The must-have pre-built structures for Sector’s Edge.
To begin hold down the structure key (default ‘c’) and hover your cursor over a structure to select it.
You should now have your build tool selected. Press ‘1’ anytime to switch back to your main weapon.
With the tool selected, use the ghost to see where your structure is going to be placed. Use mouse 1 to place.
You can set in the settings to let you manually rotate the structure, though I recommend you leave it so it just places towards the direction you are looking at (default).
To build on the pad use ‘q’ to select the build tool, and ‘e’ to select the delete tool. The maximum build size is 5x5x5.
You can use ‘insert’ key to choose which block to center the build. The structure will be placed around the selected block when you are building it.

Beware when using this in combat, you can be easily shot from the side, and they can also destroy it easily when shooting out the base.

As this is one of the most useful structure, I recommend you set a bind key for this in your settings.
For me, it build this staircase on Pad 6, but for you it will be different. Also I replaced the original shortcut for ‘z’, which was select previous structure on your build wheel as I believe it to not be very useful. You can choose to do it like this, or choose to bind it to a key on your mouse, just make sure raw input is set to true.

Upright wall is also useful when enemies try digging a tunnel into the point while you guys are on it. Use it to lock them straight out.
I don’t have a in-game image of it yet, but it looks something like this from above.
Alternate version:
ie if pad 1,2,6,8 are filled, it will select the structure on pad 8.
So you should always build the structure that you will use the most on Pad 9.
(personally I only use 4 structures which is why I have my staircase on 6)
2. If you can, bind crouch to a button on your mouse. The game only lets you slide if you are holding down shift, and if you use the default binding scheme, that’s essentially impossible.