This Guide contains the locations of all 100 cats and the solutions to the two secret achievements.
Good to Know
In Cats Hidden in Italy you need to find 100 cats to beat the game. In total there are 100 achievements. Most of them you get by finding the cats.
There are also objects in the picture that you can interact with. However, most of them are useless for the achievements. The important ones you can find in the category secret achievements below.
For the Achievement-Hunter: This game doesn’t count for the Showcase!
Cat Locations
Secret Achievements

For this achievement you have to knock down this tower.
You can achieve this by clicking on lowest part of the tower. At first it just wobbles but after a few clicks it falls over.
Hint: If the tower falls over, all cats sitting on it are counted as spotted. (Even if you haven’t found them yet!)
Thanks to Yulyana for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.