Get past the first boss (wave 10) without leaking and with a decent economy!
Here’s a build with Mech. As you practice with it, you will learn you can usually build less defenders than the guide suggests to get better economy, or build something different and develop your own build!
I am not claiming this build will make you a champion, but it’s proven to get you started strong
Wave 1
Also note, these suggestions are to help you not leak even with sends, so often if you don’t think you’ll have a send, you can often stick with what was recommended the previous round and be OK. As you practice the build, you will figure it out
Placement is important, so I provide screenshots.
Build a bazooka at this location, and upgrade it to a Pyro. After it kills the enemy wave, buy 2 workers.
Then take a nap…
Just kidding! You should always be paying attention. But the Pyro will survive all by itself until wave 3 because it has a powerful splash damage attack
I will not tell you when to build more workers just because it is very game-dependent. By the start of the boss wave you can regularly have at least 9 with this build, depending on the game. As you learn the build and pay attention to what’s going on in your game, you will learn when you can afford to build workers and when you can’t.
Waves 2-3
(Add your gold + income to know what you will have at the start of the next round. You increase your income by spending mythium)
Wave 4
Also, enemies get stronger and stronger as the game goes on.
Add a Peewee next to your Pyro and upgrade it to a Veteran
Veterans have an ability to stimpack and get stronger for one wave if you pay for it. But only use it if you really think you need it. It is not recommended in this guide because you should have enough defence already.
Also add a Bazooka. I like putting it in the back because we plan on making it a Zeus later!
You should not leak this round even if they send at you. This can stop a brute
Wave 5 (mini-boss)
During this wave you might feel greedy and want to build a bunch of workers, but WAIT!
Make sure you have 215 gold by the start of wave 6. If you’re not sure, it’s better to be safe than sorry
Wave 6
Like the Veteran, the PeeWee also has an ability you can pay to boost it for a round. The build in this guide does not use it, but be aware it is there in case you are worried you need it
The Berzerker is a powerful melee unit, its attack gets stronger if it keeps attacking the same unit. This makes it great for fighting big enemies
Wave 7

The tempest is a flying unit. If you upgrade it to a Leviathan, it has an aura that buffs other flying units that are touching it at the start of the wave
Wave 8
Then build a new PeeWee next to your Berzerker
This survives even if you get 100 mythium of sends. But in case you were wondering, this will NOT survive wave 9
Remember: Anytime you are scared of a big send and you have the gold, you can build the next recommended unit(s) early, or anything else you think can help. Also if you are confident you can survive with less, then build workers.
Wave 9
Remember earlier when we talked about upgrading a Zeus?
Click on a Bazooka and upgrade it to a Zeus. Zeus has a very long attack range, and it has an energy bar that charges its gun. When the bar is full, it does extra damage. Then you have to wait for the bar to fill up again, but Zeus will keep shooting while you wait
You will also need another Tempest here. Tempest is strong for this wave and the next one, so it is a good choice.
Notice how I left an empty space between the Tempests. That lets you build an APS later if you want to. The APS has an aura that boosts the attack of every unit touching it at the beginning of the round, so with this formation, you would have 6 units that will benefit
It is a good idea to SAVE gold because the Boss is next!
Wave 10 (Boss)
If you are lucky enough to get no sends, then all you need to kill the boss is another Tempest and a Bazooka. Build like the picture so your Zeus doesn’t die too early to finish the job
However, it’s likely you will get sends, so you might want to build more defence. Killing the boss pays well.
Add whatever you can afford in this picture, these units will help you bring the boss down!
I hope you liked this guide and that it will help you get started learning the game with Mech. Practice with it and make changes as you get better. Have fun!