Nothing too fancy. Just a simple explanation of the guns’ stats and how each one works.
Damage: Graded from Very Low to Very High, usually based on time to kill medium sized enemies (without upgrades).
- Very Low: Requires 3+ shots to kill medium enemies.
- Low: Requires 3 shots to kill medium enemies.
- Medium: Requires 2 shots to kill medium enemies
- High: Requires 1 shot to kill medium enemies
- Very High: Can even kill some strong enemies with 1 shot without upgrades.
Range: Graded from Very Low to Very High. Note: I based this off of the distance the weapons’ projectiles/bullets travel before they ‘disappear’ and become ineffective or the game displays the Out of Range text. I did NOT base this figure on the range of the auto-aim, though in many cases the distances are the same.

Goll’s default weapon, and the weakest, most basic gun in the game.
Damage: Low
Range: Low
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: 8
Reload Mechanic: 2 clicks to reload.
Freyr’s default weapon. Stronger than the basic pistol, but takes much longer for a full reload.
Damage: Medium
Range: Medium
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: 6
Reload Mechanic: 1 click opens the cylinder, each bullet must be loaded individually. Minimum of 7 clicks for a full reload with no clip size upgrades.

Burst fire SMG with low damage per shot, but high fire rate and capacity.
Damage: Very Low
Range: Low
Fire Rate: 3 per half-beat
Clip Size: 21
Reload Mechanic: 2 clicks to reload

Hildr’s default weapon. Semi automatic shotgun. Has some decent range but does more damage up close, the more pellets hit the target, so I’ve listed it at “Low” range.
Damage: Medium
Range: Low
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: 4
Reload Mechanic: 3 clicks to reload.

Odr’s default weapon. Technically has the same range as the other shotguns, but has a much higher spread and most effective at point-blank, so I’ve listed it as “Very Low” range.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very Low
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: 2
Reload Mechanic: 2 clicks to reload

Njord’s default (and only) weapon. Not accessible to the other Valkyries.
Damage: Low
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: Infinite
Reload: None

A quad barrel revolver. Has a smaller capacity than the basic revolver and less range, but more powerful and doesn’t need to be reloaded one bullet at a time.
Damage: High
Range: Short
Fire Rate: 1 per half-beat
Clip Size: 4
Reload Mechanic: 3 clicks to reload
Long-range weapon. Functions similarly to the pump action shotgun, in that the lever must be worked between shots, and reloads in a manner similar to the Revolver.
Damage: High
Range: High
Fire Rate: 1 per beat (if lever is worked in the half-beat between shots)
Clip Size: 6
Reload Mechanic: 1 click prepares the gun for reloading. Each bullet must be loaded individually. Minimum of 7 clicks for a full reload with no clip size upgrades.

Fully automatic, fire rate increases the longer the trigger is held. Automatically times itself to the beat, you coward.
Damage: Low
Range: Medium
Fire Rate: Increases incrementally. Starts at 1 shot per beat but quickly ramps up.
Clip Size: 30
Reload Mechanic: 3 clicks to reload.

Fires grenades with a slight arc. Grenades explode a half-beat after they’re fired.
Damage: Very High
Range: Low
Fire Rate: 1 per beat
Clip Size: 6
Reload Mechanic: 3 clicks to reload.

Launches projectiles that explode on impact with surface or enemies, dealing splash damage. Rockets will home in on nearby targets marked by auto-aim. Reloads similarly to the revolver. Can be used to rocket jump.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 per beat
Clip Size: 6
Reload Mechanic: 1 click prepares the gun for reloading. At this point each rocket must be loaded individually by clicking the reload key again. Minimum of 7 clicks for a full reload with no clip size upgrades.

High powered, accurate cannon with (as far as I can tell) unlimited range. Note: The projectiles appear to explode on impact with an enemy, but the explosion doesn’t do any actual damage to nearby enemies.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 per beat
Clip Size: 3
Reload Mechanic: 3 clicks to reload

Strong, but has a delayed shot. Will fire 1 beat after trigger is pulled.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 every two beats (due to the delayed firing mechanism).
Clip Size: Infinite
Reload Mechanic: None

Similar to the rocket launcher, but with infinite ammo and can’t home in on targets. Can be used to rocket jump.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 per beat
Clip Size: Infinite
Reload Mechanic: None

Rare, highly powerful weapon.
Damage: Very High
Range: Very High
Fire Rate: 1 per half beat
Clip Size: Infinite
Reload Mechanic: None, but can overheat if fired too rapidly (signified by the small light on the side of the gun becoming brighter and brighter, until it turns Red). Overheat lasts 2 and a half beats.
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