This Guide will show you how to summon the Blood Moon mini boss.
1. Getting Started
2. Summoning Dreadnautilus
1. Use the Bloody Tear at 7:30 pm and travel to the go to the ocean.
2. Use three Chum Buckets.
3. Drink a Sonar Potion, it will tell you when your about to catch the Dreadnautilus.
4. Cast a line with the Chum Caster.
5. Wait.
6. When the Sonar Potion tells you your about to catch the Dreadnautilus, press the left mouse button.
3. The Fight
I used a Zenith to kill the Dreadnautilus so I don’t have any real strats for the fight.
4. Achievement
When you kill the Dreadnautilus for the first time you get an achievement Don’t Dread On Me.

I hope you liked my guide, I wrote it in a hurry so there might be some spelling mistakes.
If there is anything I missed please tell me in the comments.
By PixelCube
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