Displaying all COSMOS card locations with maps and area screenshots.
Overall Map

Cards are often at dead ends separate from the correct progression route.
(doesnt exist on boss stages that use teleporters)
Be careful as the second and last cards are easy to overlook.
Each Card and Area Screenshot

Card 02
Destroy the regular rocks with shots to reveal cards.
Its easy to overlook, be careful!
Card 03
Located at the dead end of the highest altitude point in the first half.
Card 04
Card 05
Card 06
Card 07
Card 08

The upper scaffolding is only for the return trip 🙁
Be careful!
Card 09
Card 10
The final card is in the last save room.
The cards move up and down through the gaps in the ceiling.
Do double jump to get cards when the card altitude is low.
This card is also easy to overlook.
Achievement “Collector” and Notices

The achievement will only be unlocked when you return to the title screen with 10 cards.
If you die and load after get a card, that card is not lost!
You don’t have to go to pick up the same cards again during one playthrough.
You can check the cards you currently own on the title screen.
Thanks to k176 for his excellent guide; all credit belongs to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.