Images + text of all Synaptic Enhancements

Upon killing a target, weapons that
deal Physical Damage receive a +3%
boost (caps at +100%). Boost
amount resets upon being downed.

You gain +3 in Firearm weapons.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +30% more while there are no
enemies within 5m of you.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +70% more while there are no
enemies within 5m of you.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
gain a temporary boost of 150% on
every 7th shot.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +100% more when your clip is

Reload automatically after killing a
target with a Firearm weapon.

The less ammo you have in your clip,
the more Physical Damage you deal
(caps at +100%). Effect does not
apply to single-round weapons.

+50% Weapon Damage against
targets not currently engaged in

+100% Weapon Damage against
targets not currently engaged in

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +15% more.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +20% more.

Weapons that deal Physical Damage
deal +40% more.

Weapons that deal Psionic Damage
deal +15% more.

Weapons that deal Psionic Damage
deal +20% more.

Weapons that deal Psionic Damage
deal +40% more.

Weapons that deal Psionic Damage
receive a +10% boost for each point
you have in Psionics.

Boosts weapons that deal Psionic
Damage based on the number of
targets within 5m of you (+15%
damage per target, for a max of

While Panicked, any of your weapons
that deal Psionic Damage gain a
+50% boost.

While Panicked, any of your weapons
that deal Psionic Damage gain a
+100% boost.

Your Special Ability cools down 15%

Your Special Ability cools down 30%

You gain +3 in Psionic weapons.

Your Special gains +25% potency
when used in the dark.

Your Special gains +50% potency
when used in the dark.

Psionic Weapons do +100% Psionic
Damage, but also deplete your Panic Gauge.

When picking up a new Synaptic
Enhancement, you can reroll once for

You gain +15% more credits.

You gain +25% more credits.

Gain an extra Tactical Gear slot

While you’re on the move, any allies
within 7m gain +10% Movement

While you’re on the move, any allies
within 7m gain +20% Movement

All agents standing within 5m of you
regain 5 HP every 10s.

You gain +3 in R&D weapons.

When you use Tactical Gear, there is
a 50% chance the item will not be

+25% Damage to Tactical Gear.

+50% Damage to Tactical Gear.

You gain +3 in Bionic weapons.

When your HP reaches 0, you recover
10 HP and gain Astral status for 5s.
(180s cooldown)

+50% max HP.

+100% max HP.

+100% max stamina.

After being revived, you regain 10 HP
per second for 5s.

You automatically recover 5 HP every

You automatically recover 10 HP
every 4s.

Burning enemies burn 5s longer.

Upon killing a target, you have a 25%
chance to gain +5 Max HP (caps at

Revive your fellow agents +30%

When acquiring Data Nugs, you have
a 25% chance to gain 1 more.

Every 4th roll grants you Astral
status for 2s.

Revive a fallen agent within 2m.

Your movement doesn’t make noise.

+30% Weapon Damage when both
equipped weapons are from the
same Department.

+70% Weapon Damage when both
equipped weapons are from the
same Department.

Rolling reloads your weapon.

+25% movement speed for 5s after
killing a target.

Upon being downed, you can use the
Interact key to self-revive. (180s
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure how to format it and it’s a long scroll as it is. Hopefully it was helpful to anyone curious. Images take from in game screenshots. Let me know if I’ve missed any. I know there’s Preemptive Strike I, so I’m assuming there’s a II but haven’t spotted it yet.
Thanks to Kami Amaya for his excellent guide; all credits belong to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.