievements

These are unmissable.

You Deserve a Gold Star
Find everyone on the first piece of paper you’re given.

Establishing Roots
Find everyone in the oldest group photograph.

Branching Out
Find everyone in the middle group photograph.

Take My Hand Beneath the Tree
Find everyone in the latest group photograph.

Family Secrets
Finish the main game.

Missable Achievements

Audiophile (preparation)
There are three playable songs in this section, which you’ll need to unlock this achievement later.

Call Screener
“Screening” a call means letting it go to the answering machine.

Duckler County Denizen
What exists in our world, but doesn’t inside the game The Roottrees Are Dead, and not just because it’s the 90s?

Extra hint: It’s not any of the characters or places in the game, because they exist inside The Roottrees Are Dead, but not in the real world. So what’s a term related to The Roottrees Are Dead that exists in our world, but not INSIDE the game?

Extra extra hint: You’ve definitely read the search term. A lot. You’ve likely either clicked on it or typed it in, too. It’s probably on your screen right now, so you may have even read it in the past 30 seconds.

Genealogy Genie
Getting this is difficult, but I promise working it out for yourself is rewarding. If you get Loose Ends, you’ll have all the tools you need. What held me up the first time I played was, I didn’t apply the tools I knew I had. Read carefully and maybe make some notes.

It’s All Connected!
That comment you read on the radio station’s website seems interesting. You should really look into it. Surely you’ll find something useful if you just search for all of the Conspiracy Theories…

Extra hint: That wasn’t a typo. They’re all capitalized.

This achievement must be gained in the base game.

Loose Ends: Part One
Find all the evidence in the main game. There are 38 items.

Search Failure
There are two ways to search for something: in the browser itself, or by highlighting something in your journal.

Extra hint: This achievement wants you to try to search while offline. But if you try to open SpiderSearch, the internet turns back on. How might you combine these pieces of information?

Thinking Outside the Box
Hunt for achievements.

Extra hint: What do you usually do in the game if you want to find something?


Story Achievements

Second verse, same as the first: unmissable.

Old Flings
Find everyone on the left.

Extracurricular Activities
Find everyone in the middle.

Roottree Company Affairs
Find everyone on the right.

The Big Reveal
Finish Roottreemania.

Missable Achievements

Including the three from before, there are five songs. Every musician we see in the game has at least one musical track you can listen to. You sure there isn’t someone you’re forgetting?

Extra hint: Maybe someone whose track you wanted to listen to back in the main game, but you couldn’t find online?

An extremely vague list of the five songs so you can check what you might be missing:

  • A song about skating
  • A song about trees
  • A song about someone’s mom
  • A song that mentions a spoon
  • A song whose lyrics include its title a lot

Have you looked around your room lately?

Loose Ends: Part Two
Find all the evidence in Rootreemania. There are 43 items.

Voracious Reader
Keep looking, ask the duck.

What’s the Deal With All These Roottrees?
You can complete this one on a fresh Roottreemania save file in like five seconds. You don’t even need to type.

General hint: The answer involves a person’s name.

For Americans under 25, or people not familiar with US media, this reference may be legitimately tricky, so here is an extra hint: You might know him from Bee Movie. Try a real search engine.

Where There’s Smoke…
Keep looking, ask the duck.

Thanks to aliengeometries for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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