Primitier Basic Guide (Gameplay, Materials and Mobs)

A guide meant to introduce the basic mechanics of Primitier, the world and the properties of each material.

Gameplay Basics

In Primitier the player interacts with the environment by grabbing, moving and attaching pieces of material to make tools and objects to help them achieve their goals.

All materials have durability, attack, defence, combustibility, heat conductivity, and more!

When materials collide they will damage each other based on the attack and defence values of the materials, as well as the shape, speed and mass of the objects that collide. Materials with more mass and less surface area (such as a thin metal blade) will do more damage than light objects that hit with a flat surface (such as a block of wood).

Using this, the player can create materials of a desired size and stick them together to make tools and other objects. The most basic of these is to hit a tree with a stone until the wood is split in two, knocking down the tree and allowing the player to use the wood. From here the wood can be used as a handle for a tool, letting the player wield the stone with more momentum!

Controls can be listed in the main menu by pressing the button to the right of the start button.

Common Materials


The first material you will acquire. Stones are scattered around the word. They are roughly cube shaped. You can hit stones together to split them into thinner pieces which may be more useful for tools. Stone has a decent attack and defence, but is difficult to work with because of this.
Using stone you can damage trees to obtain wood.


Wood is the a great building material in Primitier due to its availability, its low defence making it easy to cut into desired proportions, and its low attack making it less likely to damage other materials.

Leaves/Dry Grass

Leaves are found at the top of trees. A few seconds after being removed from the tree, it will wither into dry grass. Dry grass is very flammable, making it useful for starting fires.
It is also very lightweight and can be easily cut into thin sheets, giving it potential use in aircraft.


Pyrite is primarily used to create fires. When struck against stone it will create sparks that can easily light dried grass. When heated to 600°C it will turn into iron. However it most likely will not be your primary source of iron as it can only be found in small amounts.


Hematite is turned into Iron by heating it. Once the hematite reaches 600°C, it will turn into Iron.


Iron is a very useful material due to its very high attack and its ability to be smithed.

When above 600°C, iron will glow red. Hitting the iron with heavy material (e.g. Stone) will cause it to change shape. It can be smithed into almost any proportions, thin sheets of iron make for fantastic cutting tools.

Personally I recommend to smith the iron into a long thin sheet and then snap piece off on a large stone as they are needed.

Other notes:
Iron will turn into Hematite if exposed to water for too long. This can be reversed by re-heating the hematite to turn it back into iron.
Hitting iron against stone will produce sparks.

Uncommon Materials

Ancient Plastic

Drone Production Facilities are constructed from Ancient Plastic. This material is very tough, black in colour but has low attack. If you have the means to cut it into usable proportions then it is a very strong building material.

Ancient Alloy

Ancient Alloy was used by the ancient civilisation for many items such as bearings and laser modules. It has low attack but high defence.

Ancient Lightweight Alloy

Enemy drones are constructed of Ancient Lightweight Alloy. As the name suggests it is very lightweight.


Bearings are dropped when ancient drones are destroyed. Their rotation systems are almost frictionless and allow for the construction of various mechanisms.


Blue slime

Blue slimes will run away from the player if approached. They feed on wheat and leaves. They will approach the player if they have food. Slimes can be cut like any other material, cutting them into small enough pieces will make them edible so you can restore health. You can also heat the slime to bake them, making them restore more health.

Red slime

Red slimes are aggressive towards the player, and will damage the player on contact. They will constantly hop towards the player once in range, however they will ignore the player if any food is nearby. Other than that they work the same as blue slimes, being edible and feeding on wheat and leaves.

Ancient Drone

Drones left behind by an ancient civilization. They have a laser blaster on their underside and have mysterious levitation power.
They will produce a bearing when destroyed.
The laser module can be detached from the drone and destroyed to make the drone safe to use for power.

Drone Production Facility

A mysterious facility that produces ancient drones. The central block with a red area above it produces drones if there are fewer than 5 ancient drones within the vicinity. It is surrounded by four thick walls made of ancient plastic, with laser modules mounted in the corners of the structure.
The production can be disabled by placing a large piece of material inside the red area. This prevents any more drones from spawning.
Alternatively, drones can be disarmed and placed upside-down on the floor to make them safe and immobile, and the facility will not produce more if there are 5 disarmed drones nearby.


What you do with the materials in the primitier world is up to you. I recommend watching Primitier Player Eeru’s videos as they have created many things in the early versions of Primitier and continues to produce a new video every couple of days.

Thanks to Drischa for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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