You have to pick up last of each collectibles and beat one mission. CAN YOU?!
Links and Locations
1) They can be found at:
2) Download my files from:
3) Disable Steam Cloud sync!
4.1) Replace “DevAutoSave_0.sav” and start the game.
IF that didn’t work, then
4.2) Replace entire folder and make sure it’s visible (not set to hidden).
Collectibles – Where/How
last artifact, last audio, last poster, last odd mission and last toilet/human hive buildings + last gene upgrade.

Orange marks – poster & audio. Red marks the artifact. Green… DNA, but you don’t really need it.
Pinks are toilet and hive building. Black is the last odd mission, complete it with all secondaries!
Gather the above and you will unlock these:
Arty Facts
Collect all Alien Artifacts
Gotta Catch All the Pop Art
Collect all posters
This Is Earth Radio
Collect all songs
Ultimate Smoothie
Unlock all Gene Blender upgrades
Toilet Break
Demolish a public toilet on each map
Hidden Human Hive Harvest
Use your saucer’s weapons to scare human cattle out of their hidden hives on each map
Complete all odd jobs
The Optional Mandate
Complete all optional mission objectives (use the Holopoxdeck if you have to)
Screenshots and Highlights
1) once loaded, instantly access your gene blender and complete the final mix:

2) Board the saucer and destroy these two facilities:
3) Fly to the north island and there pick up the artifact with DNA (if you want to):
4) Return to the central – take a poster (mission area) and the vinyl (hippie hangout):
5) At last, beat the final mission with all secondary objectives.
100% All Missions
Thanks to Lord Of War for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.