SCP: Secret Laboratory – Utility Guide

Teaching you the correct way to use utility in SCP:SL including the utility SCPs.Grammar and spelling errors are present.



Grabbin a shot!

Ways of obtaining.

  • Lockers
  • Spawning in as MTF Commander
  • Putting a Medkit on fine in SCP-914

What does it give ?

  • 30AHP (Armoured Hitpoints)
  • Regens 45-60HP over-time (Useful if you’re low and it is the only healing item you have).
  • Unlimited Stamina for 20 seconds (Perfect for when you’re low on Stamina and you really need to run from something).
  • Blurred edges of the screen and deafened (Harder to see anything on the edges so you pretty much have tunnel vission and harder to hear distant noises).
  • Removed Concussed effect.
  • AHP absorbs 70% of damage taken until depleted (Useful for close-quarter combat).
  • When the adrenalinject is regenrating HP it still provides infinite stamina for the 20 seconds.

When to use it ?

Good to use when fighting in close-range or when fighting against someone with an Epsilon at long ranges. Or when you need to run from a gunfight, the AHP will tank most of the damage and allow you to run past the danger.

Can tank 939’s bites so if you are stuck in SCP-914 and it is camping be sure to stack them all up and run past him.

When chased by any SCP, primarily SCP-096 it is great as you have a chance to run for longer so you can shut more doors on them,(It does take a tiny amount of time to destroy a door when charging as SCP-096 so shut doors when running from him).


Ways of obtaining.

Painkillers can be found in Lockers and CI (Chaos Insurgency) spawn with them.

What does it give ?

  • Regens 5HP when consumed.
  • Regens 2HP every second (Only use it out of combat or if it is the only source of healing you have with you).
  • Regens 45HP over the span of 20 seconds.
  • Removes Burned and Concussed effect.

When to use it ?

  • When out of combat and need to regen.
  • When the only form of healing are the Painkillers.
  • Use them instead of a Medkit for more minor injuries.


I need a medic bag, i need it! Don’t need an ammo bag, don’t need it.

Where to find it ?

  • MTF Cadets spawn with one.
  • MTF Lieutenants spawn with one.
  • CI Spawn with one+ Painkillers.
  • Scientists NERDS
  • Medical cabinets on walls.
  • Lockers.
  • SCP-049/Nuke room Lockers.
  • Putting Painkillers on Fine in SCP-914.

What does it give ?

  • Healing 65HP
  • Gets rid of burned (Only remote-admin activated).
  • Gets rid of bleeding effect (Only remote-admin activated).
  • Satisfying Zipper noise when used.

When to use it.

  • When behind cover in gunfights.
  • Treat 939 bites and 106’s touch.
  • Grenade blasts.
  • Fall damage.
  • Extend your suffering from SCP-207 Heal you from SCP-207


Can’t overdose if there is only one.

Where to find it.

  • LCZ/HCZArmoured Pedastools (Multiple instances can spawn).
  • Putting Adrenaline on Fine.
  • Putting any Medical item on Very Fine.

What does it give ?

  • Regenerates the players HP fully.
  • Heals 36HP over the span of 12 seconds.
  • Removes SCP-207 effect.
  • Removes Concussed effect (Remote-admin activated).
  • Removes Burned effect (Remote-admin activated).

When to use it ?

  • Can be used in the Pocket Dimension as a way to extend how long you live and let others chose a path before you have to.
  • In raging gunfights when you do not have time to use a Medkit.
  • Remove the SCP-207 effect when you are really close to dieing from it.
  • Combine with Adrenalinject so when 939 gets through your AHP it can heal you up fully after the first bite and continue to regen so you can take another bite.


Things go up, things go down.

Where to find it.

  • Found in one of the Bulletproof Pedastools throughout LCZ & HCZ
  • Putting a Frag Grenade in SCP-914 on Very Fine

What does it do ?

  • When thrown the ball doubles it’s speed every bounce.
  • After some point the ball can destroy doors and glass.
  • Causes damage to any player and the damage increases as the ball’s speed increases.

When to use it.

  • If an SCP is in a elevator throwing it in there is either kill it or damage it heavily.
  • Can be used as a distraction by throwing it in a room and shutting the door on the SCP/Enemys.
  • Very difficult to use it effectively as it is very slow to be thrown.
  • Dodgeball events.
  • Use your Charisma and play fetch with the dog.


Where to find it ?

  • SCP-268 Can only be found in one of the Bulletproof Pedastools scattered around LCZ & HCZ, it can’t be made in SCP-914.

