A Gallery of all Chromas & Z-Trails you can unlock.
The What & Where
You earn most of them through the hidden Chests found throughout the game, Kaleidosalts are for unlocking Chromas & Kaleidolilies are for unlocking Z-Trails. There are 2 Chromas & 2 Z-Trails exclusive to owning the DLC or Deluxe Edition of the game, and 1 final Chroma was only obtainable as a pre-order bonus.
Equipping them takes place at Elie’s Shop in the Hub at Entresol. Elie’s Shop becomes available during Chapter II of the main story.
Related Achievements

Street Style
Unlock 10 Chromas and Z-Trails at Elie’s Shop.
You’ll get this when you deliver 10 total Kaleidosalts & Kaleidolilies when talking to Elie.
Unlock 20 Chromas and Z-Trails at Elie’s Shop.
You’ll get this when you deliver 20 total Kaleidosalts & Kaleidolilies when talking to Elie.
Fitting In
Wear the Inx Chroma in the Inx Theater.
You’ll get this when you load into the Inx Theater while wearing the Inx Chroma. You can load into the area a second time after completing the game and it will still unlock. You do not need to equip the Inx Z-Trail.
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)

True Damage
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Trick or Treat
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Ruined Ekko
Location- DLC or Deluxe Edition
Star Guardian Ekko
Location- DLC or Deluxe Edition
Golden Ekko
Location- Pre-order Bonus (currently unobtainable)
but I will be following the same order presented on the menu.

Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Future Ekko
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Location- (Working on it in the main guide)
Ruined Ekko
Location – DLC or Deluxe Edition
Star Guardian Ekko
Location – DLC or Deluxe Edition
I am working on a full guide at the moment but wanted to get a gallery out here first in case people were still curious. When I confirm the locations for every item I will edit this guide to add them in under each unlock.
Thanks to Xalugami for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.