Five Night’s at Freddy’s: Security Breach has 29 achievements. In this guide I’ll hopefully help you get all of them. It goes without saying, but there will be MAJOR spoilers in this guide. I recommend that you save in new slots so you have back ups in case you pass something up.
Note: This guide was still work in progress and will finish later.
Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach 100% Achievement Guide

Get jump scared.
I’d be impressed if you missed this one

Successfully evade a bot in pursuit.
Completing the first chase sequence will earn you this achievement.

Escape the Daycare.
After completing the daycare segment where you activate the generators you will earn this achievement.

Make a pizza!
When given the options of choosing the “Prize Counter” or “Loading Dock”, go to the Loading Dock. Once there, play as normal and after you bake the pizza you will earn this achievement.

Escape the Prize Counter office.
When given the options of choosing the “Prize Counter” or “Loading Dock”, go to the Prize Counter. Once there, play as normal and after you complete the security office mini-game you will earn this achievement.

Find a party pass.
Use the vent in Freddy’s room to Chica’s room and you’ll find the first party pass in there. Picking it up will earn this achievement.

Beat Fazer Blast.
When given the options of choosing “Monty Golf” or “Fazer Blast”, go to Fazer Blast. Once there, play as normal and after you complete the mini-game, you will earn this achievement.

Enter the bakery for the first time.
Simply enter the bakery to earn this achievement.

Stun 4 bots with a single camera flash.
Stun 4 of ANY robot with a single camera flash to earn this achievement. Easiest way to do this is to find a big group of staff bots and stun them all at once.

Complete the Chica bossfight.

Complete the Monty bossfight.

Complete the Roxy bossfight.You can only earn two of these before 6 am. To get the last one, either chose stay when your about to leave, or make a new save and do the respective boss fight.

Escape the West Arcade.
After activating all 4 breaker boxes and reaching the office, you will earn this achievement.

Survive until 6:00 am.
Reach the exit doors and you will earn this achievement. (Note that you don’t have to leave to earn this, you will get it by simply reaching the door)

Freddy is shattered.
Get the Disassembled ending.
This ending is relatively simple to achieve, requiring completion of the Fazer Blast mini-game. Once the Fazerblaster is obtained, head into a vent to the left of the table, and follow it up. It’s required to follow this all the way until a room with a window appears to the side, at this point Gregory will talk about Vanny, indicating that it’s completed.
After this point, simply reaching the doors at 6 AM adds an additional option to the exit text. Choose the new option and play until you get to the credits and you will earn this achievement.

Get the highest security access possible.
Get security level 10 and you will earn this achievement.

Shatter all the animatronics.
If you’re doing these achievements in order you should have this. Simply shatter every animatronic by completing their respective boss fights.

Maintenance log: Princess Quest 2 – Out of order.
To earn this achievement you must complete the first two Princess Quest arcade machines.
The first machine is located in the Glamrock Beauty Salon near Roxy Raceway, and the second is in the third floor of the West Arcade.
(Note that you must complete the first princess quest, and finish the music man chase sequence to be able to play the second machine.)

Maintenance log: Balloon World – Out of Order.
Complete the Ballon World arcade machine at the afton boss fight to earn this achievement.
(Note: I’m not 100% sure how to activate the machine, but I believe it’s that you need to use the camera on the 4 cutouts around the pizzaplex.)

Complete the Fizzy Faz Challenge.
Drink every fizzy faz around the pizzaplex. You have to drink three to unlock the achievement, and you can track your progress in your fazwatch.
(Note: When i find all locations for the sodas i will list them here)

Get a low score on golf.
Go to the “Monty’s Gator Golf” arcade machine inside of the Monty Golf area and try to get a very low score to will earn this achievement.

Find the source of Roxy Raceway’s problems.

Get the GOOD ending.
Get the Good ending.
To unlock this ending, you must play all three Princess Quest arcade machines around the map. The first of these is near Roxy Raceway, in the Glamrock Beauty Salon. The second can be found in DJ Music Man’s arcade. The third is at the end of the Disassembled ending, in the room with the button. All three must be played in order.
After completing the third arcade machine, you will earn this achievement.

Zap a performer in the theater.
Shoot the staff bot preforming at the daycare theater with the fazblaster and you will earn this achievement.

Break 10 plates.
By breaking 10 plates you will earn this achievement.

Never use a hiding spot.
Complete the entire game without using a hiding spot to earn this achievement.

Find all collectible messages.
Open every single bag around the pizzaplex to earn this achievement
VIP – Find all prizes in the game.
Open every single present box around the pizzaplex to earn this achievement.
(Note that as of the time writing this guide, no one has found every single one of either of these, once they do I will post a guide in this section.)

Get all other acievements in the game.
Once you complete your last achievement, this one will be earned with it.
Thanks to Duster for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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