Here is a guide on how to unlock both Achievements in one Playthrough.
Further, I had my game in german, so maybe names or quest are named differently, hope you still get the point what i want to say…
Thank You
- Play the full game at least once, so you get into the flow of the game
- This guide was done for a fresh game at Version 1.4 with Espectro DLC and new item pack, later changes may make this guide obsolete, save games from old versions may not work
- Play on EASY since this game will take a while and you don’t want make it any harder as it already is
- Never overwrite a save file, always make a new local save. You will f*ck up, just as i did and want to reload an earlier save
- Play as EMMA, you get the sword in the stone loot quest much easier, so you don’t miss it early in the game
- Never have your full roster of henchmen, always kill with your genius obsolete characters, if they are not needed for quests
- skip the tutorial
Critical Dependencies
- Get Eli as a henchmen early
- Get Statue of Liberty’s Torch
- Kill Eli with Genius
- Progess and you will get Jackie Quests later in the game
Seems not necessary as long there is room for another henchmen
- get Clara
- get the terracotta army
- Carl is not needed for the henchmen achievement
- Olga is needed for the broken time machine so don’t kill her too early
- unlock Flame of Prometheus by setting something on fire (Flame walls count it seems)
- Progess until you get the Hubbard slice Quest
- do the Hubbard slice quest
- do the Flame of Prometheus Quest
- Agent X is needed for the early Declaration of independence
- Olga is needed for Sword in the Stone (Not needed if you play Emma)
- Wrecking Bolas Death is needed for King Solomon’s Mines
- Agent X needs to be dead for Ray Gun Dispenser
I don’t know, i have the season pass and started a new 1.4 game with him and the new item pack and did all his missions…
No, i did not preorder
Guestlist in the order I progressed and got the achievements
The Quest order is mostly changeable as long as you don’t progress the main story, but look for certain dependencies, like never do the flame before the ice loot quest
- “Skip tutorial” selected
Minion Quest: Scientist
Minion Quest: Guard
Minion Quest: Valet
Minion Quest: Technician
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2
- Tutorial 3: I picked Janet Bomb as Henchwoman
- Tutorial 4
Minion Quest: Biologist
Loot Quest 1: Sword in the Stone (Free for Emma, Atomic Olga present for the Rest)
Loot Quest 2: Flying Pig
Loot Quest 3: Maple Syrup Dispenser (Criminal Network P.A.T.R.I.O.T.)
Minion Quest: Mercenary
Loot Quest 4: Meteor (15 Scientists)
Minion Quest: Spin Doctor
Minion Quest: Socialite
- Henchmen Quest: Eli 1
- Henchmen Quest: Eli 2
- Henchmen Quest: Jubei 1
Loot Quest 5: Declaration of Independance
- Henchmen Quest: Iris 1
- Henchmen Quest: Incendio 1
- Henchmen Quest: Iris 2
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro 1 (DLC)
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro + Eli (DLC)
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro + Sir Daniel (DLC)
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro + Full Metal Jackie (DLC)
Main Story 1
Main Story 2
- Henchmen Quest: Eli 3
Loot Quest 6: Statue of Liberty’s Torch (Eli necessary)
Loot Quest 7: Sands of Time
- Henchmen Quest: Iris 3
- Henchmen Quest: Incendio 2
- Henchmen Quest: Fugu 1
- Henchmen Quest: Jubei 2
- Superagent Quest: Symmetry 1
Main Story 3 (I had to progess so Symmetry reappered on the World map, Bug?)
- Superagent Quest: Symmetry 2
- Superagent Quest: Steel 1
- Superagent Quest: Agent X 1
- Superagent Quest: Blue Saint 1
- Superagent Quest: Bola 1
- Superagent Quest: Olga 1
- Superagent Quest: Bola 2
- Superagent Quest: Olga 2
- Superagent Quest: Blue Saint 2
- Superagent Quest: Agent X 2
- Superagent Quest: Steel 2
Main Story 4
Main Story 5
Main Story 6
Loot Quest 8: Cupid’s Arrow (Unclear: Maybe a Minion has to desert successfully to trigger Quest?)
