These are all the current achievements you can acquire in Orbo’s Odyssey.
Call To Arms

Finish engineering the prosthetic arm.You’ll have to get this one in order to finish the game, so this will come naturally.
There are 5 Gear Parts in each area. Once you collect them all, interact with the machine in the main lobby to print out all 4 parts. The arm can then be used to access the door and fight the final boss.

Attitude Adjustment

Defeat S3R-gen…This achievement is gained by defeating the final boss S3R-Gen.
The boss only uses 4 attacks, one of them leaving the boss open to attack.
Boss Preview
Bullet Barrage
Damage: 1 Per Bullet
Keep from a distance, as the boss fires a rapid fire machine turret. This can shred your health if you are really close. Try to maintain a large distance and use Drill Dash + Crouch Jumps to accelerate away. They will always start each phase with this attack.
Rocket Launcher
Damage: 1 Per Rocket
Heed with minor caution, these randomly fired rockets can be easily dodged by even just walking. They will always be it’s second attack.
Beam Cleanse
This is the deadliest attack in S3R-Gens arsenal. In the first 3 phases, it uses a short tracking laser to remove you from existence. In the last 3 phases, the lase makes a full circle around the arena. Jump Pads are provided for the last phases and the attack can be easily dodge by Drill Dashing upwards. The attack does not target you when airborne. This will always be it’s 3rd move.
Bomb Launch
Damage: 1 Per Bomb
Use this attack to launch the bomb back and knock them to the ground. If you do get hit, run quickly as it’s next attack will always be the bullet barrage.
Once all 6 of it’s phases have been defeated, S3R-Gen will explode, prompting the end of the game.
Orbo’s Odyssey

Beat the game… ?

You Monster…

Knock over every dog in Shlarp City…Use the Drill Dash to knock over all the cutouts of dogs in the city level. Don’t beat yourself up for the crimes you’ve committed, you monster…
- There’s a lot of dogs in the center park, even a domino chain of them.
- No dogs are on the buildings, nor in them
- One dog that most people miss is behind the starting portal, next to the Dracula and multiple mini cops
The Vessel
Collect All Obol Fragments
This achievement requires finding 3 secret areas, each containing a fragment. Each can be acquired before finishing the game.
This fragment considers itself to be an angel, being the only fragment to be able to communicate to player and attain sentience.
Found At: Sleepytime Manor, next to the elevator above the staring portal.
This fragment emits high concentrations of radiation, even able to make tangible shadows that attack anything withing range.
Found At: Dunbarrow Mines, above the area with the business executive. It’s identifiable by the Dracula cutout, watch out for the sniper vamps.
This fragment forms memories into structures. While the structures don’t follow normal logic, it can draw from ones long term memories. Watch out for the paintings though.
Found At: Shlarp City, behind and below the spiral structure on the top the tallest building.
I Am Coming


Melting Starlight

Return to nothing at the MonolithStand next to the Monolith at Monolith Station for about 20 seconds. This prompts the secret ending and the collection of this achievement.

Bullet Train

Complete every time trial, beating the green ranks.
Green Ranks are gained by completing each time trial under a specific time.
You can track your progress with any green stars using the HUB’s time trial checker just above any of the portals.
Monolith Station: 18.00s
Sleepytime Manor: 20.00s
Dunbarrow Station: 12.00s
Shlarp City: 19.00s
Hyper Dash:
Begin by pressing couch and jump. Use a Drill Dash midair to boost forward, then crouch jump again. This combo of moves results in an incredibly quick way to boost forwards and preserve momentum on straight areas.
0-130 m/s time: Around 1-2 seconds.
Thank You to for providing times on these levels.
Terminal Velocity

Complete every time trial, beating the developer ranks.
Much like Neon White’s Red Ranks, these ranks require incredibly fast action and accuracy in order to even get close to beating them.
Monolith Station: 12.04s
Sleepytime Manor: 13.42s
Dunbarrow Mines: 5.52s
Shlarp City: 12.27
Upon completing all challenges under these times, you would have beat the developers time and also this achievement.
Hyper Dash:
Begin by pressing couch and jump. Use a Drill Dash midair to boost forward, then crouch jump again. This combo of moves results in an incredibly quick way to boost forwards and preserve momentum on straight areas.
0-130 m/s time: Around 1-2 seconds.
Thank You to for providing times on these levels.
Mmm… Delicious Ham…

Enjoy Chef Jett’s Delicious Special…Location: HR Department Hallway
This achievement requires the Arm in order to access the door handle. Once in the hallway, launch perpendicular to the HR office and into window. It may take a couple of tries to get the angle just right.
Once in the Corkscrew, you can talk to the Liquidator who can clean out the duck infestation for about 1 quattuornonagintillion dollars. You can also talk to the blue duck on the dancefloor who just screams whilst spinning.
After admiring the sights and seeing the ducks, you can touch the floating leg of ham for this achievement.
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Discover the dev room.Location: Monolith Station, in the meat grinder room where you knock the Liquidator down for a Gear Part.
- Give yourself a Key using the Crazy Shape v28.3 (the key machine)
- The Key formation must be a Heart on the bottom and a Circle on the top.
- Head to the shredder room.
- Jump into shedder while talking to the Liquidator, this will make your character invincible and you will fall through the shredder.
- Use the key to open the door and bask in the glory of the Dev Room.
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Thanks to Moop for his excellent guide; all credits belong to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.
The Dev Room can be found in Monolith Station – once you’ve knocked the man into the shredder, shoot yourself towards him and initiate dialog with him while flying forward – the shredder will fail to kill you due to you being in a cutscene, and you will see a new door locked by a Circle-Heart door. Bringing the correct shape key there will grant access to the Dev Room.
The Delicious Ham can be found in the “Duck Room” – stand in front of the HR door and look away from it, and up towards the white window. Shoot up into the white window and you will fly through a thin white hallway leading to a door.