A short guide describing how to efficiently farm Job Levels. Small Mid-game area and class spoilers.
Introduction to Dry Kids
The Farming Route

2. In the small house on the right, there is an easily cornered Dry Kid.

3. Head South to the house below and there is another Dry Kid. Approach directly from the left side so it gets stuck against the wall.

4. South-West of the last Dry Kid, there is another in the nearby house. When you enter, make a curving manoeuvre so it gets trapped in the corner instead of escaping out the window.

5. Directly West is another house with an easily cornered Dry Kid.

6. Right outside the house, a Dry Kid is directly below. If you align yourself, walk off the ledge, and quickly release the directional button midair, you can land directly on it. This can be made easier if

7. The Final Dry Kid is at the end of the dock South-East. This one is not actually catchable until quite late in the game.

8. Afterwards, use any Warpstone (except the Home Point Stone) to reset the encounters. Then you can use your Home Point Stone to end up right back at the start of the route.
Tips on Killing Dry Kids
-If you do not have the Weaver class, the most accessible option is equipping a fast character with a Rondel Dagger from the Sequoia Capital store, and starting the fight with Sleep Bomb (from the Rogue class). This will allow your slower characters to move before the Dry Kid.
-Dry Kids are very evasive, so a physical team composition should have the Eagle Eye (Fencer) passive on everyone. Alternatively, most magic skills will never miss.
-The optimal team to farm in the endgame is Preemptive (Weaver), Eagle Eye (Fencer), and one of either Initial Oomph (Reaper), Attack Focus (Nomad), or Duel Ready (Fencer). With good weapons and levels, this will let you just mash the confirm button and guarantee a kill within 4 actions before the enemy can move.
-Depending on your progress, you may have to adopt your own strategies, and make use of other dps or disabling skills. Experiment and find out what works best for you.
-There is a slightly longer version of the route where you start at the Sky Arena save crystal and drop down to a pit containing two additional Dry Kids. Personally, I didn’t find this route to be more time efficient though.
Thanks to Cartography Dee for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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