- Henchmen Quest: Fugu 2
- Henchmen Quest: Sir Daniel 1
- Henchmen Quest: Incendio 3
- ONLY UNLOCK Loot Quest Flame of Prometheus by setting something on fire (it seems like the flame wall traps work, try to use it on prisoners). DO NOT START THE QUEST AT THIS POINT!
Main Story 7
Main Story 8
Loot Quest 9: Hubbard Slice (If you haven’t unlocked Mercenary Minions now is the time?)
Loot Quest 10: Flame of Prometheus (Yes, now is the time to complete this!)
Minion Quest: Quantum Scientist
Loot Quest 11: World’s Oldest Bones (20 Biologists)
Loot Quest 12: Giant Egg (10 Biologists + eastern H.A.M.M.E.R region)
Loot Quest 13: The Sarcophagus (unlocked Mercenary Minions, you should have that by now…)
Loot Quest 14: Carrion Flower (Needs “Who hunts the Hunter?” Quest, which should be finished if you follow this guide)
Loot Quest 15: Bush Trucker BBQ (Network in south A.N.V.I.L region and spin doctor minion which you should already have)
Loot Quest 16: Dodo Educator (Needs Bola on the map and Mercenary minions unlocked, so it should be available already…)
Loot Quest 17: Rumpelstiltskin’s Wheel (Play as Max or have 100k/200k/300k [Easy, Middle, Hard] available)
Loot Quest 18: Magic Carpet (Networks in all A.N.V.I.L regions)
Loot Quest 19: Doors of Forts Knox (Do many, many heat reductions)
- Minion Quest: Martial Artist
Loot Quest 20: Meditation Stone (15 Martial Artists in your lair)
- Minion Quest: Hitman
Loot Quest 21: Dr. Jekyll’s Potion (needs the Hitman quest)
- Henchmen Quest: Jubei 3
- Superagent Quest: Symmetry 3
- Superagent Quest: Blue Saint 3
- Henchmen Quest: Fugu 3 (just a short reminder kill your henchmen after recruitement, you don’t get them if you already have 5 in your lair)
- Henchmen Quest: Sir Daniel 2
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro 2 (DLC)
- Henchmen Quest: Espectro 3 (DLC)
- Henchmen Quest: Dr Ming 1
- Henchmen Quest: Dr Ming 2
- Henchmen Quest: Clara 1
Loot Quest 22: Arabian Jars (Needs “Inconspicuous Consumption” Quest and Symmetry?)
- Henchmen Quest: Carl 1
- Superagent Quest: Steel 3
- Superagent Quest: Agent X 3
- Superagent Quest: Bola 3
Minion Quest: Counter Agent
Main Story 9
Main Story 10
Main Story 11
Main Story 12
Loot Quest 23: World’s Largest Piggy Bank
Loot Quest 24: Colombian Emerald
Loot Quest 25: Broken Time Machine (10 Quantum Chemists + Olga alive)
Loot Quest 26: Easter Island head (Network in southern S.M.A.S.H region)
Loot Quest 27: A Million Bees
- Henchmen Quest: Dr Ming 3
- Henchmen Quest: Sir Daniel 3
- Henchmen Quest: Clara 2 (Note: You should have a side Quest for Carl which will disappear after choosing Clara, this is OK, Clara is needed for a loot item and Carl/Clara count both as one for th henchmen achievement)
Main Story 13
Main Story 14
Loot Quest 28: Tsar Bomb (40+ Technicians)
Loot Quest 29: Pandora’s Box (Networks in all H.A.M.M.E.R regions)
- Henchmen Quest: Clara 3
Loot Quest 30: Terracotta Army (Clara as Henchwoman needed)
- Superagent Quest: Bola 4
Loot Quest 31: King Solomon’s Mines (Bola defeated + Quantum Chemists unlocked)
- Superagent Quest: Agent X 4 (needed for last Loot)
- Superagent Quest: Olga 4 (Optional)
- Superagent Quest: Symmetry 4 (Optional)
- Superagent Quest: Blue Saint 4 (Optional)
- Superagent Quest: Steel 4 (Optional)
- Henchmen Quest: Jackie 1
- Henchmen Quest: Jackie 2
- Henchmen Quest: Jachie 3 (After Completing you should directly get the henchmen achievement)
Loot Quest 32: Ray Gun Dispenser (Agent X dead) (After Completing you should directly get the loot achievement)
By DiAge87
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