Library Of Ruina: How to Unlock the True Hokma Realization

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough to unlock the True Hokma Realization in Library Of Ruina.



As you are most likely aware, the Realization of the Floor of Religion only tackles a single abnormality, White Night.

What you are most likely unaware of is that a second Realization exists for this floor that you can access by fulfilling a few special requirement:

1. Fill Hokma’s “interestMeter”

2. Fight the Black Silence using the Floor of Religion

3. Pick the new 3rd option presented when deciding Angela’s fate

Doing this will replace Keter Realization with True Hokma Realization, where you can fight Heaven, Dead Silence, Sound of a Star, and of course, Penitence.

Hokma’s Interest Meter

You might be asking your certainly non-sentient computer a question right about now: “What the hell is Hokma’s interest meter?”

This is an understandable question as the game never makes mention of it, in fact the only reason we know its name today is datamining.

In-game you can tell what stage you’re at by the colour of Hokma’s eyes:

As for how you raise the interest meter? You do fun special challenges in SOTC 3 of course!

The Challenges

The special challenges are as follows:

  • Beat Xiao while activating every possible Reverse Scale (Floor of Language)
  • Beat Distorted Yan while never redirecting any attacks (Floor of Art)
  • Beat R Corp 2 in at most 6 scenes (Floor of Technological Sciences)
  • Beat Purple Tear with a single floor (Floor of Philosophy)

Some are harder than others, I’d rank Distorted Yan as the easiest by far, followed by Purple Tear (as long as you use a hidden mechanic) then Xiao and finally R Corp 2.

With each one you complete, Hokma will become more interested in the power of the books and seek to take them for himself.

Tips, Tricks and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hidden Mechanics

Xiao and Yan will likely seem difficult but doable, but you might think that R corp 2 and Purple Tear are straight up impossible.

Purple Tear because she has a healthgate, R corp 2 because you’re bad.
But don’t worry, they’re very possible if you use some special gimmicks, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

She is Fire:

For Xiao I highly recommend decks based around sustain, defense and burst damage. It will be difficult to outroll her outside of Powernull so it’s best to play around staggering her.
Keypages: The Red Mist, Mirinae, Walter, Dong Hwan and either Xiao or Philip

Yan Vismok:

As stated earlier Yan is by far the easiest one, you can pretty much bring anything.
Keypages: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ anything man (gender neutral)


Now we get into the fun stuff, Library of Ruina has a hidden Faction system.
Units take more or less damage depending on how many allies and enemies there are of their faction, so the best way to beat R Corp 2 in record time is to stuff your team with R corp members.
However, given this is a Project Moon game, it turns out this is bugged and includes not only currently active units but all back-up units. A.K.A every single librarian on every Floor and every enemy in each Act counts for the bonus. So for an easier time you can drip out your entire Library with R Corp gear
Keypages: Self-Explanatory


This fight revolves around an entire hidden mechanic in PT’s fight. Iori counts your damage from dice rolls plus power and any multipliers and once that reaches enough to put her under 350 health she gets healed to 350 real health and invulnerable before switching floors. The trick is you have to use status effects and bonus damage effects to deal 350+ damage so she dies without activating the passive.
There’s also another bug here! or strange coding decision rather: Nikolai’s Disposal can deal double damage, but this isn’t a multiplier 🙂 It’s coded as a separate attack without rolling a dice, so all that damage doesn’t count for her health gate
Keypages: Binah, Nikolai, Isadora, Xiao, Iori (Pierce)

Thanks to Sylv for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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