What it looks like and what it does

Deals more damage than Wood Arrow Trap.

Deals 4~6 damage and decreases strength by 1.

(4 times max)

Deals 16~20 damage.
Deals 16~20 damage.

Deals 32~38 damage.
Deals 32~38 damage.

Halves current HP.
Without: The monster vanishes.
(No experience points)

Sets current HP to 1.
The monster vanishes.
(No experience points)

Extinguishes torches.
Chance for tag to come off when equipment rusts.

makes you drop items.
Dropped pots can shatter.
Zaloklefts, Mixers, and Froggos will drop the item they’re carrying.

(No experience points)
Gyazas are immune.
(Receives 2 damage)

If the selected item is already cursed, it will change to being sealed, and vice versa.
Curse Girls will be Buffed instead.

(Sleeps for 6 turns)
(Sleeps for 6 turns)

(Blind for 10 turns.
Everything went dark and you can’t read scrolls.
Enemy dots will still be revealed if you have Monster Detector Bracelet)
(Walks in a straight line for 10 turns.
If bumps into wall, change direction.
If bumps into other being, attacks it.
Also can’t use skills)

(Can’t move for 3 turns.
Can still attack or turn)
(Can’t move for 10 turns.
Can still attack or turn)

(Movement and attacks direction are randomized for 12 turns.
But doesn’t affect the direction of item use.
Can hurt ally while confused)
(Moves randomly and unable to use special attack for 20 turns)

(HP and fullness bars are hidden for 100 turns.
Status number are shown as ???)
(just stands there doing nothing for 6 turns)

(Turn into Onigiri for 10 turns.
Really deadly.
Attack and Defense are set to 0.
Equipment has no effect. Can’t use item or Ability. Can’t even use the stairs.
Instant faint on certain attacks and trap.
Fire attack, Explosion attack, Decay trap, Mine trap. Also faints if you ends up in water tile somehow)
(Turn into Onigiri for 10 turns.
Same effects as Shiren.
Turns into Onigiri item if hit with said instant faint attack.
Fire or Explosion will turns it into Grilled Onigiri.
Water and Decay will turns it into Rotten Onigiri)
Nigiri Baby monsters will be Buffed instead.

(Decrease damage by 50%, stackable 8 times,
up to 99%)
Polygon Spinnas will be Buffed instead.

(single use)
(single use)
(single use)

(single use)
(single use)
(single use)

(Doubles attack power for 50 turns.)

(single use)
(single use)
(single use)
(single use)
(single use)
(single use)
(only in
Old Road)
(single use)
(single use)
(single use)

Deals 6~8 damage.
(No experience points)
(No experience points)
(Item lands next to it)
(lasts for 20 turns. Monster could drop friendship license when defeated by Shiren)

(single use)
How to make Monster trigger the trap?
You’d need to equip Trapper’s Bracelet (a reward from a certain post-game dungeon)
Any other way?
If Monster stands on the tile with trap (and there’s no item in that tile)
and the item you throw misses, it’ll drop to the tile and trigger the trap.
If you wear Inacc. Bracelet, your thrown items will always miss.
Very situational, but who knows, it might save you?
Thrown items that bounced on the wall will also trigger the trap.
What if there’s no wall to bounce on?
You can use Rocks but it’s limited to 3-tile radius.
“That thrown item just fell on a different tile!”
That tile (where the item is supposed to fall on) has a trap.
Explosion is dangerous. It damages you and destroy item in 1-tile radius.
But did you know?
Monster hit by the 1-tile radius blast also vanish instantly.
Onigiri (except the special kind) outside pot will be instantly grilled.
Decay trap rots your Onigiri? boom! grilled, safe to eat, also restores HP!
Explosion damages while Big Explosion sets your current HP to 1.
“So?” You can’t die if you step on Big Explosion while on 1 HP.
(something I’m unsure of)
Unless it’s a Monster Room or certain puzzle / tutorial dungeon.
I’ve never seen a trap on room’s entrance. Know what I’m talking about?
Imagine a 3×3 room with 4 connecting hallways.
Those 4 [O] tiles will never have a trap in them.
I’ve also never seen a Karakuri monster create trap on those entrance tiles.
Have you ever seen it?
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