What does it give ?

  • Makes the player invisible for 15 seconds but it will be cancelled if the person:Shoots,opens a door,reloads or uses a different item (SCP-939 can still see you as it sees through sound and movement, SCP-096 still sees the glowing red orb around you if you looked at him whilst using it and SCP-079 can see you using it).
  • A two minute cooldown is in effect when the invisibility effect wears off.

How to use it.

  • Getaway from SCP-106,173 and 049.
  • Getaway from a gunfight or situation where you would definetly die.
  • When in a gunfight you can use it to sneak up behind enemys and pick most of them off in the confusion.
  • When MTF/CI spawn you can use it to sneak past them. Unless one of the doors is shut then you are screwed.


Taste the feeling. Side effects include death over-time

Where to find it ?

  • Multiple can spawn in LCZ/HCZ Bulletproof Pedastools.
  • Putting a Flashbang in SCP-914 on Very Fine.

What does it give ?

  • Infinite stamina.
  • Heals 30HP after drinking.
  • Stackable (Up to 4 207s) speed boost.
  • Drains HP

Picture sourced from SCP Fandom Wiki.

When to use it ?

  • For a getaway from Enemys if you are close to escaping or to assist in escaping.
  • After drinking 3 207s you can run through Tesla gates (I’m not sure how much exactly as i never did that stunt).

There is nothing else to it. It’s just a getaway thing.


Can i take a picture ? And run away whilst you’re blinded ?

Where to find it ?

  • Facility Guards spawn with one.
  • LCZ Armory.
  • SCP-049 Armory Lockers.
  • Warhead Lockers.
  • Putting Frag Grenade on Coarse/1:1 in SCP-914.

What does it do ?

  • Blinds all players who are near it (Apart from SCP-079). Severity depends on how close you were and reduces if you were turned away.
  • Deafens everyone affected by it. More severe the closer you were to it.
  • 3 Second timer before it goes off.
  • Max time you can be flashed with a single Flashbang is 5 seconds. More than enough to turn the tide in a gunfight.

When to use it ?

  • When facing SCPs as guards, too often have we kept an SCP perm-flashed and got a free kill so try to not have tunnel vision as an SCP, watch the ground every while to check for one.
  • Use it on any SCP if the door is locked. Throwing it underneath yourself does not flash you so you can stand on it.
  • Charging 096, throw it either at the beggining or the end of a corridor to flash him as the player usually forgets about them existing.
  • Counters camping SCPs especially if there is more than just you.
  • If you suspect an SCP/Enemy is camping a corner throw a flashbang.
  • A distraction, most people will give up on chasing you for a bit if they are flashed.
  • Throw it at an elevator roughly 3 seconds before the door opens to flash everyone inside it.
  • If timed correctly you can flash an entire spawn of MTF/CI and probably kill most of them if not all.

Frag Grenades

Kaboom indeed.

Where to find it ?

  • LCZ Armory with 3 inside a case.
  • SCP-049 Armory Lockers with 2 inside one of them.
  • Warhead Armory Lockers with 2 inside one of them.
  • MTF Lieutenants.
  • MTF Commanders.
  • Putting a Flashbang on Fine in SCP-914.

What does it do ?

  • Can be thrown underarm with a Right Click.
  • Can be thrown overarm with a Left Click (Saddly there is nothing for Left+Right Click like in CS:GO which throws it in the middle).
  • Concussed Effect that gives motion blur and makes skin look orange.Effects can last for 10 seconds or longer.
  • Destroys all doors but:Any Gate, Checkpoint doors, Warhead Control Room door unaccessible doors in Entrance Zone and elevator doors.
  • Can move object over large distances scattering them.
  • Can set of any nearby grenade, any other grenade set off will damage you only.

    When to use it ?

    • If the server you play on does not have Spawn Protection you can wipe out the entire CI spawn and majority of the MTF spawn if timed correctly.
    • Distraction much like the Flashbang.
    • Throw one into an elevator if an SCP is going up it or camping in it (A grenade will always kill SCP-106 if he is standing on top of it or very close to it).
    • Destroy doors to places you otherwise could not open like the Micro HID room or LCZ Armory.
    • When standing next to an elevator and it gets called up, count to 5 and then Right Click throw it. When the doors open anything in it will be dead unless it’s an SCP.
    • Blow doors up so prevent SCP-079 from locking them or blacking the room out.

By Soundboard Majstersztyk

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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