A light intro into savegame modding
The file structure
Within each savegame folder there are multiple files. All of them are text files that are easily editable with a text editor. I recommend notepad++.
Most files are the actual ship designs in your game, both your own as well as those of the AI.
Quick savegame edit tips for RTWGameX.bcs:
The player nation always is Nation0, is you are in -erm- temporary budget difficulties you can edit your current funds in the line
within the [Nation0] segment.
Want to change overall game size (e.g. really supersize all navies):
under [General], which is a flat multiplier on all naval budgets. Warning: excessively high numbers will result in hundreds of capital ships and may result in nations running out of ship names.
Quick savegame edit tip for MapdataX.dat:
Search for one of your home regions, e.g.
and give yourself a domestic oil source:
Thanks to tbrsim for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.