Here is a list of all console commands in V0.19.
Cheat Codes
always test 1st without = / mcname = u’MC’ / += up
Money =
mnchk = cheat protection make same amount as Money
DayTimePeriod = 1 Morning, 2 after breakfast , 4, 5/6(evening),7 (couch TV), 8 – sleep
WeekDay = u’Monday’ , u’Tuesday’, u’Wednesday’, u’Thursday’ , u”, u’Saturday’ , u’Sunday’ – all you need to change
mcMoneyBusiness = / DoraIncome = / AnnaIncome = – income
EdmonMoneyPercent = / MoneyGangWeek = / MoneyMadamWeek =
MonthDay =
MonthNum =
CurrentDay =
BluePillMoneyDay = – last sale
BluePillMoneyDayTemp = – days pass
mcInventoryQuantity[4]+= – blue pills
mcInventoryQuantity[0]+= – condoms
Name = Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca, Paola, Ema, Julia, Lina(Alina), Maria, Naomi, Teodora, Zara, Vick(Vicky), Elena, Sasha,
Secret, Abby, Betty, Tristy, Hanna, Tristy, Tiffany, Bombina, Chichi, Ramona, Blackmoon
NameAttr = love
NamePregn = True/False
NameOvul = ovulation day
MokoAttr = / MokoOvul = – example
NameChild1, 2,… = u’Name’ – kids names, example ( DoraChild1 = u’Elena’)
NameOvulKnow = True – show ovulation date (example”RebecaOvulKnow = True”)
NameChildNum =
TotalChildren =
AbbyAttr = – Strip club
BombinaAttr =
RamonaAttr =
BlackmoonChat =
ChichiChat = / ChichiAttr =
bdsm club (initial quiz)
mcLikeBDSM = 0(hate), 1(curious), 2(love)
mcLikeBDSMsex = 0(gentle), 1(rough) 2(real rough)
JamesCheat = 1(james warned) , 5(not warned) – Ema in clothing store
EmaAlcohol = – might come in effect in future ?
EmaRefuseCheat = 2 -||- / 5 (when you move in to new house – if she doesn’t do initial nightly visits)
don’t ask secret about red syringe if you want to make her prego (works only before sex)
mcBDSMredDrug = 1
mcBDSMredDrugEvent = 0
mcBDSMredDrugKnows = 0
ElenaAlonePill = 1(non), 2(one), 3(two) – say 2 so you got always options
ElenaWantShare = 4(share), 6 (undecided), 7 (no share) – James or not
LinaEvent[3] = 0 (didn’t ask), 1 (if you asked, if she’s on pills during sex)
BDSM Unlimited services
mcBDSMevent[3] = 4