List of achievements with tips, along with all current items in the game and their descriptions.
Achievements (1/2)
- Defeat Sharp for the first time.
- Defeat the twins Phobos and Deimos for the first time.
- Defeat the Wildfire for the first time.
- Defeat the overgrown flower, Violet, for the first time.
- Defeat the space wizard Zenith for the first time.
- Defeat the starworm Karmai for the first time.

- Reach 2,500 combo.
- Beat the game without losing combo.
- Beat the game or boss rush without taking damage.
- Beat a normal run in 12 minutes or less.
- Beat the game and perfect every zone.
- Purchase all items in a shop during a run.
- Unlock and pick up all items, gamemodes, planets, and library entries.
- Use every item in Boss Rush.
For the Rush Hour achievement, because there are 155 selectable items (Bag o’ Bribes – Diamond – Origami Clover – Violet’s Petals – VIP Card are excluded) and you can only select 6 items per run, then you will have to do a minimum of 25-26 runs to use all the items (Miracle Beetle can count for another item). Note that you can turn on the Sugar of Stars difficulty modifier to make the runs a lot more streamlined while still checking off the items, and then do your final or an additional run with that modifier off to trigger the achievement.
I will sort the remaining achievements roughly by order of difficulty. Note that any mention of a seeded run implies that you have every item unlocked (recommended to go into Settings > Unlock Everything! if you want to go for the harder achievements early on), since item pools will differ otherwise. The items will also differ depending on if the Sugar of More/Spice of Scavengers difficulty modifiers are active, so note what is being used when I mention a seed.
Seems like you will need a controller to plug into your computer (a virtual one could potentially work in lieu of that) so you can activate a second player. You will get the achievement as soon as you start a game with two or more players.
Creative Mode is unlocked upon your first standard mode win. The rest should be straightforward.
This achievement should appear as soon as you cross the 10,000 bullet count threshold during a run. If you use the max Sugar of More difficulty modifier, it probably won’t be too difficult to stumble upon a run that achieves this so long as you focus on fire rate up and bullet generation/persistence items (even more easily achievable if you run the Volcano Planet). As the name implies though, be careful of the bullet count heavily slowing down your game; you may need to turn off auto-fire with the F key and only fire sporadically to ensure you can still dodge.
If you want a seed where you can easily achieve this, check out -2043716758 (Max Sugar of More difficulty modifier)
NOTE: This achievement seems to be bugged for a lot of people such that they are unable to obtain it even after meeting the criteria; currently it seems like those affected will have to wait for the developers to push a fix…
Obviously requires a very strong run, but with the Max Sugar of More difficulty modifier it shouldn’t be too difficult to stumble upon something usable. You can probably do this with the seed I mentioned in the “Farewell to Bitrate” section (-2043716758).
Recommended to use the Square Planet since it has built-in healing if you finish enough waves on the healing side, but you can probably do this with any planet so long as you deliberately keep getting hit and buying shop hearts/health items to compensate.
Get Cursed Chip as your first item (sword swing on block), then stack attack/firerate. I would also recommend picking up Dei’s Beam Buddy to diversify your damage. Below is just an example clear, although there are probably more efficient item choices.
Achievements (2/2)
The general go-to for this is Prairie Planet + Forbidden Gummi, since you get a huge boost in damage due to the +2 max health and full heal, along with the standard high stat gains. From there, preserving your health as best you can is paramount, since every hit greatly reduces your damage output and makes it easier to take subsequent hits. It’s generally recommended to max out all the other Sugar difficulty modifiers (although More is unnecessary and Stars is obviously a no-go) to give yourself as much advantage as possible. Expect to take about 30-40 minutes on a successful run.
An example seed that contains Forbidden Gummi in the first shop is 141955437 (max Spice of Scavengers difficulty modifier).
I’m grouping these final two together since due to the nature of “all spice” runs, if you can maintain your combo, you will usually get these two together. Max spice runs can be rather egregious, as the combination of extremely fast enemies and heavy bullet spam, coupled with the fact that you are basically hard-capped at 1 health, means that a sizable part of the item pool is either effectively useless, or objectively worse than other items that you would have preferred. The obvious example would be any item that increases health (outside of maybe Prairie Planet who can still use that phantom HP for increased stats), or any stat bonus paling in comparison to you rather getting Forbidden Gummi or Unstable Core. Less items also equals less opportunities to strengthen your shooter, and this all equates to probably a good amount of runs where it would be virtually impossible to get this achievement.
With all this in mind, it is highly recommended to use specific seeds when aiming for this achievement, moreso than any other. The general structure of an optimal seed would be a high damage item early (i.e., Forbidden Gummi/Unstable Core) and some sort of area of effect to ensure an easier time maintaining combo heading into World 2, ideally getting a strong curse item by the first shop or boss drop (curse doesn’t matter if you are stuck at 1 HP anyways). You will ideally also want at least some shops that stock shields for contingency, as you are allowed to take a hit with those without dying/invalidating the run.
On top of this, while not mandatory (unless you are playing Plane Planet…), it is highly recommended to find a seed that contains Violet’s Petals mid-game (or at minimum Power Pylon), as the yellow bullet spam becomes extremely cumbersome to dodge naturally. Shield Bullets would
An example seed that matches all this criteria (no Shield Bullets and having a shield in the World 1 shop only, however) is -582496285 (max Spice of Scavengers difficulty modifier, obviously). Even with a good seed however, you will still require good play, so best of luck.
Example run of the provided seed:

Example of a separate allspice run that, while drops combo once early on, shows that this is still achievable without Unstable Core/Violet’s Petals:

All Items (1/4)
All Items (2/4)
All Items (3/4)
All Items (4/4)
Thanks to Altivu for his excellent guide; all credits belong to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.