Instructions for deleting the save and resetting your game.
Outcore Save Location
The save file for Outcore is It is located at:
Note: %USERPROFILE% is a shortcut to typing “C:\Users\your_user\”.
AppData is a hidden folder under your User Profile. You can either enable the display of hidden files and folders, or copy and paste the path above directly into the address bar of a File Explorer window.
AppData is a hidden folder under your User Profile. You can either enable the display of hidden files and folders, or copy and paste the path above directly into the address bar of a File Explorer window.
How to Reset Outcore
To reset Outcore, delete and re-launch the game.
Note: If you use Steam Cloud, you may have to delete your steam cloud save as well.
Thanks to ProKill2011 for his excellent guide, all credit to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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